Updated on 2025-01-09 GMT+08:00



gds_install is a script tool used to install GDS in batches, improving GDS deployment efficiency.


  • Configure environment variables before executing the script. For details, see "Importing Data > Using a Foreign Table to Import Data in Parallel > Installing, Configuring, and Starting GDS" in the Developer Guide.
  • The script must be executed in the Python 3 environment.
  • This script must be run by user root.
  • Check the permission on the upper-layer directory to ensure that the GDS user has the read and write permissions on the installation operation directory, installation directory, and installation package.
  • Cross-platform installation and deployment are not supported.
  • The node where the command is executed must be one of the installation and deployment nodes.
  • The passwords of all nodes specified by the --host parameter must be the same so that the script can be executed to perform remote deployment successfully.


gds_install -I /path/to/install_dir -U user -G user_group --pkg /path/to/pkg.tar.gz --host [/path/to/hostfile | ipaddr1,ipaddr2...] [--ping-host [/path/to/hostfile | ipaddr1,ipaddr2...]]

Parameter Description

  • -I

    Installation directory.

    Default value: /opt/${gds_user}/packages/, in which ${gds_user} indicates the operating system user of the GDS service.

  • -U

    GDS user.

  • -G

    Group to which the GDS user belongs.

  • --pkg

    Path of the GDS installation package, for example, /path/to/GaussDB-9.1.0-REDHAT-x86_64bit-Gds.tar.gz.

  • --host

    IP addresses of the nodes to be installed. The value can be a file name or a string.

    • File format: Each row contains an IP address, for example:

    • String format: IP addresses are separated by commas (,), for example:,

    The node where the command is executed must be one of the nodes to be deployed. The IP address of the node must be in the list.

  • --ping-host

    Destination IP address for the network ping check on each target node when gds_check is called.

    Value: IP address list in the file or string format. Generally, the value is the IP address of a DN, CN, or gateway.

    • File format: Each row contains an IP address, for example:

    • String format: IP addresses are separated by commas (,), for example:,

  • -V

    Version information.

  • -h, --help

    Help information.


Install GDS on nodes and, and specify /opt/gdspackages/install_dir as the installation directory. The GDS user is gds_test:wheel.

gds_install -I /opt/gdspackages/install_dir --host, -U gds_test -G wheel --pkg /home/gds_test/GaussDB-9.1.0-REDHAT-x86_64bit-Gds.tar.gz