Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ SDK Reference/ Python/ Troubleshooting (SDK for Python)/ OBS Server-Side Error Codes (SDK for Python)
Updated on 2024-09-05 GMT+08:00

OBS Server-Side Error Codes (SDK for Python)

If the OBS server encounters an error when processing a request, a response containing the error code and error description is returned. The following table lists details about each error and its HTTP status code.

HTTP Status Code

Error Code

Error Message


301 Moved Permanently


The requested bucket can be accessed only through the specified address. Send subsequent requests to the address.

Send the request to the returned redirection address.

301 Moved Permanently


The website request lacks bucketName.

Put the bucket name in the request and try again.

307 Moved Temporarily


Temporary redirection. If the DNS is updated, the request is redirected to the bucket.

The system automatically redirects the request or sends the request to the redirection address.

400 Bad Request


The specified value of Content-MD5 does not match the value received by OBS.

Check whether the MD5 value carried in the header is the same as that calculated by the message body.

400 Bad Request


Invalid domain name.

Use a valid domain name.

400 Bad Request


Invalid request parameter.

Modify the parameter according to the error details returned in the message body.

400 Bad Request


The configured domain already exists.

It has been configured and does not need to be configured again.

400 Bad Request


Delete the domain that does not exist.

It is not configured or has been deleted. You do not need to delete it.

400 Bad Request


The size of the object uploaded using the POST method exceeds the upper limit.

Modify the conditions specified in the policy when posting the object or reduce the object size.

400 Bad Request


The size of the object uploaded using the POST method does not reach the lower limit.

Modify the conditions specified in the policy when posting the object or increase the object size.

400 Bad Request


A request without Location is sent for creating a bucket in a non-default region.

Send the bucket creation request to the default region, or send the request with the Location of the non-default region.

400 Bad Request


No complete request body is received due to network or other problems.

Upload the object again.

400 Bad Request

IncorrectNumberOfFilesInPost Request

Each POST request must contain one file to be uploaded.

Carry a file to be uploaded.

400 Bad Request


Invalid parameter.

Modify the parameter according to the error details returned in the message body.

400 Bad Request


The bucket to be accessed does not exist.

Try another bucket name.

400 Bad Request


The bucket name specified in the request is invalid, which may have exceeded the maximum length, or contain special characters that are not allowed.

Try another bucket name.

400 Bad Request


Incorrect encryption algorithm. The object cannot be decrypted due to incorrect encryption header carried when downloading the SSE-C encrypted object.

Carry the correct encryption header when downloading the object.

400 Bad Request


The specified Location in the bucket creation request is invalid or does not exist.

Correct the Location in the bucket creation request.

400 Bad Request


One or more specified parts are not found. The parts may not be uploaded or the specified entity tags (ETags) do not match the parts' ETags.

Specify the correct parts and entity tags.

400 Bad Request


Parts are not listed in ascending order by part number.

Sort the parts in ascending order and merge them again.

400 Bad Request


The content of the form does not meet the conditions specified in the policy document.

Modify the policy in the constructed form according to the error details in the message body and try again.

400 Bad Request


Invalid redirect location.

Specify the correct IP address.

400 Bad Request


Invalid request.

Modify the parameter according to the error details returned in the message body.

400 Bad Request


The request body is invalid. The request requires a message body but no message body is uploaded.

Upload the message body in the correct format.

400 Bad Request


The delivery group has no ACL permission for the target bucket.

Configure the target bucket ACL and try again.

400 Bad Request


The provided key is too long.

Use a shorter key.

400 Bad Request


The master key is disabled in the SSE-KMS mode.

Replace the key and try again, or contact the technical support.

400 Bad Request


The customer master key (CMK) does not exist in SSE-KMS mode.

Retry with the correct master key.

400 Bad Request


The provided XML file has syntax errors or does not meet the format requirements.

Use the correct XML format to retry.

400 Bad Request


The XML format in the request is incorrect.

Use the correct XML format to retry.

400 Bad Request


The XML format of Logging is incorrect.

Use the correct XML format to retry.

400 Bad Request


The bucket policy does not pass.

Modify the bucket policy according to the error details returned in the message body.

400 Bad Request


The Quota XML format is incorrect.

Use the correct XML format to retry.

400 Bad Request


An XML file of a configuration item is in incorrect format.

Use the correct XML format to retry.

400 Bad Request


Copying an object does not require a message body in the request.

