Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Redefine Alarm

Table 1 description of the function of redefining alarms.

Table 1 Function of Redefining Alarms

Task Description

Operation entry


Configuring Redefinition Alarms

  1. Choose Device Management > Alarm Management > Alarm Settings.
  2. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Redefine Alarm.
  3. Set search criteria to filter alarm data.

  1. In the device tree and select a target device.
  2. Click the operation column.
  3. Enter the redefinition alarm information according to the actual situation, and then click OK .

    After saving redefinition alarms, the redefined alarm status is changed to enabled after the synchronization is complete.

Clearing Redefining Alarm Rules


After saving redefinition alarms, the alarm redefinition rule can be cleared.

Use either of the following methods to clear redefinition alarms:
  • On the Redefine Alarm page, Click in the row where the indicator to be cleared is located.
  • On the Redefine Alarm page, Select the target data to be cleared and click Clear above the page.

Enabling or disabling Redefining Alarm Rules

Use either of the following methods to enable or disable redefinition alarms:
  • On the Redefine Alarm page, click or the row of the target data row to be enabled.
  • On the Redefine Alarm page, select the target data for which redefinition alarm rules need to be enabled, click Enable or Disable in the upper part of the page.

Refresh the redefined alarm

On the Redefine Alarm page, click Refresh in the upper part of the page to refresh the redefined alarm page.

Batch Redefinition Rule Application

On the Redefine Alarm page, click in the operation column for the target alarm in the active alarm list to apply alarm rules configured specified in the alarm rule to other rules in batches.

Batch Apply to Devices

  1. Select a target device from the device tree.
    • If you need to apply a specified alarm rule to alarms of other devices of the same type, select the alarm rule record and click Batch Apply to Devices. On the displayed page, select Selected for Selected items.
    • If you need to apply all alarm rules of the target device to alarms of other devices of the same type, click Batch Apply to Devices. On the displayed page, select Select All for Selected items.
  2. Set the application items and application scope.
    • If you need to apply a specified alarm rule of the target device to the alarms of all devices of the same type, select All Objects for Application scope.
    • If you need to apply a specified alarm rule of the target device to the alarms of specified devices of the same type, select Custom for Application scope and select the devices to which the alarm rule is to be applied in the management domain area.
  3. Click OK.