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Help Center/ GaussDB(DWS)/ Best Practices/ Cluster Management/ Scaling Options for GaussDB(DWS) with a Coupled Storage-Compute Architecture

Scaling Options for GaussDB(DWS) with a Coupled Storage-Compute Architecture

Updated on 2024-10-29 GMT+08:00

Scalability is a critical feature for cloud services. It refers to cloud services' ability to increase or decrease compute and storage resources to meet changing demand, achieving a balance between performance and cost.

Typically, a distributed architecture offers the following types of scalability:

  • Scale-out (horizontal scaling)

    With a scale-out, more nodes are added to an existing system to increase storage and compute capacities. For GaussDB(DWS), this means to expand the cluster size. To ensure proper resource utilization, make sure the hardware devices you add use the same specifications as the ones already in the cluster do.

  • Scale-in (horizontal scaling)

    Scale-in is the opposite of scale-out. With a scale-in, nodes are removed from an existing system to decrease storage and compute capacities and by doing so, increase resource utilization. GaussDB(DWS) is deployed by security ring, which means GaussDB(DWS) clusters are scaled in or out by security ring as well. We will talk about security rings in more detail in a later section.

  • Scale-up (vertical scaling)

    With a scale-up, more CPUs, memory, disks, or NICs are added to existing servers to increase the corresponding capacities. In some cases, lower-capacity hardware is replaced by higher-capacity ones. This is also referred to as hardware upgrade, which may entail an OS upgrade sometimes.

  • Scale-down (vertical scaling)

    Scale-down is the opposite of scale-up. With a scale-down, the hardware of an existing system is downgraded to match demand.

GaussDB(DWS) offers the standard data warehouse (DWS 2.0) and stream data warehouse, both of which use a distributed architecture with coupled storage and compute. They support both horizontal and vertical scaling. A cluster resizing option allows customers to perform horizontal and vertical scaling at the same time. The cluster topology can also be adjusted.

A Closer Look at GaussDB(DWS) Cluster Topology

To fully understand the scalability of GaussDB(DWS), one needs to understand GaussDB(DWS)'s typical cluster topology. The following figure shows a simplified ECS+EVS deployment structure of GaussDB(DWS).

  • ECSs provide compute resources, including CPUs and memory. GaussDB(DWS) database instances (such as CNs and DNs) are deployed on ECSs.
  • EVS provides storage resources. An EVS disk is attached to each DN.
  • All ECSs in a GaussDB(DWS) cluster are within the same VPC to ensure high-speed connections between them.
  • All the database instances deployed on ECSs form a distributed, massively parallel processing database (MPPDB) cluster to provide data analysis and processing capabilities as a whole.
Figure 1 Cluster topology

Once you have had a good look at the typical topology of a GaussDB(DWS) cluster, you can better understand GaussDB(DWS)'s scalability features. At present, GaussDB(DWS) offers the following scaling options: disk scaling, node flavor change, cluster scale-out, cluster scale-in, cluster resizing, and CN addition or deletion, as illustrated by the figure below:

Figure 2 GaussDB(DWS) scaling options

Disk Scaling

  • With disk scaling, the size of all EVS disks attached to all ECSs in a cluster is changed. This option can be used to quickly scale disk capacity.
  • Disk capacity can only be scaled up, and not down.
  • Disk scaling is a lightweight operation that typically can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes. It does not entail data migration or the restarting of services, so it does not interrupt services. Nonetheless, you are advised to perform this operation during off-peak hours.
  • GaussDB(DWS) standard data warehouses and stream data warehouses support this operation. The cluster version must be or later.
  • For details, see Disk Capacity Expansion of an EVS Cluster.
Figure 3 Disk scaling

Changing the Node Flavor

  • This operation changes the flavor of all ECSs in a cluster. It can be used to quickly change CPU and memory specifications.
  • A flavor is a preset resource template of a combination of a specific number of vCPUs and memory. For example, the flavor dwsx.16xlarge includes 64 vCPUs and 512 GB memory.
  • Changing the node flavor is a lightweight operation that typically can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes. It does not involve data migration, but services will need to be restarted once, causing a service interruption in minutes. You are advised to perform this operation during off-peak hours.
  • GaussDB(DWS) standard data warehouses and stream data warehouses support this operation. The cluster version must be or later.
  • For details, see Changing the Node Flavor.
Figure 4 Changing the node flavor

Scaling Out a Cluster

Cluster scale-out is a typical horizontal scaling scenario for MPPDBs, where homogeneous nodes are added to an existing cluster to increase capacity. GaussDB(DWS) 2.0 uses coupled storage and compute, so a cluster scale-out expands both compute and storage capacities.

To balance the load and achieve optimal performance, metadata replication and data redistribution are performed during a cluster scale-out. Therefore, the time needed to complete a cluster scale-out is positively correlated with the number of database objects as well as the data size. To ensure reliability, new nodes are automatically added to security rings. This is why at least three nodes must be added for a scale-out operation.

