Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Geographical Search

This section describes parameters of a geographical search component.


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
    Figure 1 Geographical search
  • Pattern
    • Text: prompt information of the component.
    • adcode: If this option is selected, the code of the geographical location is displayed.
    • Font Size: font size of the component text.
    • Font Width: font width of the component text.
    • Font Color: font color of the component text.
    • Background Color: to set the background color of the component by clicking the editor.
    • Border: to set the border style of the component, including the border width, border color, and border type.
    • Arrow: Set Color, Size, and Right Margin of arrows.
  • Drop-Down List Style
    • Max. Height: the maximum height of the drop-down list box when the component is expanded.
    • Font Color: font color of the text in the drop-down list when the component is expanded.
    • Font Size: font size of the text in the drop-down list box when the component is expanded.
    • Background Color: background color of the drop-down list when the component is expanded.
  • Initial Setting
    • Initial Setting: When this function is enabled, the area specified by Initial Value is displayed by default during preview or sharing.
    • Initial Value: You can enter the name of a province, city, or county, or enter the region code.


  • name: name of the region.
  • adcode: code of the region.
  • level: level of the region.
  • parent: upper-level city of the region.


For details about whether the component supports the interaction function and how to use the interaction function, see Configuring Component Interaction.