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Updated on 2024-07-04 GMT+08:00


  • Flashback DROP enables you to restore tables that are dropped by mistake and their auxiliary structures, such as indexes and table constraints, from the recycle bin. Flashback DROP is based on the recycle bin mechanism. You can restore physical table files recorded in the recycle bin to restore dropped tables.
  • Flashback TRUNCATE enables you to restore tables that are truncated by mistake and restore the physical data of the truncated tables and indexes from the recycle bin. Flashback TRUNCATE is based on the recycle bin mechanism. You can restore physical table files recorded in the recycle bin to restore truncated tables.


  • The enable_recyclebin parameter has been enabled (by modifying the GUC parameter in the postgresql.conf file) to enable the recycle bin. For details, contact the administrator.
  • The recyclebin_retention_time parameter has been set for specifying the retention period of objects in the recycle bin. The objects will be automatically deleted after the retention period expires. For details, contact the administrator.


  • Drop a table.
    DROP TABLE table_name [PURGE]
  • Purge objects in the recycle bin.
    PURGE { TABLE { table_name }
    | INDEX { index_name }
  • Flash back a dropped table.
    TIMECAPSULE TABLE { table_name } TO BEFORE DROP [RENAME TO new_tablename]
  • Truncate a table.
    TRUNCATE TABLE { table_name } [ PURGE ]
  • Flash back a truncated table.

Parameter Description

    • Purges table data in the recycle bin by default.
    • Purges objects in the recycle bin.

    Retrieves dropped tables and their subobjects from the recycle bin.

    You can specify either the original user-specified name of the table or the system-generated name assigned to the object when it was dropped.
    • System-generated recycle bin object names are unique. Therefore, if you specify the system-generated name, the database retrieves that specified object. To see the content in your recycle bin, run select * from gs_recyclebin;.
    • If you specify the user-specified name and the recycle bin contains more than one object of that name, the database retrieves the object that was moved to the recycle bin most recently. If you want to retrieve an older version of the table, then do one of these things:

      • Specify the system-generated recycle bin name of the table you want to retrieve.

      • Run the TIMECAPSULE TABLE ... TO BEFORE DROP statement until you retrieve the table you want.

    • When a dropped table is restored, only the base table name is restored, and the names of other subobjects remain the same as those in the recycle bin. You can run the DDL command to manually change the names of subobjects as required.
    • The recycle bin does not support write operations such as DML, DCL, and DDL, and does not support DQL query operations (supported in later versions).
    • Between the flashback point and the current point, a statement has been executed to modify the table structure or to affect the physical structure. Therefore, the flashback fails. The error message "ERROR: The table definition of %s has been changed." is displayed when flashback is performed on a table where DDL operations have been performed. The error message "ERROR: recycle object %s desired does not exis" is displayed when flashback is performed on DDL operations, such as changing namespaces and table names.
    • If the base table has a truncate trigger, the trigger fails when you truncate the target table together. The target table can only be truncated manually.

    Specifies a new name for the table retrieved from the recycle bin.


    Flashes back to the point in time before the TRUNCATE operation.

Syntax Example

-- PURGE TABLE table_name; -- 
-- Check the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
NOTICE:  table "flashtest" does not exist, skipping
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)
-- Create the flashtest table.
gaussdb=# create table if not EXISTS flashtest(id int, name text) with (storage_type = ustore);
-- Insert data.
gaussdb=# insert into flashtest values(1, 'A');
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Drop the flashtest table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin. The deleted table is moved to the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |    rcyoriginname     | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecs
n | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18591 |   12737 |    18585 | BIN$31C14EB4899$9737$0==$0   | flashtest            | d            |       0 |      79352606 | 2023-09-13 20:01:28.640664+08 |     79352595 |     7935259
5 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18585 | t             | t           | 225492       |         225492
     18591 |   12737 |    18590 | BIN$31C14EB489E$12D1B978==$0 | pg_toast_18585_index | d            |       3 |      79352606 | 2023-09-13 20:01:28.64093+08  |     79352595 |     7935259
5 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18590 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18591 |   12737 |    18588 | BIN$31C14EB489C$12D1BF60==$0 | pg_toast_18585       | d            |       2 |      79352606 | 2023-09-13 20:01:28.641018+08 |            0 |            
0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18588 | f             | f           | 225492       |         225492
(3 rows)
-- Check the flashtest table. The table does not exist.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
ERROR:  relation "flashtest" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from flashtest;
-- Purge the table from the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# PURGE TABLE flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin. The table is deleted from the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

