Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Tab Bookmark

This section describes the configuration items of the tab bookmark component.


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
    Figure 1 Tab Bookmark
  • Global Style
    • Layout: layout of the tab bookmark. The value can be Crosswise or Lengthways.
    • Alignment: title alignment mode of the tab bookmark. The value can be Top center, Top left, Top right, Bottom center, Bottom left, or Bottom right.
    • Tab Slice Width: width of a tab slice.
    • Tab Slice Height: height of a tab slice.
    • Tab Slice Spacing: distance between tab slices.
    • Initial Setting: initial tab slice value. The initial value must be the same as the value of id on the Data tab. For example, if the initial value is 1, the Tab1 column is highlighted.
    • Font: font type of the component text.
    • Preview Hidden: whether to hide the component during preview.
    • Unselected Tab Style: background color, background image, text color, and font size of unselected tabs.
    • Selected Style: background color, background image, text color, and font size of the selected tab.
    • Animation: After this function is enabled, the tab pane dynamically changes with the specified animation duration.
  • Tab Slice Config: Set the number and names of tabs. To add a tab, click . To delete a tab, click .


This component does not have data events.

You can double-click the inside of a tab pane to add or remove other components to display different data. For details about how to use the added components, see the operation guide of the corresponding component.

Figure 2 Tab pane without component being added
Figure 3 Tab pane with a component added


This component does not support interaction.