Updated on 2025-02-10 GMT+08:00

Listing Objects


You can use this command to query objects or object versions in a bucket. All objects are listed in lexicographical order by object name and version ID.

Command Line Structure

  • In Windows
    obsutil ls obs://bucket[/prefix] [-s] [-d][-fs] [-v] [-du] [-marker=xxx] [-versionIdMarker=xxx] [-bf=xxx] [-limit=1] [-format=default] [-config=xxx] 
  • In Linux or macOS
    ./obsutil ls obs://bucket[/prefix] [-s][-fs] [-d] [-v] [-du] [-marker=xxx] [-versionIdMarker=xxx] [-bf=xxx] [-limit=1] [-format=default] [-config=xxx] 


  • Example 1: Take the Windows OS as an example. Run the obsutil ls obs://bucket-test -limit=10 command to list objects in the bucket.
    obsutil ls obs://bucket-test -limit=10
    Start at 2024-09-30 08:18:50.0592788 +0000 UTC
    Listing objects .
    Folder list:
    Object list:
    key                                               LastModified                  Size      StorageClass        ETag                
    obs://bucket-test/AUTHORS                         2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          33243     standard            "796393c1eaf502ef56a85c2ceb640aea"
    obs://bucket-test/CONTRIBUTING.md                 2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          1366      standard            "12d93325ba6131f852daecd18dd65edc"
    obs://bucket-test/CONTRIBUTORS                    2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          45710     standard            "b486b5003e6215c9199e86ab3ccec9fa"
    obs://bucket-test/LICENSE                         2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          1479      standard            "5d4950ecb7b26d2c5e4e7b4e0dd74707"
    obs://bucket-test/PATENTS                         2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          1303      standard            "3a55d95595a6f9e37dee53826b4daff2"
    obs://bucket-test/README.md                       2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          1399      standard            "97351fd7946b9ea021a31a86ba2a10ab"
    obs://bucket-test/VERSION                         2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          7         standard            "43d93b553855b0e1fc67e31c28c07b65"
    obs://bucket-test/api/README                      2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          521       standard            "4e9e63a87075df60cdf65c8ce9e92117"
    obs://bucket-test/api/except.txt                  2018-11-16T02:15:49Z          20194     standard            "8eb96de3f60447e2f09a7531c99fb3ee"
    Next marker: api/except.txt
    Folder number: 1
    File number: 9
  • Example 2: Take the Windows OS as an example. Run the obsutil ls obs://bucket-test2 command to list objects in the bucket.
    obsutil ls obs://bucket-test2
    Start at 2024-09-30 08:21:06.6300221 +0000 UTC
    Listing objects .
    Object list:
    key                                               LastModified                  Size      StorageClass        ETag    
    obs://bucket-test2/123                            2022-03-29T09:17:51Z          0B        standard            "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    obs://bucket-test2/1_2-3.txt                      2022-03-29T09:17:51Z          0B        standard            "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    obs://bucket-test2/1_2-3_33.txt                   2022-03-29T09:17:51Z          200B      standard            "dcf204c11d791255adc63e61763c2426"
    obs://bucket-test2/New text file.txt
                                                      2022-03-29T09:17:51Z          0B        standard            "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    Total size of bucket: 200B
    Folder number: 0
    File number: 4
  • Example 3: Take the Windows OS as an example. Run the obsutil ls obs://bucket-test2/prefix command to list objects whose name prefix is prefix in the bucket.
    obsutil ls obs://bucket-test2/prefix
    Start at 2024-09-30 08:24:36.7057148 +0000 UTC
    Listing objects .
    Object list:
    key                                               LastModified                  Size      StorageClass        ETag    
    obs://bucket-test2/prefix                         2022-03-29T09:17:51Z          0B        standard            "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    obs://bucket-test2/prefix2                        2022-03-29T09:17:51Z          0B        standard            "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
    Total size of prefix [prefix]:: 0B
    Folder number: 0
    File number: 2
  • For more examples, see Listing.

Parameter Description


Optional or Mandatory




Bucket name



Prefix of an object name for listing objects


If this parameter is left blank, all objects in the bucket are listed.


Optional (additional parameter)

Displays simplified query result.


In the simplified format, the returned result contains only the object name.


Optional (additional parameter)

Lists only objects and subdirectories in the current directory, instead of recursively listing all objects and subdirectories.

In big data scenarios, parallel file systems usually have deep directory levels and each directory has a large number of files. In such case, you are advised to use this parameter to limit the scope to list.


According to the naming conventions in OBS, a slash (/) is used as the directory separator.


Optional (additional parameter)

Lists versions of an object in a bucket. The result contains the latest version and historical versions (if any) of the object.


Optional (additional parameter)

Object name to start with when listing objects in a bucket. All objects are listed in lexicographical order by object name.


For details about how to use this parameter, see Listing.


Optional (additional parameter). It must be used together with the v and marker parameters.

Version ID to start with when listing versions of objects in a bucket. All versions and objects are listed in lexicographical order by object name and version ID.


If the value of versionIdMarker is not a version ID specified by marker, versionIdMarker is invalid.


Optional (additional parameter)

Display formats of bytes in the listing result. Possible values are:

  • human-readable
  • raw

If this parameter is not configured, the display format of bytes in the result is determined by the humanReadableFormat parameter in the configuration file.


Optional (additional parameter)

Quickly returns the total size of listed objects, without displaying detailed object information. This parameter can be used together with other parameters.


If there are too many objects listed, wait for a while.

  • This parameter is only supported by obsutil 5.4.6 and later.


Optional (additional parameter)

Maximum number of objects that can be listed. If the value is less than or equal to 0, all objects are listed. If it is left blank, 1,000 objects are listed by default.


If there are a large number of objects in a bucket, you are advised to set this parameter to limit the number of objects to be listed each time. If not all objects are listed, marker and versionIdMarker of the next request will be returned in the result, which you can use to list the remaining objects.


Optional (additional parameter)

Prints a listing result in the user-defined format. Currently, the value can only be default, indicating that the listing result is displayed in one row.


Optional (additional parameter)

User-defined configuration file for executing the current command. To learn the parameters that can be configured in this file, see Configuration Parameters.





Object name


Time when the last modification was made to the object


Object size


Storage class of an object

  • standard: Standard storage class. It features low access latency and high throughput, and is applicable to storing frequently accessed data (multiple accesses per month) or data that is smaller than 1 MB.
  • warm: storage class. It is ideal for storing infrequently accessed (less than 12 times a year) data, but when needed, the access has to be fast.
  • cold: storage class. It provides storage for rarely-accessed (once a year) data.


ETag of an object, which is a Base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest. ETag is the unique identifier of the object content. It can be used to determine whether the object content is changed. For example, if the ETag value is A when an object is uploaded, but this value has changed to B when the object is downloaded, it indicates that the object content has been changed. The ETag reflects changes to the object content, rather than the object metadata. An uploaded object or copied object has a unique ETag.