Updated on 2025-01-17 GMT+08:00

Creating and Completing BRs

When your system features and R&D requirements need to be baselined, perform the following steps to initiate a baseline review.

Creating a BR

  1. Access the CodeArts Req homepage.
  2. Create a BR in either of the following ways:

    • On the project homepage, go to the feature tree or R&D requirement list page, select unbaselined system features or R&D requirements, and click Baseline Review in the pop-up box.
    • On the project homepage, choose Review > Baseline Review. Then click BR.

  3. On the BR page, set the required parameters.

    Table 1 Creating a BR



    BR Title

    Title of the review.

    • Use letters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), periods (.), slashes (/), parentheses, and spaces.
    • Include 1 to 256 characters.


    Enter the background, value, and details of the review.

    • Use text, images, or links.
    • Include 1 to 50,000 characters.

    Start time

    The time when you want the review to start.


    The time when you want the review to complete.

    Require Decision-Making

    This parameter is available only when Require Decision-Making is enabled on the Settings > Work > Review page.

    If Require Decision-Making is set to No, no approver needs to be specified. The review will skip the decision-making phase.


    The options of Reviewer can be configured on the Settings > Work > Review page. The default options are project administrator and project manager. You can select only one option.

    Review Expert

    If Review Expert is not set, the review phase will be skipped.

    The options of Review Expert are project members. You can select multiple ones.

    Copy To

    Select the project members you want to inform about this review.

    Baseline Object

    Add the objects to be baselined, including system features and R&D requirements.

    • Only system features and R&D requirements that are not baselined can be added.

    Associated Files

    Attachments, wikis, and documents related to the review.

  4. Click Submit.

    You can view the new BR in the baseline review list.

Completing a BR

This operation is performed by the specified review experts and reviewer of a BR.

  1. Access the CodeArts Req homepage.
  2. On the project homepage, choose Review > Change Review.
  3. Click the title of a BR in the To Be Reviewed state. The BR details page is displayed on the right.
  4. On the details page, click Expert Review in the upper right corner. In the displayed dialog box, set the required parameters.

    Figure 1 Review by review experts
    Table 2 Review by review experts




    Select your review result.

    • Approve: You agree with the change.
    • Reject: You do not agree with the change.
    • Transfer to others: Transfer the review to another review expert.


    Your comments on the change. This parameter is required when Result is Approve or Reject.

    • Use letters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), periods (.), slashes (/), parentheses, and spaces.
    • Include 1 to 300 characters.

    Expert Comments

    Comments of other review experts.

  5. Select a review result (Approve or Reject) and click OK.

    After the expert review is completed, the final review result can be determined using the selected method on the Settings > Work > Review page.

    • By single reviewer: A BR is complete when one review expert approves or rejects it.
    • By all reviewers: A BR is complete when all review experts approve it or one review expert rejects it.
    • By pass rate: A BR is complete when "Number of review experts who approve the review/Total number of review experts × 100% ≥ Pass rate", or "Number of review experts who reject the review/Total number of review experts × 100% > 1 – Pass rate".

    If a BR's result in the review phase is Rejected, the BR skips the decision-making phase and its final result is Rejected.

  6. Click the title of a BR in the To Be Approved state. The BR details page is displayed on the right.
  7. On the details page, click Decide by reviewer in the upper right corner. In the displayed dialog box, set the required parameters.

    Figure 2 Decision-making by reviewer
    Table 3 Decision-making by reviewer




    Select your decision.

    • Approve: You agree with the change.
    • Reject: You do not agree with the change.
    • Transfer to others: Transfer the review to another reviewer.


    Your comments on the change. This parameter is required when Result is Approve or Reject.

    • Use letters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), commas (,), semicolons (;), colons (:), periods (.), slashes (/), parentheses, and spaces.
    • Include 1 to 300 characters.

    Review Result

    The result of the review phase for your reference.

    Expert Comments

    Results and comments of review experts in the review phase for your reference.

  8. Select Approve or Reject for Result, and click OK. The BR status changes to End.