Updated on 2025-01-09 GMT+08:00


Verification After Migration

After DSC converts the source sql files, execute the converted files on target GaussDB(DWS) and provide a report with details of number of statements succeeded and failed.

After the DSC finishes the translation, it will invoke (controlled through a configuration item) post migration verification script. The verification script (for details about the configuration, see the configuration file) is connected to the target GaussDB database and executed.

The post migration verification script will connect to the target gauss database (details are configured in a configuration file) and executes the scripts.

  1. application.properties in config folder

    Execute migrated script on Gauss DB: true/false, default value = false


    true: It will execute the migrated script on gaussdb

  2. gaussdb.properties in config folder

    #Target Database configurations

    #gauss database user with all privileges  
     #Database name for GaussDBA  
     #gaussdb ip  

    Dependency on the gsql client:

    1. gsql (GaussDB(DWS)) is required for executing scripts on GaussDB(DWS). Therefore, to ensure the smooth running of DSC, DSC is required to run on a node installed with a GaussDB(DWS) instance or client (gsql), and the user that performs verification must have the permission for executing commands using gsql.
    2. Since the Gauss DB Instance/Client can be installed on a Linux OS only, this can be used to verify functionality only on a Linux environment.
    3. To execute the gsql command on a remote GaussDB instance, it is advised to add the client system IP/hostname in the following configuration file of Gauss DB instance.



********************** Verification Started ****************************** 
Sql script execution on Gauss DB start time : Wed Jan 22 17:27:07 CST 2020 
Sql script execution on Gauss DB end time : Wed Jan 22 17:27:44 CST 2020 
Summary of Verification : 
Statement                | Total               | Passed              | Failed              | Success Rate(%) 
COMMENT                  | 15                  | 15                  | 0                   | 100 
CREATE VIEW              | 4                   | 3                   | 1                   | 75 
CREATE INDEX             | 4                   | 3                   | 1                   | 75 
CREATE TABLE             | 6                   | 6                   | 0                   | 100 
ALTER TABLE              | 3                   | 3                   | 0                   | 100 
Total                    | 32                  | 30                  | 2                   | 93 
Gauss Execution Log file : /home/gsmig/18Jan/DSC/DSC/log/gaussexecutionlog.log 
Gauss Execution Error Log file : /home/gsmig/18Jan/DSC/DSC/log/gaussexecutionerror.log 
Verification finished in 38 seconds 
********************** Verification Completed ****************************