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Updated on 2025-02-27 GMT+08:00


Parameter description: Specifies whether the structure of a system catalog or the name of a system schema can be modified.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the structure of the system catalog or the name of the system schema can be modified.
  • off indicates that the structure of the system catalog or the name of the system schema cannot be modified.

Default value: off


You are not advised to change the default value of this parameter. If this parameter is set to on, system tables may be damaged and the database may fail to be started.


Parameter description: Specifies whether objects such as functions, stored procedures, synonyms, aggregate functions, and operators can be created or modified in the system schema. The system schema refers to the schema provided by the database after initialization, excluding the public schema. The OID of the system schema is usually smaller than 16384.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the initial user and system administrator can create or modify objects such as functions, stored procedures, synonyms, and aggregate functions in the system schema, and the initial user can create operators in the system schema. For details about whether other users are allowed to create these objects, see the permission requirements of the corresponding schema.
  • off indicates that all users are not allowed to create or modify objects such as functions, stored procedures, synonyms, aggregate functions, and operators in the system schema.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable various assertion checks. This parameter assists in debugging. If you are experiencing strange problems or crashes, set this parameter to on to identify programming defects. To use this parameter, the macro USE_ASSERT_CHECKING must be defined (through the configure option --enable-cassert) during the GaussDB compilation.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that various assertion checks are enabled.
  • off indicates that various assertion checks are disabled.

If you compile GaussDB with the assertion check enabled, this parameter is set to on by default.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies whether to ignore check failures (but still generates an alarm) and continues reading data. Continuing reading data may result in breakdown, damaged data being transferred or hidden, failure of data recovery from remote nodes, or other serious problems. You are not advised to modify the settings.

This parameter is a SUSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that data check errors are ignored.
  • off indicates that data check errors are reported.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies whether to ignore system indexes when reading system catalog (but still update the indexes when modifying the tables).

This parameter is a BACKEND parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.


This parameter is useful for recovering data from tables whose system indexes are damaged.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that system indexes are ignored.
  • off indicates that system indexes are not ignored.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies the delay in the connection to the server after a successful authentication. Developers can attach a debugger to the server startup process.

This parameter is a BACKEND parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 2147. The unit is s.

Default value: 0


This parameter is used only for commissioning and fault locating. To prevent impact on service running, ensure that the default value 0 is used in the production environment. If this parameter is set to a value other than 0, the cluster status may be abnormal due to a long authentication delay.


Parameter description: Specifies the period of delaying authentication after the connection to the server is started. Developers can attach a debugger to the authentication procedure.

This parameter is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 60. The unit is s.

Default value: 0


This parameter is used only for commissioning and fault locating. To prevent impact on service running, ensure that the default value 0 is used in the production environment. If this parameter is set to a value other than 0, the cluster status may be abnormal due to a long authentication delay.


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable the function of generating debugging output for the LISTEN and NOTIFY commands. The level of client_min_messages or log_min_messages must be debug1 or lower so that debugging output can be recorded in the client or server logs, respectively.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the function is enabled.
  • off indicates that the function is disabled.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable logging of recovery-related debugging output. This parameter allows users to overwrite the normal setting of log_min_messages, but only for specific messages. This is intended for the use in debugging the standby node.

This parameter is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: enumerated values. Valid values include debug5, debug4, debug3, debug2, debug1, and log. For details about the parameter values, see log_min_messages.

Default value: log

  • log indicates that recovery-related debugging information will not be logged.
  • Except the default value log, each of the other values indicates that recovery-related debugging information at the specified level will also be logged. Common settings of log_min_messages enable logs to be unconditionally recorded into server logs.


Parameter description: Specifies whether to print information about resource usage during sorting operations. This parameter is available only when the macro TRACE_SORT is defined during the GaussDB compilation. However, TRACE_SORT is currently defined by default.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the function is enabled.
  • off indicates that the function is disabled.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies whether to detect a damaged page header that causes GaussDB to report an error, aborting the current transaction.

This parameter is a SUSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

Setting this parameter to on causes the system to report a warning, zero out the damaged page, and continue processing. This behavior will destroy data, including all the rows on the damaged page. However, it allows you to bypass the error and retrieve rows from any undamaged pages that may be present in the table. Therefore, it is useful for restoring data if corruption has occurred due to a hardware or software error. In most cases, you are advised not to set this parameter to on if you want to restore data from damaged pages.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies the remote connection type.

