Updated on 2025-02-27 GMT+08:00

To MRS Hudi

If the destination link of a job is an MRS Hudi link, configure the destination job parameters based on Table 1.

Table 1 Parameter description




Example Value

Basic parameters

Destination Link Name

MRS Hudi link


Database Name

Database name. Click the icon next to the text box. The dialog box for selecting the database is displayed.


Table Name

Click the icon next to the text box. The dialog box for selecting the table is displayed.

This parameter can be configured as a macro variable of date and time and a path name can contain multiple macro variables. You can use macro variables of date and time in a scheduled job to synchronize incremental data periodically. For details, see Using Macro Variables of Date and Time.


If you have configured a macro variable of date and time and schedule a CDM job through DataArts Studio DataArts Factory, the system replaces the macro variable of date and time with (Planned start time of the data development jobOffset) rather than (Actual start time of the CDM jobOffset).


Auto Table Creation

Whether to automatically create Hudi tables

  • Non-auto creation: CDM will not automatically create a table.
  • Auto creation: If the destination database does not contain the table specified by Table Name, CDM will automatically create the table. If the table specified by Table Name already exists, no table is created and data is written to the existing table.

Non-auto creation

Clear Data Before Import

Whether the data in the destination table is cleared before data import. The options are as follows:

  • Yes: The data is cleared.
  • No: The data is not cleared. Instead, it will be added to the existing table.


Full Data Mode to Write Hoodie

Hoodie write mode. The default value is Yes, indicating the full mode. Value No indicates the microbatch mode.

  • In full mode, data is asynchronously written to Hoodie by fragments, which is suitable for writing all data at a time.
  • In microbatch mode, data is asynchronously written to Hoodie in batches. This mode is suitable if there are strict SLA requirements on the import time, a small number of resources are required, or the MOR table storage types are compressed online.

This mode cannot be changed during a retry upon failure.


Batch Size

This parameter is available when Full Data Mode to Write Hoodie is set to No.

It specifies the number of data rows written to Hoodie in a single batch. The default value is 100000.


Use the import time field

A field marked as the import time field. If a table is automatically created, this field is automatically added to the table creation statement. When data is written to Hudi, the value of this field is replaced by the current time. If the table is not automatically created, select the existing import time field.


Data import time field name

This parameter is available when Use the import time field is set to Yes.

It specifies the time when data is written to Hudi.

  • If the destination table already has an import time field, you can directly use the existing timestamp field.
  • In the automatic table creation scenario, this field is concatenated to the table creation statement and it is a timestamp. The field name cannot be the same as that of any source field (including custom fields).


Hudi table creation parameters


OBS or HDFS path where database table files are stored


Hudi Table Type

Storage type of the Hudi table

  • MOR: Data is written to a log file in avro format and then merged into a Parquet file when being read.
  • COW: Data is directly written to a Parquet file.


Hudi table primary key

Primary keys for creating a Hudi table. Use commas (,) to separate multiple keys.


Hudi Table Key Generator Class

Primary key generation type, which implements org.apache.hudi.keygen.KeyGenerator to extract key values from input records.


Hudi table pre-combine key

If two records have the same primary key, the record with a larger precombine value is retained.


If no time field is available, you can set a field that is the same as the primary key. When a primary key conflict occurs, the latest record is retained.


Hudi Table Partition Fields

Partition fields for creating a Hudi table. Use commas (,) to separate multiple fields.


Hudi table compression policy (whether to enable write compression)

Policy for compressing data online. This parameter takes effect only for MOR tables.


Hudi Table Clean Policy (Reserved Submissions)

Number of submissions reserved during clearance


Hudi Table Archiving Policy (Minimum Retention Submissions)

Minimum number of submissions retained during archiving


Hudi Table Archiving Policy (Maximum Number of Retained Submissions)

Maximum number of submissions retained during archiving


Hudi table options

Custom parameters for creating a Hudi table. The parameters take effect in options, for example, primary key, combineKey, or index.