Figure 5 Scaling out a cluster

8.1.1 and later versions support online scale-out. During an online scale-out, GaussDB(DWS) does not restart and can continue to provide services. During data redistribution, you can perform insert, update, and delete operations on tables, but data updates may still be blocked for a short period of time. Redistribution consumes large quantities of CPU and I/O resources, significantly impacting job performance. Therefore, you are advised to perform redistribution when services are stopped or during periods of light load. A phase-by-phase approach is recommended for cluster scale-out: Perform high-concurrency redistribution during periods of light load, and stop redistribution or perform low-concurrency redistribution during periods of heavy load.

Cluster scale-out can be performed phase by phase or in one-click mode.

A phase-by-phase approach separates a scale-out operation into three phases: adding ECSs, adding nodes, and data redistribution. You can schedule the scale-out tasks in a way that can minimize the risk of service interruption.

On the other hand, a one-click scale-out is more convenient to users.

Table 1 Comparing two different scale-out approaches




Phase-by-phase scale-out

A scale-out operation is divided into three phases: adding ECSs, adding nodes, and data redistribution. You can schedule each phase for the most appropriate times and perform them separately.

The risk of service interruption can be minimized.

One-click scale-out

During a one-click scale-out, adding ECSs, adding nodes, and redistributing data are all performed automatically.

It is more convenient to users.

GaussDB(DWS) Cluster Security Ring

A security ring is the minimum set of nodes required for the horizontal deployment of multi-replica DNs. Cluster scale-out and scale-in are both performed by security ring. The main idea behind security rings is fault isolation. Any fault that occurs within a security ring stays within that ring.

GaussDB(DWS) uses a primary-standby-secondary architecture, so the minimum number of nodes in a security ring is 3. When a fault occurs within a ring, it has no impact on nodes outside that ring. The scope of impact is minimized (3 nodes), and the impact on each node in that faulty ring is 1/(N-1), that is, 1/2. In extreme scenarios, the entire cluster is a security ring. If a fault occurs within this ring, the scope of impact is the largest (the entire cluster), but the impact on each node in the ring is the smallest, that is, 1/(N-1).

A common practice is to form an N+1 ring, where each node evenly distributes its N replicas to the remaining N nodes in the same ring. When a fault occurs in the ring, the scope of impact in the entire cluster is N+1 nodes, and the impact on each node in the ring is 1/N.

Figure 6 Typical N+1 security ring

Scaling In a Cluster

  • Cluster scale-in is also a typical horizontal scaling scenario for MPPDBs, where some of the nodes of an existing cluster are removed to reduce capacity. A cluster scale-in reduces both compute and storage capacities.
  • Each GaussDB(DWS) cluster physically consists of multiple ECSs. To improve reliability, a set number of ECSs (typically three) form a logical security ring, so each GaussDB(DWS) cluster consists of a number of security rings. A cluster scale-in is performed by security ring. The security rings at the end of a cluster are first removed.
  • A cluster scale-in involves data migration. Data on the removed nodes needs to be redistributed to the remaining nodes. This means the time needed to complete a cluster scale-in is positively correlated with the number of database objects as well as the data size.
  • GaussDB(DWS) standard data warehouses and stream data warehouses support cluster scale-in. and later versions support online scale-in. During an online scale-in, GaussDB(DWS) does not restart and can continue to provide services. During data redistribution, you can perform insert, update, and delete operations on tables, but data updates may still be blocked for a short period of time. Redistribution consumes large quantities of CPU and I/O resources, significantly impacting job performance. Therefore, you are advised to perform redistribution when services are stopped or during periods of light load.
Figure 7 Scaling in a cluster

Adding or Deleting CNs

  • Adding or deleting coordinator nodes (CNs) is another way of cluster scaling in GaussDB(DWS).
  • CNs are an important component of GaussDB(DWS). It provides interfaces to external applications, optimizes global execution plans, distributes execution plans to data nodes (DNs), and summarizes results from each node into a single result set.
  • CN capacities determine the entire cluster's concurrency handling capability. By adding more CNs, you increase the cluster's concurrency handling capability.
  • CNs use a multi-active architecture. To ensure data consistency, if data on some CNs is damaged, DDL services will be blocked. To quickly restore DDL services, you can remove the faulty CNs.
  • In 8.1.1 and later versions, GaussDB(DWS) standard data warehouses and stream data warehouses support this operation.
  • When a CN is added, metadata needs to synchronized. The time it takes to add a CN depends on the metadata size. In 8.1.3, CNs can be added and deleted online. During CN addition, GaussDB(DWS) does not restart and can continue to provide services. DDL services will be blocked for a short period of time (with no error reported). No other services are affected.
Figure 8 Adding or deleting a CN

