Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00

API Overview

AOM provides open monitoring, auto scaling, and log APIs, helping you quickly implement application O&M with low costs.

Table 1 API overview



Monitoring APIs (v1)

Monitoring APIs, including the APIs that query metrics; query and add monitoring data; add, modify, query, and delete threshold rules; add, modify, query, and delete application discovery rules.

Auto Scaling APIs

Auto scaling APIs, including the APIs that create, delete, and update policies; query one or all policies; update and query policy group attributes.


Auto scaling APIs do not support CCE clusters of 1.17 or later versions.

Log APIs

Log APIs, including the API that query logs.

Monitoring APIs (v1)



Querying Metrics

Query the metrics that can be monitored in the system. You can specify the namespace, metric name, dimension, resource ID (format: resType_resId), start position, and maximum number of returned records in pagination queries.

Querying Monitoring Data

Query monitoring data of metrics within a specified time period. You can specify a dimension or period to query.

Adding Monitoring Data

Add one or more monitoring data records.

Adding a Threshold Rule

Add a threshold rule.

Modifying a Threshold Rule

Modify a threshold rule.

Querying the Threshold Rule List

Query all threshold rules.

Querying a Threshold Rule

Query a threshold rule.

Deleting a Threshold Rule

Delete a threshold rule.

Adding or Modifying One or More Application Discovery Rules

Add or modify one or more application discovery rules.

Deleting an Application Discovery Rule

Delete one or more application discovery rules.

Querying Application Discovery Rules

Query an application discovery rule.

Auto Scaling APIs



Creating a Policy

Create a policy.

Querying the Policy List

Query the details about all policies of a specified project.

Deleting a Policy

Delete a specified policy.

Modifying a Policy

Modify a policy.

Querying a Policy

Query the details about a policy of a specified project.

Modifying Policy Group Attributes

Modify policy group attributes.

Querying Policy Group Attributes

Query policy group attributes.

Log APIs



Querying Logs

Query logs by different dimensions, such as the cluster, IP address, or application.