-- PURGE INDEX index_name; --
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
NOTICE:  table "flashtest" does not exist, skipping
-- Create the flashtest table.
gaussdb=# create table if not EXISTS flashtest(id int, name text) with (storage_type = ustore);
-- Create the flashtest_index index for the flashtest table.
gaussdb=# create index flashtest_index on flashtest(id);
-- Drop the table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |    rcyoriginname     | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecs
n | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18648 |   12737 |    18641 | BIN$31C14EB48D1$9A85$0==$0   | flashtest            | d            |       0 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.360638+08 |     79354506 |     7935450
8 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18641 | t             | t           | 226642       |         226642
     18648 |   12737 |    18646 | BIN$31C14EB48D6$12E230B8==$0 | pg_toast_18641_index | d            |       3 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.361034+08 |     79354506 |     7935450
6 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18646 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18648 |   12737 |    18644 | BIN$31C14EB48D4$12E236A0==$0 | pg_toast_18641       | d            |       2 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.36112+08  |            0 |            
0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18644 | f             | f           | 226642       |         226642
     18648 |   12737 |    18647 | BIN$31C14EB48D7$9A85$0==$0   | flashtest_index      | d            |       1 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.361246+08 |     79354508 |     7935450
8 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18647 | f             | t           | 0            |              0
(4 rows)

--Purge the flashtest_index index.
gaussdb=# PURGE index flashtest_index;
-- Check the recycle bin. The flashtest_index index is deleted from the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |    rcyoriginname     | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecs
n | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18648 |   12737 |    18641 | BIN$31C14EB48D1$9A85$0==$0   | flashtest            | d            |       0 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.360638+08 |     79354506 |     7935450
8 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18641 | t             | t           | 226642       |         226642
     18648 |   12737 |    18646 | BIN$31C14EB48D6$12E230B8==$0 | pg_toast_18641_index | d            |       3 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.361034+08 |     79354506 |     7935450
6 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18646 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18648 |   12737 |    18644 | BIN$31C14EB48D4$12E236A0==$0 | pg_toast_18641       | d            |       2 |      79354509 | 2023-09-13 20:40:11.36112+08  |            0 |            
0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18644 | f             | f           | 226642       |         226642
(3 rows)

-- Purge the recycle bin.
-- Check the recycle bin. The recycle bin is cleared.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

-- TIMECAPSULE TABLE { table_name } TO BEFORE DROP [RENAME TO new_tablename] --
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
NOTICE:  table "flashtest" does not exist, skipping
-- Create the flashtest table.
gaussdb=# create table if not EXISTS flashtest(id int, name text) with (storage_type = ustore);
-- Insert data.
gaussdb=# insert into flashtest values(1, 'A');
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Drop the table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin. The table is moved to the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |    rcyoriginname     | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecs
n | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18658 |   12737 |    18652 | BIN$31C14EB48DC$9B2B$0==$0   | flashtest            | d            |       0 |      79354760 | 2023-09-13 20:47:57.075907+08 |     79354753 |     7935475
3 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18652 | t             | t           | 226824       |         226824
     18658 |   12737 |    18657 | BIN$31C14EB48E1$12E45E00==$0 | pg_toast_18652_index | d            |       3 |      79354760 | 2023-09-13 20:47:57.076129+08 |     79354753 |     7935475
3 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18657 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18658 |   12737 |    18655 | BIN$31C14EB48DF$12E46400==$0 | pg_toast_18652       | d            |       2 |      79354760 | 2023-09-13 20:47:57.07621+08  |            0 |            
0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18655 | f             | f           | 226824       |         226824
(3 rows)

-- Check the table. The table does not exist.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
ERROR:  relation "flashtest" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from flashtest;
-- Flash back a dropped table.
gaussdb=# timecapsule table flashtest to before drop;
TimeCapsule Table
-- Check the table. The table is restored to the state before the DROP operation.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Check the recycle bin. The table is deleted from the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

-- Drop the table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
ERROR:  relation "flashtest" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin. The table is moved to the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |        rcyoriginname         | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcy
changecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18664 |   12737 |    18652 | BIN$31C14EB48DC$9B4E$0==$0   | flashtest                    | d            |       0 |      79354845 | 2023-09-13 20:49:17.762977+08 |     79354753 |    
 79354753 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18652 | t             | t           | 226824       |         226824
     18664 |   12737 |    18657 | BIN$31C14EB48E1$12E680A8==$0 | BIN$31C14EB48E1$12E45E00==$0 | d            |       3 |      79354845 | 2023-09-13 20:49:17.763271+08 |     79354753 |    
 79354753 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18657 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18664 |   12737 |    18655 | BIN$31C14EB48DF$12E68698==$0 | BIN$31C14EB48DF$12E46400==$0 | d            |       2 |      79354845 | 2023-09-13 20:49:17.763343+08 |            0 |    
        0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18655 | f             | f           | 226824       |         226824
(3 rows)

