Updated on 2024-10-08 GMT+08:00

Configuring RSGroup to Manage RegionServer Resources


A large number of HBase data nodes need to be allocated to specific services based on the service scale so that resources can be exclusively used. When you allocate RegionServes to a RSGroup with the DR feature enabled for AZs, ensure that each AZ must have a RegionServer of the RSGroup so that the DR feature can take effect to ensure service reliability.

This section applies only to MRS 3.1.2 or later.


  • You have logged in to Manager.
  • The login role has the Manager administrator rights.
  • The minimum number of nodes in the RSGroup is set to the maximum value calculated in the following three scenarios.
    • To ensure service reliability, ensure that there are more redundant RegionServer nodes than the required in in the RSGroup. The required number of nodes is calculated by: Total number of regions of service tables in RSGroup/2000) x 50%
    • If the system catalog is in an independent RSGroup, ensure that the number of nodes in the RSGroup is greater than 2.
    • To ensure that rolling restart is not affected, if the total number of RegionServer nodes is less than 300, the number of nodes in a single RSGroup must be greater than or equal to 3. If the total number of RegionServer nodes is greater than or equal to 300, the number of nodes in a single RSGroup must be greater than or equal to the value calculated based on the following formula: Number of nodes x 1% + 1.

Possible Impact

  • An RSGroup limits the available RegionServer nodes that a region can be transferred to. If some nodes in the RSGroup are faulty or restarted in rolling mode, an alarm indicating that the number of regions exceeds the threshold may be triggered, and the service performance may deteriorate.
  • If a large number of region transfer tasks are generated when the RSGroup modification request is submitted, related RSGroup operations will fail. You need to observe the region transfer status on the web UI and perform subsequent operations after transfer tasks are complete.

Configuring an RSGroup

Creating an RSGroup

  1. On FusionInsight Manager, choose Cluster > Services > HBase > RSGroup Management.
  2. Click Add. On the displayed page, enter the name of the RSGroup to be added. The name can contain 1 to 120 characters, including digits, letters, and underscores (_). Click OK.

Viewing an RSGroup

  1. Locate the row that contains the target RSGroup and click View in the Operation column. In the displayed dialog box, view the details about RegionServers and tables in the RSGroup.

    default is the default RSGroup of HBase. All RegionServer nodes that have been started and are not manually added to other RSGroups will be added to the default RSGroup.

Changing the name of an RSGroup

  1. Locate the row that contains the target RSGroup and click Change Name in the Operation column. In the displayed dialog box, enter a new name of the RSGroup and click OK. The new name must be unique.

Modifying an RSGroup

  1. Click the name of the target RSGroup to go to the Modify RSGroup page.
  2. Select the RegionServer instance to be allocated and click Next.

    • Only RegionServer instances (one or more) from the same RSGroup can be selected at a time. If the running status of RegionServers in the default RSGroup is not good, the RegionServers cannot be selected for allocation. To allocate RegionServer instances from different RSGroups, perform modification operations multiple times.
    • When the cross-AZ feature is enabled, ensure that RegionServer instances of RSGroup are allocated to each AZ. This constraint does not apply to RSGroup allocated before the cross-AZ feature is enabled.

  3. Select the table to be allocated and click Next.

    • Only tables (one or more) from the same RSGroup can be selected at a time. To allocate RegionServer instances from different RSGroups, perform modification operations multiple times.
    • The RegionServers and tables selected for allocation during RSGroup modification must belong to the same RSGroup.
    • If only tables are selected during RS group modification and no RegionServer exists in the RSGroup before allocation, the modification fails.

  1. Click Submit. After the modification is successful, the RSGroup list page is displayed.

    When the system displays a message indicating that the task is added to the queue, the RSGroup list page is displayed. The RSGroup modification request has entered the task queue. Check whether the region transfer is complete on the native page as prompted and ensure that the task is successfully executed before performing subsequent operations.

Deleting an RSGroup

  1. On the RSGroup Management page, select the RSGroup to be deleted, click Delete, and click OK.

    The possible causes and solutions to RSGroup deletion failures are as follows:

    • The default group cannot be deleted.
    • The RSGroup still contains RegionServers or tables. Allocate the RegionServers or tables in the current RSGroup to another RSGroup, and then delete the RSGroup.