Updated on 2024-07-29 GMT+08:00


Cloud Connection Constraints



How to Increase Quota

Cloud connections allowed in each Huawei Cloud account


Submit a service ticket.

Regions per a cloud connection


Submit a service ticket.

Network instances allowed in each region


Submit a service ticket. You can request up to 10 network instances.

Bandwidth packages for each cloud connection


The quota cannot be increased.

Routes for a cloud connection


Submit a service ticket.

Note the following when you use Cloud Connect:

  • A cloud connection cannot be created between VPCs that have overlapping CIDR blocks, or network communications will fail.
  • If you load a VPC to a cloud connection created using the same account, you cannot enter loopback addresses, multicast addresses, or broadcast addresses for the custom CIDR block.
  • If a NAT gateway has been created for any VPC you have loaded to a cloud connection, a custom CIDR block needs to be added and set to

Central Network Constraints

  • To use a central network, the following resources must have been created:
    • Enterprise router: used to build a central network
    • Global DC gateway: attached to an enterprise router for allowing on-premises data centers to access the cloud across regions
  • Policy management
    • A central network can only have one policy. If you apply another policy for this central network, the policy that was previously applied will be automatically cancelled.
    • In each policy, only one enterprise router can be added for a region. All added enterprise routers can communicate with each other by default.
    • A policy that is being applied or cancelled cannot be deleted.
  • Cross-site connection bandwidth management
    • A cross-site connection bandwidth cannot be changed or deleted when it is being created, updated, deleted, frozen, recovering, or unfrozen.
    • The total of cross-site connection bandwidths cannot exceed the global connection bandwidth.
    • If a cross-site connection bandwidth is deleted, you will still be billed for the global connection bandwidth.