-- Flash back the dropped table. The table name is rcyname in the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# timecapsule table "BIN$31C14EB48DC$9B4E$0==$0" to before drop;
TimeCapsule Table
-- Check the recycle bin. The table is deleted from the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Drop the table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin. The table is moved to the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |        rcyoriginname         | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcy
changecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18667 |   12737 |    18652 | BIN$31C14EB48DC$9B8D$0==$0   | flashtest                    | d            |       0 |      79354943 | 2023-09-13 20:52:14.525946+08 |     79354753 |    
 79354753 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18652 | t             | t           | 226824       |         226824
     18667 |   12737 |    18657 | BIN$31C14EB48E1$1320B4F0==$0 | BIN$31C14EB48E1$12E680A8==$0 | d            |       3 |      79354943 | 2023-09-13 20:52:14.526319+08 |     79354753 |    
 79354753 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18657 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18667 |   12737 |    18655 | BIN$31C14EB48DF$1320BAE0==$0 | BIN$31C14EB48DF$12E68698==$0 | d            |       2 |      79354943 | 2023-09-13 20:52:14.526423+08 |            0 |    
        0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18655 | f             | f           | 226824       |         226824
(3 rows)

-- Check the table. The table does not exist.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
ERROR:  relation "flashtest" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from flashtest;
-- Flash back the dropped table and rename the table.
gaussdb=# timecapsule table flashtest to before drop rename to flashtest_rename;
TimeCapsule Table
-- Check the original table. The table does not exist.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
ERROR:  relation "flashtest" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from flashtest;
-- Check the renamed table. The table exists.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest_rename;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Check the recycle bin. The table is deleted from the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)
-- Drop a table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest_rename;
-- Clear the recycle bin.
-- Check the recycle bin. The recycle bin is cleared.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
NOTICE:  table "flashtest" does not exist, skipping
-- Create the flashtest table.
gaussdb=# create table if not EXISTS flashtest(id int, name text) with (storage_type = ustore);
-- Insert data.
gaussdb=# insert into flashtest values(1, 'A');
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Truncate a table.
gaussdb=# truncate table flashtest;
-- Check the recycle bin. The table data is moved to the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |    rcyoriginname     | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecs
n | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18703 |   12737 |    18697 | BIN$31C14EB4909$9E4C$0==$0   | flashtest            | t            |       0 |      79356608 | 2023-09-13 21:24:42.819863+08 |     79356606 |     7935660
6 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18697 | t             | t           | 227927       |         227927
     18703 |   12737 |    18700 | BIN$31C14EB490C$132FE3F0==$0 | pg_toast_18697       | t            |       2 |      79356608 | 2023-09-13 21:24:42.820358+08 |            0 |            
0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18700 | f             | f           | 227927       |         227927
     18703 |   12737 |    18702 | BIN$31C14EB490E$132FEA40==$0 | pg_toast_18697_index | t            |       3 |      79356608 | 2023-09-13 21:24:42.821012+08 |     79356606 |     7935660
6 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18702 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
(3 rows)

-- Check the table. The table is empty.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
(0 rows)

-- Flash back a truncated table.
gaussdb=# timecapsule table flashtest to before truncate;
TimeCapsule Table
-- Check the table. The data in the table is restored.
gaussdb=# select * from flashtest;
 id | name 
  1 | A
(1 row)

-- Check the recycle bin.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid |           rcyname            |    rcyoriginname     | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn |        rcyrecycletime         | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecs
n | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
     18703 |   12737 |    18702 | BIN$31C14EB490E$132FFC38==$0 | pg_toast_18697_index | t            |       3 |      79356610 | 2023-09-13 21:24:42.872654+08 |     79356606 |     7935660
6 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18708 | f             | f           | 0            |              0
     18703 |   12737 |    18700 | BIN$31C14EB490C$13300228==$0 | pg_toast_18697       | t            |       2 |      79356610 | 2023-09-13 21:24:42.872732+08 |            0 |            
0 |           99 |       10 |             0 |          18706 | f             | f           | 0            |         227928
     18703 |   12737 |    18697 | BIN$31C14EB4909$9E4D$0==$0   | flashtest            | t            |       0 |      79356610 | 2023-09-13 21:24:42.872792+08 |     79356606 |     7935660
6 |         2200 |       10 |             0 |          18704 | t             | t           | 0            |         227928
(3 rows)

-- Drop a table.
gaussdb=# drop table if EXISTS flashtest;
-- Clear the recycle bin.
-- Check the recycle bin. The recycle bin is cleared.
gaussdb=# select * from gs_recyclebin;
 rcybaseid | rcydbid | rcyrelid | rcyname | rcyoriginname | rcyoperation | rcytype | rcyrecyclecsn | rcyrecycletime | rcycreatecsn | rcychangecsn | rcynamespace | rcyowner | rcytablespace
 | rcyrelfilenode | rcycanrestore | rcycanpurge | rcyfrozenxid | rcyfrozenxid64 
(0 rows)

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