Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00


Application Scenarios

This algorithm features even distribution of data or sharding tables by year, month, week, day, and a combination of them. Arithmetic operators such as equality (=) and IN operators are often used in SQL queries.


A sharding key is generally the table field or the table field+date function. If the sharding key is the table field+date function, the table field must be DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP. The date function applies to routing data to different shards by year, month, week, day, or a combination of them.

Data Routing

Determine the range of each database or table shard.

For example, if there are 8 shards in each schema, use formula 102400/8=12800 to calculate the range of each shard as follows: 0=0–12799, 1=12800–25599, 2=25600–38399, 3=38400–51199, 4=51200–63999, 5=64000–76799, 6=76800–89599, and 7=89600–102399.

To determine the route, you need to first calculate CRC32 value based on the sharding key value and divide CRC value by 102400. Then check which range the remainder belongs to.

Calculation Method

Method 1: Use a Non-date Sharding Key

Table 1 Required calculation methods


Calculation Method


Non-date sharding key

Database routing result = crc32(Database sharding key) % 102400

Table routing result = crc32(Table sharding key) % 102400

Database/Table shard: crc32(16) % 102400 = 49364;

49364 belongs to range 3=38400-51199, so data is routed to shard 3.

Method 2: Use a Date Sharding Key

Table 2 Supported date functions

Date Function

Calculation Method









weekofyear(yyyy-MM-dd)=Week of the current year

weekofyear ('2019-10-11')=41


day(yyyy-MM-dd)=Day of the current month

day ('2019-10-11')=11

Table 3 Required calculation methods


Calculation Method


Date sharding key

Database routing result = crc32(Date function(Database sharding key)) % 102400

Table routing result = crc32(Date function(Database sharding key)) % 102400

Database/Table shard: crc32(year('2019-10-11')) % 102400 = 5404;

5404 belongs to range 0=0-12799, so data is routed to shard 0.

Syntax for Creating Tables

Assume that you use field ID as the sharding key and the HASH algorithm to shard databases:

create table hash_tb (
    id int,
    name varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,  
    create_time datetime DEFAULT NULL,
    primary key(id)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 dbpartition by hash (ID);

Assume that you use field ID as the sharding key and the hash algorithm to shard databases and tables:

create table mod_hash_tb (
    id int,
    name varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,  
    create_time datetime DEFAULT NULL,
    primary key(id)
dbpartition by hash (ID)
tbpartition by hash (ID) tbpartitions 4;


The sharding key and its value cannot be modified.