s |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Displays simplified query result.
In the simplified format, the returned result contains only the bucket name.
sc |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Queries the storage classes of the buckets when listing buckets. |
j |
Optional (additional parameter). It must be used together with sc. |
Indicates the maximum number of concurrent tasks for querying the bucket storage class. The default value is the value of defaultJobs in the configuration file.
The value is ensured to be greater than or equal to 1.
du |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Quickly returns the total size of listed objects, without displaying detailed object information. This parameter can be used together with other parameters.
This parameter takes effect only on listing objects, but not on listing buckets.
fs |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies whether the method of listing parallel file systems is applied. If you are listing parallel file systems, you are recommended to add this parameter.
- With this method, the listing time required varies largely depending on the directory structures.
- After this parameter is enabled, marker and limit will be ignored. Then, the size of the bucket or parallel file system will be calculated.
- This parameter is only supported by obsutil 5.5.12 and later.
limit |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Maximum number of buckets that can be queried. If the value is less than 0, all buckets are listed. If it is left blank, a maximum of 1000 buckets can be listed by default. |
format |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Prints a listing result in the user-defined format. Currently, the value can only be default, indicating that the listing result is displayed in one row. |
config |
Optional (additional parameter) |
User-defined configuration file for executing the current command. To learn the parameters that can be configured in this file, see
Configuration Parameters. |
e |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the endpoint. |
i |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's AK. |
k |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's SK. |
t |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's security token. |