Remove the message body and retry.

400 Bad Request


The size of the metadata header has exceeded the upper limit.

Reduce the size of the metadata header.

400 Bad Request


The region information is missing in the request, and the default region is required in the system.

Carry the region information in the request.

400 Bad Request


This error code is returned after you send an empty XML file.

Provide the correct XML file.

400 Bad Request


A required header is missing in the request.

Provide the required header.

400 Bad Request


A required header is missing in the request.

Provide the required header.

400 Bad Request


You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed.

Delete some buckets and try again.

400 Bad Request


Too many user accounts are configured.

Delete some user accounts and try again.

400 Bad Request


The request is rejected due to high-frequency errors.

Replace AK and try again.

400 Bad Request


The request requires a message body which is not carried by the client, or the request does not require a message body but the client carries the message body.

Try again according to the instruction.

400 Bad Request


This operation is only available to special users.

Contact the technical support.

403 Forbidden


Access denied, because the request does not carry a date header or the header format is incorrect.

Provide a correct date header in the request.

403 Forbidden


Insufficient permissions. No CORS rule is configured for the bucket, or the CORS rule is not matched.

Modify the CORS configuration of the bucket or send the matched OPTIONS request based on the CORS configuration of the bucket.

403 Forbidden


The user has no permission to perform a specific operation. The bucket name is forbidden.

Try another bucket name.

403 Forbidden


The user has been deregistered.

Top up or re-register.

403 Forbidden


The user account is in arrears, or the account balance insufficient.

Top up the account.

403 Forbidden


Insufficient storage space.

If the quota is exceeded, increase quota or delete some objects.

403 Forbidden


The access key ID provided by the customer does not exist in the system.

Provide correct access key ID.

403 Forbidden


You have not registered with the system.

Register OBS.

403 Forbidden


The request time and the server's time differ a lot.

Check whether the difference between the client time and the current time is too large.

403 Forbidden


The provided signature in the request does not match the signature calculated by OBS.

Check your secret access key and signature calculation method.

403 Forbidden


You have not been authenticated in real name.

Authenticate your real name and try again.

404 Not Found


The bucket does not exist.

Create a bucket and perform the operation again.

404 Not Found


No bucket policy exists.

Configure a bucket policy.

404 Not Found


No CORS configuration exists.

Configure CORS first.

404 Not Found


The requested user domain does not exist.

Set a user domain first.

404 Not Found


The specified key does not exist.

Upload the object first.

404 Not Found


The requested Lifecycle does not exist.

Configure a lifecycle rule first.

404 Not Found


The specified multipart upload does not exist. The upload ID does not exist or the multipart upload has been aborted or completed.

Use the existing part or reinitialize the part.

404 Not Found


The specified version ID does not match any existing version.

Use a correct version ID.

404 Not Found


The requested website does not exist.

Configure the website first.

405 Method Not Allowed


The specified method is not allowed against the requested resource.

The message "Specified method is not supported." is returned.

The method is not allowed.

408 Request Timeout


The socket connection to the server has no read or write operations within the timeout period.

Check the network and try again, or contact technical support.

409 Conflict


The requested bucket name already exists. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of OBS. Try again with another bucket name.

Try another bucket name.

409 Conflict


Your previous request for creating the named bucket succeeded and you already own it.

You do not need to create the bucket again.

409 Conflict


The bucket that you tried to delete is not empty.

Delete the objects in the bucket and then delete the bucket.

409 Conflict


Invalid bucket status. After cross-region replication is configured, bucket versioning cannot be disabled.

Enable bucket versioning or cancel cross-region replication.

409 Conflict


A conflicting operation is being performed on this resource. Try again later.

Try again later.

409 Conflict


The request method is not supported by the server.

Not supported by the server. Contact technical support.

411 Length Required


The HTTP header Content-Length is not provided.

Provide the Content-Length header.

412 Precondition Failed


At least one of the specified preconditions is not met.

Modify according to the condition prompt in the returned message body.

416 Client Requested Range Not Satisfiable


The requested range cannot be obtained.

Replace the range value and try again.

500 Internal Server Error


An internal error occurs. Try again later.

Contact the technical support.

501 Not Implemented


The request method is not implemented by the server.

Not supported currently. Contact the technical support.

503 Service Unavailable


The server is overloaded or has internal errors.

Try again later or contact the technical support.

503 Service Unavailable


Reduce your request frequency.

Reduce your request frequency.