This parameter is a BACKEND parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: enumerated values. Valid values are application, datanode, and internaltool.

Default value: application


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum number of exceptions. The default value cannot be changed.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer. Currently, only the fixed value 1000 is supported.

Default value: 1000


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable optimization for numeric data calculation. Calculation of numeric data is time-consuming. Numeric data is converted into int64- or int128-type data to improve numeric data calculation performance.

This parameter is a SUSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on or true indicates that optimization for numeric data calculation is enabled.
  • off or false indicates that optimization for numeric data calculation is disabled.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies whether to enable the compression function of writing data to disk.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on or true indicates that optimization for writing data to disk is enabled.
  • off or false indicates that optimization for writing data to a disk is disabled.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies the log level of self-diagnosis. Currently, this parameter takes effect only in multi-column statistics. (This is a lab feature. Contact Huawei technical support before using it.)

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: a string

  • summary: Brief diagnosis information is displayed.
  • detail: Detailed diagnosis information is displayed.

Currently, the two parameter values differ only when there is an alarm about multi-column statistics not collected. If the parameter is set to summary, such an alarm will not be displayed. If it is set to detail, such an alarm will be displayed.

Default value: summary


Parameter description: The evaluation information is generally used by O&M personnel during maintenance, and it may affect the output display of the EXPLAIN statement. Therefore, this parameter is disabled by default. The evaluation information is displayed only if the verbose option of the EXPLAIN statement is enabled. (Due to specification changes, the current version no longer supports this feature. Do not use it.)

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the evaluation information is displayed in the output of the EXPLAIN statement.
  • off indicates that the evaluation information is not displayed in the output of the EXPLAIN statement.

Default value: off


The current version does not support database acceleration. Therefore, this parameter does not take effect after being set.


Parameter description: Specifies whether to batch bind and execute PBE statements through interfaces such as JDBC, ODBC, and libpq.

This parameter is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that batch binding and execution are used.
  • off indicates that batch binding and execution are not used.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies the distribution of some shared data and threads among NUMA nodes. This parameter is used to optimize the performance of large-scale ARM servers with multiple NUMA nodes. Generally, you do not need to set this parameter.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: a string. The valid values are none and all.

  • none indicates that this function is disabled.
  • all indicates that some shared data and threads are distributed to different NUMA nodes to reduce the number of remote access times and improve performance. Currently, this function applies only to ARM servers with multiple NUMA nodes. All NUMA nodes must be available for database processes. You cannot select only some NUMA nodes.

In the current version, numa_distribute_mode cannot be set to all on the x86 architecture.

Default value: none


Parameter description: Specifies whether to display the page refresh information of a thread and details about an incremental check point after the incremental check point is enabled. You are not advised to set this parameter to true because a large amount of information will be generated.

This parameter is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies the number of Xlog files that are periodically initialized in advance in the background. This parameter is used to prevent the Xlog file initialization from affecting the performance during transaction submission. However, such a fault may occur only when the system is overloaded. Therefore, you do not need to set this parameter.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to 1000000. The value 0 indicates that initialization is not performed in advance. For example, the value 10 indicates that the background thread periodically initializes 10 Xlog files in advance based on the write location of the current Xlog.

Default value: 0


Parameter description: Specifies whether to accelerate the execution of SQL statements, such as aggregate functions and sorting in TPC-C when enable_opfusion is set to on.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on: enabled.
  • off: disabled.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies whether to deliver filter criteria for a rough check during query.

This parameter is a SUSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that a rough check is performed with filter criteria delivered during query.
  • off indicates that a rough check is performed without filter criteria delivered during query.

Default value: on


Parameter description: Specifies whether to use the same method to calculate char-type hash values and varchar- or text-type hash values. Based on the setting of this parameter, you can determine whether a redistribution is required when a distribution column is converted from a char-type data distribution into a varchar- or text-type data distribution.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the same calculation method is used and a redistribution is not required.
  • off indicates that different calculation methods are used and a redistribution is required.

Calculation methods differ in the length of input strings used for calculating hash values. (For a char-type hash value, spaces following a string are not counted as the length. For a text- or varchar-type hash value, the spaces are counted.) The hash value affects the calculation result of queries. To avoid query errors, do not modify this parameter during database running once it is set.

Default value: off


Parameter description: Specifies the timeout interval for the pldebugger server to wait for a response from the debug end.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: an integer ranging from 1 to 86400. The unit is second.

