Updated on 2023-08-08 GMT+08:00

Getting Started

(Optional) Modifying Security Group Rules

A security group is a collection of access control rules to control traffic to and from cloud resources, such as cloud servers, containers, and databases. Cloud resources associated with the same security group have the same security requirements and are mutually trusted within a VPC.

You can modify security group rules, for example, by adding, modifying, or deleting a TCP port, as follows:

Viewing Your Resources and Testing Network Connectivity

  1. Log in to the EIP console, create two EIPs, and bind them to the two ECSs created in Figure 9 respectively.

    Figure 1 Creating EIPs

  2. Log in to the two ECSs created in Figure 9, deploy the httpd service on each ECS, and run the command below. Note that you can configure the message in the double quotation marks in the second line whatever you like. If the load balancer routes the request to the ECSs, this message will be returned.

    yum -y install httpd

    echo "www.test01.com" > /var/www/html/index.html

    chmod 777 /var/www/html/index.html

    systemctl start httpd

    curl localhost

    Figure 2 Logging in to the ECSs

    Figure 3 Installing the httpd service

    Figure 4 Installing the httpd service

  3. Unbind the EIPs bound to the two ECSs in 2 and release the EIPs.

    Figure 5 Unbinding and releasing the EIPs

  4. On the ELB console, view the dedicated load balancer you have created for deploying this solution.

    Figure 6 Viewing the load balancer

  5. Enter the EIP address assigned in 4 in the address box of your browser to access the dedicated load balancer. If the following two pages are displayed, the load balancer routes the requests to the two ECSs.

    Figure 7 Verifying that the request is routed to one ECS

    Figure 8 Verifying that the request is routed to the other ECS