Updated on 2024-10-11 GMT+08:00

Forward Data Pools

SIM cards that have subscribed to the same data plan can form a forward data pool to share data.

Buying a Pool

When purchasing data plans for SIM cards, you can create a forward data pool or add cards to an existing one.

  • All SIM cards in the same forward data pool share data.
  • Once the pool is at its monthly data usage limit, all its SIM cards will be suspended until next month.
  • Only orders with the same carrier and plan can form a forward data pool.
  • It is recommended that you create a data pool during card purchase process. Carriers may not support pooling after purchase.
  • For a pooled SIM card with 30 MB data plan, the monthly data usage cannot exceed 100 MB, or the card will be suspended.
  • Any remaining data of the current month will not be rolled over to the next month.
  • Once at the plan data threshold, the network will be disconnected and resumed in the next month.

Checking Basic Information

Log in to the GSL console and choose Data Pools > Forward Data Pools in the navigation pane.

The basic information of all forward data pools is displayed on the page. You can click in the upper right corner to select fields to be displayed. You can also change the forward data pool name and refresh the usage data on this page. Click a pool ID to go to the pool details page. You can view the pool information, activate cards of the pool in batches, add cards to the pool, and buy an add-on for the pool.

Table 1 Basic information about the forward data pool



Pool ID

A pool ID uniquely identifies a data pool. You can click a pool ID to go to the pool details page and view the list of activated members.

Pool Name

You can click to change the name of the forward data pool.

Total Cards

Total number of cards in the forward data pool. You can use SIM cards in one or more orders to form a forward data pool.

Effective Cards

Total number of activated cards in the forward data pool. Data of inactive SIM cards cannot be shared.


Monthly data plan specifications of a single SIM card. It is an attribute of the SIM card and data pool.

Effective Data (MB)

Effective data = Number of activated SIM cards in the forward data pool x Monthly data plan specifications of a single SIM card

Remaining/Used Data (MB)

Effective data = Remaining data + Used data. If the remaining data is less than or equal to 0, the plan quota of the forward data pool is used up. In this case, all cards in the forward data pool are suspended and automatically resumed in the next month.

You can click the refresh icon to refresh the data usage information.

Batch No.

The batch number is an attribute of an order. For data pools, this field identifies the orders (one or more) that form the data pool.

Billing Cycle

You can click in the Billing Cycle column to select a month to view the data usage.


A data pool can be in use or disabled. After all cards in the order corresponding to the data pool are deregistered, the data pool status changes to disabled.

You cannot add a member, subscribe to a data pool add-on, or activate a physical SIM card for a disabled data pool.


Time when the data usage data of the selected billing cycle is updated.

Billing Cycle Starts

Start time of the selected billing cycle.

A billing cycle starts in the first day of a calendar month for China Telecom, China Mobile, and carriers outside the Chinese mainland, and on the 27th day of the previous month for China Unicom.

Billing Cycle Ends

End time of the selected billing cycle.

A billing cycle ends in the last day of a calendar month for China Telecom, China Mobile, and carriers outside the Chinese mainland, and on the 26th of the current month for China Unicom.

Changing the Pool Name

On the Forward Data Pools page, click next to the pool name, enter a name as required, and click Submit.

Checking Pool Details

Click a pool ID to go to the pool details page. You can view the basic information, SIM card statistics, data statistics, data pool members (cards), and pool add-ons.


Creating a pool

On the Forward Data Pools page, click Create Pool above the list and select unpooled physical SIM card orders to form a new forward data pool. The cards in the same pool share data.

Only orders with the same carrier and plan can form a forward data pool. The request will be processed within five working days.

Adding a card to an existing data pool

On the Forward Data Pools page, click Add Card in the Operation column to add unpooled physical SIM card orders to the pool. Only orders with the same carrier and plan can be selected.

  • Only orders with the same carrier, data type, and plan can form a forward data pool.
  • Carrier plan and pricing changes may affect pooling.
  • After the pool is successfully created, the pool takes effect in the next month at the latest.
  • Test cards cannot form data pools.
  • For China Telecom SIM cards, you can only specify the data pool when placing an order.
  • For SIM cards of China Mobile and China Unicom, it is recommended that you create a data pool during card purchase process. Carriers may not support pooling after purchase.
  • If the pooling fails, contact Huawei technical support.
  • Newly purchased China Unicom physical SIM cards can no longer be added to forward data pools that were formed before August 1, 2024.
  • Newly purchased China Telecom physical SIM cards can no longer be added to forward data pools that were formed before August 1, 2024.

Activating Cards in Batches

The total effective data of the forward data pool depends on the number of activated cards. You can activate physical SIM cards in the pool in batches.

On the Forward Data Pools page, click Batch Activate in the Operation column.

GSL provides four batch activation modes.
Table 2 Batch activation modes




In this mode, the system activates all inactive physical SIM cards in the pool. Click OK and wait for the request to be processed.


In this mode, the system activates physical SIM cards in the pool according to their start and end numbers. Enter the start number and end number as required, click OK, and wait for the request to be processed.


Enter only digits. The container IDs between the start number and end number must be consecutive and the corresponding cards cannot be activated.


In this mode, the system activates physical SIM cards in the pool based on the file. Download the template file, edit and upload it as required, click OK, and wait for the request to be processed.


The SIM Card Status column in the template is for reference only. The system activates SIM cards in batches based on the uploaded Container ID column.


In this mode, the system activates physical SIM cards in the pool based on input IDs. Enter container IDs as required, click OK, and wait for the request to be processed.


A container ID can contain only digits.