Default value: 15min


Parameter description: Specifies whether to skip errors and continue compiling PLPGSQL objects.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: Boolean

Default value: off


Parameter description: This parameter is used to control the information statistics of Ustore tables, rollback type, and data verification during the running of key modules (including data, indexes, rollback segments, and playback). This parameter helps R&D engineers locate faults.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1.

Value range: a string. This parameter is set in key-value mode. The mapping between keys and values is as follows: If multiple key-value pairs are used, use semicolons (;) to separate them. For example:



When setting ustore_attr, do not leave spaces or other characters before and after the equal sign (=) between key and value, for example, ustore_attr='ustore_verify_level = NORMAL. Otherwise, the parameter is invalid during kernel code verification and the parameter setting fails.

  • ustore_verify_level: verification level.

    Value range: a string. For details, see the following table.

    Table 1 Parameter value meaning of ustore_verify_level

    Parameter Value



    FAST indicates fast verification. A few content is verified and the impact on performance is minimized.


    NORMAL indicates that the verification is routinely performed. Compared with the fast verification, this verification involves more content, and the impact on the performance is medium.


    SLOW indicates slow verification. The verification content is the largest, and the performance is greatly affected.

    Default value: an empty string

  • ustore_verify_module: module that controls verification.

    Value range: a string of case-insensitive characters. The value can be one or more of UPAGE, UBTREE, UNDO, and REDO, or it can be ALL or NULL. When multiple values of UPAGE, UBTREE, UNDO, and REDO are used, separate them with colons (:).

    For example, ustore_verify_module=UPAGE:UBTREE:UNDO:REDO.

    Table 2 Parameter value meaning of ustore_verify_module

    Parameter Value



    Indicates that data page verification is enabled.


    Indicates that UBtree index verification is enabled.


    Indicates that rollback segment data verification is enabled.


    Indicates that data page verification for the REDO process is enabled.


    Indicates that data verification is enabled for the UPAGE, UBTREE, UNDO, and REDO modules.


    Indicates that data verification for the UPAGE, UBTREE, UNDO, and REDO modules is disabled.

    Default value: an empty string

  • index_trace_level: specifies whether to enable index tracing and control the printing level. After this function is enabled, information about index tuples that meet the conditions is printed based on the printing level during index scanning.

    Value range: a string. The values are described in the following table.

    Default value: NO

    Table 3 Parameter value meaning of index_trace_level

    Parameter Value



    No additional information is printed.


    Information about visible index tuples is printed, including:
    • ID and offset of the index page where the current index tuple is located
    • Current tuple status
    • TID and partOid corresponding to the current tuple
    • xmin and xmax information corresponding to the current tuple
    • Current tuple content (if enable_log_tuple is set to on).


    On the basis of NORMAL, the information about the index tuples that do not pass the visibility check is printed and whether the index tuples are visible is marked.


    On the basis of VISIBILITY, the system tries to print the information about the HIKEY tuple on the page.


    Information about all tuples on the scanned index page is printed.


  • enable_log_tuple: specifies whether to print the contents of related tuples when printing log-level prompts for troubleshooting and locating.

    Value range: on or off (case-insensitive)

    Default value: off

    Note: This parameter has been discarded.

  • enable_ustore_sync_rollback: indicates whether to enable synchronous rollback for Ustore tables.

    Value range: Boolean

    Default value: true

  • enable_ustore_async_rollback: indicates whether to enable asynchronous rollback for Ustore tables.

    Value range: Boolean

    Default value: true

  • enable_ustore_page_rollback: indicates whether to enable page rollback for Ustore tables.

    Value range: Boolean

    Default value: true

  • enable_ustore_partial_seqscan: indicates whether to enable partial scan for Ustore tables.

    Value range: Boolean

    Default value: false

  • enable_candidate_buf_usage_count: indicates whether to enable buffer usage statistics.

    Value range: Boolean

    Default value: false

  • ustats_tracker_naptime: specifies the interval for collecting statistics on Ustore tables.

    Value range: [1,INT_MAX/1000]

    Default value: 20, in seconds

  • umax_search_length_for_prune: specifies the maximum search depth of the prune operation on the Ustore table.

    Value range: [1,INT_MAX/1000]

    Default value: 10 (times)

Default value: an empty string


This parameter applies only to Ustore tables in a centralized system or a standalone openGauss system.

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