Help Center/ Global SIM Link/ Service Overview
Updated on 2024-06-19 GMT+08:00

Service Overview

When going global, IoT enterprises face some challenges:

  • Difficulties in cross-region processes: Physical SIM cards need to be purchased across regions, and the network status of the destination cannot be tested remotely at the production place.
  • Difficulties in network access: Due to the complexity and diversity of networks and protocols, the development workload of migrating devices to the cloud is heavy, and global access is difficult.
  • Difficulties in global expansion: To integrate global services, enterprises need to negotiate and interconnect with multiple carriers around the world.
  • High roaming fees: Enterprises prefer to use the local tariff standards of the country where devices are located to reduce costs.

Huawei Global SIM Link (GSL) provides cellular IoT data bound to IoT devices and a data management platform that allows users to query data and manage SIM cards, enabling one-click access and global reachability. It helps open up new market for enterprises with simplified processes and reduced cost.

For example, an automobile manufacturer in a country needs to negotiate with carriers in different countries in advance to purchase physical SIM cards. Interconnection and integration tests on the destination network are also time-consuming and difficult. With GSL, manufacturers provide data plans with standardized specifications for different regions, reducing the workload to manage a bunch of SIM cards in different countries and regions. Distributors and end users can use local network resources in a more convenient way without worrying about the situation that devices cannot connect to the Internet because they are in different countries or regions.

Accessing GSL

You can access the GSL console (website) to manage your resources. For details, see User Guide.