Help Center/ GaussDB(DWS)/ Tool Guide/ gsql/ Command Reference
Updated on 2024-04-28 GMT+08:00

Command Reference

For details about gsql parameters, see Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4.

Table 1 Common parameters



Value Range

-c, --command=COMMAND

Specifies that gsql runs a string command and then exits.


-C, --set-file=FILENAME

Uses the file as the command source instead of interactive input. After processing the file, gsql does not exit and continues to process other contents.

An absolute path or relative path that meets the OS path naming convention

-d, --dbname=DBNAME

Specifies the name of the database to be connected.

A character string.

-D, --dynamic-param

Controls the generation of variables and the ${} variable referencing method during SQL statement execution. For details, see Variable.


-f, --file=FILENAME

Specifies that files are used as the command source instead of interactively-entered commands. After the files are processed, exit from gsql. If FILENAME is - (hyphen), then standard input is read.

An absolute path or relative path that meets the OS path naming convention

-l, --list

Lists all available databases and then exits.


-v, --set, --variable=NAME=VALUE

Sets the gsql variable NAME to VALUE.

For details about variable examples and descriptions, see Variable.


-X, --no-gsqlrc

Does not read the startup file (neither the system-wide gsqlrc file nor the user's ~/.gsqlrc file).


The startup file is ~/.gsqlrc by default or it can be specified by the environment variable PSQLRC.


-1 ("one"), --single-transaction

When gsql uses the -f parameter to execute a script, START TRANSACTION and COMMIT are added to the start and end of the script, respectively, so that the script is executed as one transaction. This ensures that the script is executed successfully. If the script cannot be executed, the script is invalid.


If the script has used START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK, this parameter is invalid.


-?, --help

Displays help information about gsql CLI parameters, and exits.


-V, --version

Prints the gsql version and exits.


Table 2 Input and output parameters



Value Range

-a, --echo-all

Prints all input lines to standard output as they are read.


When this parameter is used in some SQL statements, sensitive information, such as user passwords, may be disclosed. Use this parameter with caution.


-e, --echo-queries

Copies all SQL statements sent to the server to standard output as well.


When this parameter is used in some SQL statements, sensitive information, such as user passwords, may be disclosed. Use this parameter with caution.


-E, --echo-hidden

Echoes the actual queries generated by \d and other backslash commands.


-k, --with-key=KEY

Uses gsql to decrypt imported encrypted files.


For key characters, such as the single quotation mark (') or double quotation mark (") in shell commands, Linux shell checks whether the input single quotation mark (') or double quotation mark (") matches. If it does not match, Linux shell regards that the user input is unfinished and waits for more input instead of entering the gsql program.


-L, --log-file=FILENAME

Writes normal output destination and all query output into the FILENAME file.

  • When this parameter is used in some SQL statements, sensitive information, such as user passwords, may be disclosed. Use this parameter with caution.
  • This parameter retains only the query result in the corresponding file, so that the result can be easily found and parsed by other invokers (for example, automatic O&M scripts). Logs about gsql operation are not retained.

An absolute path or relative path that meets the OS path naming convention

-m, --maintenance

Allows a cluster to be connected when a two-phase transaction is being restored.


The parameter is for engineers only. When this parameter is used, gsql can be connected to the standby server to check data consistency between the primary server and standby server.


-n, --no-libedit

Closes the command line editing.


-o, --output=FILENAME

Puts all query output into the FILENAME file.

An absolute path or relative path that meets the OS path naming convention

-q, --quiet

Indicates the quiet mode and no additional information will be printed.

By default, gsql displays various information.

-s, --single-step

Runs in single-step mode. This indicates that the user is prompted before each command is sent to the server. This parameter can also be used for canceling execution. This parameter can be used to debug scripts.


When this parameter is used in some SQL statements, sensitive information, such as user passwords, may be disclosed. Use this parameter with caution.


-S, --single-line

Runs in single-row mode where a new line terminates an SQL statement in the same manner as a semicolon does.


Table 3 Parameters specifying output formats



Value Range

-A, --no-align

Switches to unaligned output mode.

The default output mode is aligned.

-F, --field-separator=STRING

Specifies the field separator. The default is the vertical bar (|).


-H, --html

Turns on the HTML tabular output.


-P, --pset=VAR[=ARG]

Specifies the print option in the \pset format in the command line.


The equal sign (=), instead of the space, is used here to separate the name and value. For example, enter -P format=latex to set the output format to LaTeX.


-R, --record-separator=STRING

Specifies the record separators.



Enables the function of recording historical operations on the client.

This function is disabled by default.

-t, --tuples-only

Prints only tuples.


-T, --table-attr=TEXT

Specifies options to be placed within the HTML table tag.

Use this parameter with the -H,--html parameter to specify the output to the HTML format.


-x, --expanded

Turns on the expanded table formatting mode.


-z, --field-separator-zero

Sets the field separator in the unaligned output mode to be blank.

Use this parameter with the -A, --no-align parameter to switch to unaligned output mode.


-0, --record-separator-zero

Sets the record separator in the unaligned output mode to be blank.

Use this parameter with the -A, --no-align parameter to switch to unaligned output mode.



Displays separators for all SQL statements and specified files.


The -g parameter must be configured with the -f parameter.


Table 4 Connection parameters



Value Range

-h, --host=HOSTNAME

Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running or the directory for the Unix-domain socket.

If the host name is omitted, gsql connects to the server of the local host over the Unix domain socket or over TCP/IP to connect to local host without the Unix domain socket.

-p, --port=PORT

Specifies the port number of the database server.

You can modify the default port number using the -p, --port=PORT parameter.

The default value is 8000.

-U, --username=USERNAME

Specifies the user that accesses a database.

  • If a user is specified to access a database using this parameter, a user password must be provided together for identity verification. You can enter the password interactively or use the -W parameter to specify a password.
  • To connect to a database, add an escape character before any dollar sign ($) in the user name.

A string. The default user is the current user that operates the system.

-W, --password=PASSWORD

Specifies a password when the -U parameter is used to connect to a remote database.


To connect to a database, add an escape character before any backslash (\) or back quote (`) in the password.

If this parameter is not specified but database connection requires your password, you will be prompted to enter your password in interactive mode. The maximum length of the password is 999 bytes, which is restricted by the maximum value of the GUC parameter password max length.

This parameter must meet the password complexity requirement.