Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

Preparing for Migration

Before using SMS, make the following preparations:

  1. Obtain an AK/SK pair for your target account.

    If you use an IAM user for migration, contact the administrator for authorization and then create an AK/SK pair. For more information, see How Do I Create an AK/SK Pair for an IAM User?

  2. Ensure that the source server OS is supported by SMS.

    See Supported Windows OSs and Supported Linux OSs.

  3. Ensure that the following network requirements are met:
    1. The source server can connect to the cloud platform API Gateway over TCP port 443. For more information, see Connecting Source Servers to the Cloud Platform API Gateway.
    2. The source server can connect to the target server. For more information, see Connecting Source Servers to Target Servers.
      • To implement migration over the Internet, purchase and configure an EIP for the target server in advance.
      • To implement migration using Direct Connect or VPN, purchase and configure Direct Connect or VPN connections in advance.
    3. The required ports are enabled in any security group to which the target server belongs.
      • Windows: TCP ports 8899, 8900, and 22
      • Linux: TCP ports 8900 and 22

      For more information, see How Do I Configure Security Group Rules for Target Servers?

  4. Ensure that the following source server requirements are met:

    Available Space

    • Windows: at least 320 MB of available space on a partition not smaller than 600 MB; at least 40 MB of available space on a partition smaller than 600 MB
    • Linux: at least 200 MB of available space on the root partition

    Source Environment

    • The system time of the source server must be consistent with the local standard time to prevent Agent registration failures.
    • For Linux servers, ensure that rsync is installed. You can run the rsync -v command to check whether rsync is installed.
      If it is not installed on the source server, install it as follows:
      • CentOS: yum -y install rsync
      • Ubuntu: apt-get -y install rsync
      • Debian: apt-get -y install rsync
      • SUSE: zypper install rsync
      • For other distributions, refer to the official website documentation.

        rsync usually comes pre-installed on most distributions by default.

    • For Windows servers, install one of the following Agents:
      • Windows Agent (Python 3): Windows Server 2019/2016/2012 and Windows 10/8.1
      • Windows Agent (Python 2): Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7