Help Center> ServiceStage> User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)> FAQs> What Should I Do If "host status is not active" Is Reported When a VM-based Component Fails to Be Deleted?
Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If "host status is not active" Is Reported When a VM-based Component Fails to Be Deleted?


The component deployed on a VM fails to be deleted. Task details show the error information:

    "statusCode": 400,
    "jsonBody": {
        "error_code": "SVCSTG.VMAPP.4001020",
        "error_msg": "4001020",
        "error_detail": "host status is not active: abb3d0a4-f715-4932-b7ec-6dd917f65778,4f68e35b-6e08-48d0-bd3a-1151be19efa5"


  • The error code is SVCSTG.VMAPP.4001020.
  • The detailed error information is: host status is not active: abb3d0a4-f715-4932-b7ec-6dd917f65778. abb3d0a4-f715-4932-b7ec-6dd917f65778 and 4f68e35b-6e08-48d0-bd3a-1151be19efc6 indicate the IDs of the two ECSs where components are deployed.


  1. Log in to the ECS console and click Elastic Cloud Server.
  2. In the ECS list, search the ECS IDs in the error information to find the ECSs where the components are deployed.
  3. Check whether each of their status is Running.

    • If yes, go to 2 and search for the next ECS.
    • If no, go to 4.

  4. Either restore the status or delete the ECS.

    • To restore the ECS status to Running: In the Operation column, choose More > Start or More > Restart.
    • To delete an ECS you no longer use: In the Operation column, choose More > Delete.

  5. After you have performed 2 to 4 on all ECSs displayed in the error information, delete the components on the ServiceStage page again.