Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Configuring the One-Click Bidirectional Call Function


  • The one-click bidirectional call feature has been enabled for the tenant space.
  • You have contacted the system administrator to add one-click bidirectional call callback URLs to the mobile agent callback address trustlist.


  • When the callback URL authentication mode is set to Shared Key, if the shared key is changed, you can modify the involved one-click bidirectional call item as follows: Sign in to the system as a tenant administrator, choose Configuration Center > Expansion and Integration > Bidirectional Call, click Edit, and update the value of Shared Key.
  • When the callback URL authentication mode is set to OAuth 2.0, if the AK and SK authorized by OAuth 2.0 are changed, you need to modify the involved one-click bidirectional call items as follows: Sign in to the system as a tenant administrator, choose Configuration Center > Expansion and Integration > Bidirectional Call, click Edit, and update the values of AK and SK.
  • When the one-click bidirectional call type is set to ITA bidirectional call, if the access key, app key, and secret key provided by the ITA are changed, you need to modify the involved one-click bidirectional call items as follows: Sign in to the system as a tenant administrator, choose Configuration Center > Expansion and Integration > Bidirectional Call, click Edit, and update the values of AccessKey, AppKey, and SecretKey.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Expansion and Integration > Bidirectional Call.
  2. Click Edit to configure the one-click bidirectional call function.
  3. Select a one-click bidirectional call type. The options are CEC bidirectional call and ITA bidirectional call.

    CEC bidirectional call indicates the bidirectional call function provided by the AICC, and ITA bidirectional call indicates the ITA bidirectional call API encapsulated on the AICC side. The selected bidirectional call type is used when the agent bidirectional call API is invoked.

    If ITA bidirectional call is selected, ensure that the CDR push URL has been configured on the ITA. Otherwise, the ITA cannot push CDRs to the CEC. An example push URL is as follows:

  4. Configure the CEC bidirectional call function.

    1. Configure callback URLs.
      • Connection Callback URL and Hang-up Callback URL: Connection callback URL and hang-up callback URL. The URLs must start with http or https.

        HTTP is not secure and may cause security risks. HTTPS is recommended.

      • Method of Connection Callback and Method of Release Callback: The default values are POST.
    2. Configure URL authentication for interface invocation.
      • Callback URL Authentication Mode: The options are Shared Key, OAuth 2.0, and None.

        The callback URL authentication mode setting takes effect for configuration of the callback URL using an API. For configuration of the callback URL on the GUI, no authentication is performed by default.

        No authentication may cause security risks. Exercise caution when using this mode.

      • Shared Key: This information is mandatory when Callback URL Authentication Mode is set to Shared Key. The key must contain at least 16 characters.
      • OAuth 2.0 authorization information: This information is mandatory when Callback URL Authentication Mode is set to OAuth 2.0.
        • AK: Access key ID (AK), which is the unique identifier associated with the SK.
        • SK: Secret access key (SK), which is used with the AK.
        • OAuth 2.0 Authentication Login URL: URL for obtaining the OAuth 2.0 access token. The OAuth 2.0 authentication mode is applicable only to the AppCube component.

  5. Configure the ITA bidirectional call function.

    1. Configure URL authentication for interface invocation.
      • Callback URL Authentication Mode: The options are Shared Key, OAuth 2.0, and None.

        The callback URL authentication mode setting takes effect for configuration of the callback URL using an API. For configuration of the callback URL on the GUI, no authentication is performed by default.

        No authentication may cause security risks. Exercise caution when using this mode.

      • Shared Key: This information is mandatory when Callback URL Authentication Mode is set to Shared Key. The key must contain at least 16 characters.
      • OAuth 2.0 authorization information: This information is mandatory when Callback URL Authentication Mode is set to OAuth 2.0.
        • AK: Access key ID (AK), which is the unique identifier associated with the SK.
        • SK: Secret access key (SK), which is used with the AK.
        • OAuth 2.0 Authentication Login URL: URL for obtaining the OAuth 2.0 access token. The OAuth 2.0 authentication mode is applicable only to the AppCube component.
    2. Configure ITA parameters.
      • AccessKey: The value is provided by the ITA.
      • SecretKey: The value is provided by the ITA.
      • AppKey: The value is provided by the ITA.
      • ITA Domain Name: The value is provided by the ITA.
      • X Number Allocation Mode
        • Automatic
        • Specified
      • X Number: Purchased number provided by the ITA.

  6. Click Save.

Follow-up Procedure (Only for ITA Bidirectional Calls)

If you select ITA bidirectional call, perform the following steps to configure the authentication certificate for ITA bidirectional calls.

  1. Obtain the ITA authentication certificate by referring to Managing a Certificate.

    To interconnect with the ITA bidirectional call function, you must upload the corresponding authentication certificate. You can obtain the certificate from https://ITA domain name/v1/ngin/axmn.

  2. Sign in to the AICC as the sysadmin user and choose Configuration Center > System Management > Certificate.
  3. Click New, set Certificate Name to CERT_ITA, set Certificate Type to DER, and select the obtained ITA authentication certificate.
  4. Click Save. After the certificate is uploaded, wait for 5 minutes for the certificate to take effect.