Updated on 2024-05-07 GMT+08:00



Creates a database link object. For details about database links, see DATABASE LINK.


  [ CONNECT TO { CURRENT_USER | user IDENTIFIED BY password } ] [ USING ( option 'value' [...]) ];



    Creates a public database link visible to all users. If this clause is omitted, the database link is private and available only to the current user.

  • dblink

    Indicates the name of the database link to be created.

  • user

    Indicates the name of the user for connecting to the remote end of the created database link.

  • password

    Indicates the password of the user for connecting to the remote end of the created database link.


    Uses the initial username and empty password of the current database for connection.

  • USING ( option 'value' [, ... ] )

    Specifies parameters such as the IP address, port number, and remote database name of the database to be connected. The supported options are as follows:

    • host: specifies the IP addresses to be connected. IPv6 addresses are not supported. Multiple IP addresses can be specified using character strings separated by commas (,). Currently, SSL settings, encrypted databases, and certificate authentication are not supported. If no IP address is specified, this parameter is left empty by default.
    • port: specifies the port number for connection. If this parameter is not specified, the default value 5432 is used.
    • dbname: specifies the name of the database to be connected. If this parameter is not specified, the username used for connecting to the remote end is used by default.
    • fetch_size: specifies the amount of data obtained from the remote end each time. The value of fetch_size ranges from 0 to 2147483647. The default value is 100.
    • You can write only part of the preceding options in the brackets after USING.
    • If the keyword USING is not written, the content in the brackets is not written as well.
    • When a database link is created, the system does not check whether the connection is successful. If related keywords are missing, an error may be reported.


gaussdb=# create public database link test_link1 connect to 'user1' identified by '********' using (port '54399',dbname 'db01');
  • Do not use database links to connect to the initial user.
  • Initial users are not allowed to create, modify, or delete database links.
  • If the upgrade is not committed, the database link cannot be created.
  • If the CURRENT_USER is used or the CONNECT TO connection string is omitted, the initial username and empty password of the current database are used for connection, resulting in connection failure.