Resizing a Cluster

  • Cluster resizing allows you to perform horizontal and vertical scaling at the same time, including cluster scale-out and scale-in, as well as scale-up and scale-down. The cluster topology can also be adjusted.
  • Clustering resizing relies on multiple node groups and data redistribution. During cluster resizing, a new cluster is created based on new resource requirements and cluster planning. Then, data is redistributed between the old and new clusters. Once data migration is complete, services are migrated to the new cluster, and after that, the old cluster is released.
  • Cluster resizing involves data migration. Data on the nodes in the old cluster needs to be redistributed to the nodes in the new cluster, with the data still available in the old cluster. The time it takes to resize a cluster is positively correlated with the number of database objects as well as the data size.
  • GaussDB(DWS) standard data warehouses support cluster resizing, but agents must be upgraded to Currently, during cluster resizing, the old cluster can only support read-only services. Online service capabilities can be expected later.
  • For details, see Changing All Specifications.
Figure 9 Resizing a cluster

Comparing Different Scaling Options

The table below compares different scaling options for GaussDB(DWS).

Table 2 Comparing different scaling options for GaussDB(DWS)


Scaled Object




Disk scaling

Disk capacity

EVS disks attached to all ECSs in a cluster

Can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes. There is no need to restart services, so it has no impact on services. Should be performed during off-peak hours.

Cluster version: or later

Product form: standard data warehouse and stream data warehouse

Changing the node flavor

Compute capacity

The flavor (CPU cores and memory size) of all ECSs in a cluster

Can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes. Services will need to be restarted once, causing a service interruption in minutes. Should be performed during off-peak hours.

Cluster version: or later

Product form: standard data warehouse and stream data warehouse

Cluster scale-out

Disk and compute capacities

Adding homogeneous ECSs in a distributed architecture

Online scale-out supported. During an online scale-out, GaussDB(DWS) does not restart and can continue to provide services.

The duration is positively correlated with the number of database objects as well as the data size.

Cluster version: all versions. Online scale-out is supported since 8.1.1.

Product form: standard data warehouse and stream data warehouse

Cluster scale-in

Disk and compute capacities

Removing some of the ECSs in a distributed architecture

Online scale-in supported. During an online scale-in, GaussDB(DWS) does not restart and can continue to provide services.

The duration is positively correlated with the number of database objects as well as the data size.

Cluster version:

Product form: standard data warehouse and stream data warehouse

Cluster resizing

Disk and compute capacities, and cluster topology

Using a new ECS flavor (new hardware specifications) and new cluster topology to create a new cluster, and redistributing data between the old and new clusters

The duration is positively correlated with the number of database objects as well as the data size. Read-only services can be provided during cluster resizing.

Cluster version: Agent or later

Product form: standard data warehouse

Adding or deleting CNs

CN instances

Adding CNs to enhance concurrency, or removing faulty CNs to quickly restore DDL services

Online addition and deletion of CNs is supported in 8.1.3 and later. During CN addition, GaussDB(DWS) does not restart and can continue to provide services.

Cluster version: 8.1.1. (Online addition and deletion of CNs is supported in 8.1.3 and later.)

Product form: standard data warehouse and stream data warehouse

Application Scenarios for Different Scaling Options

Table 3 describes when to use each scaling option.

Table 3 Application scenarios for different scaling options for GaussDB(DWS)


Problem to Solve

Recommended Scaling Option

Impact on Services

Estimated Duration


Insufficient storage space.

CPU, memory, and disk I/O capacities are sufficient.

Increase disk capacity.

Online services can be maintained.

No need for data migration. Can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes.

Excessive storage space, which needs to be reduced to cut costs.

CPU, memory, and disk I/O capacities are sufficient.

Create a cluster with smaller disk capacity (but otherwise unchanged), and migrate data to the new cluster by performing a DR switchover.

Data becomes read-only during the DR switchover, which typically takes less than 30 minutes.

The duration is positively correlated with the data size.


Insufficient CPU or memory capacity

Use a larger ECS flavor.

The cluster needs to restart once.

No need for data migration. Can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes.

Insufficient disk I/O

Create a cluster with smaller disk capacity (but otherwise unchanged), and migrate data to the new cluster by performing a DR switchover.

Data becomes read-only during the DR switchover, which typically takes less than 30 minutes.

The duration is positively correlated with the data size.

Distributed compute and storage

Insufficient distributed capabilities due to insufficient nodes

Scale out the cluster.

Online services can be maintained (partially impacted).

Data migration is needed. The duration is positively correlated with the sizes of metadata as well as service data.

Too many nodes, leading to a high cost

Scale in the cluster.

Online services can be maintained (partially impacted).

Data migration is needed. The duration is positively correlated with the size of service data.

Cluster topology

Change both the cluster topology and node flavor (the number of DNs changes).

Resizes the cluster.

Read-only services

Data migration is needed. The duration is positively correlated with the sizes of metadata as well as service data.

Change both the cluster topology and node flavor (the number of DNs remains the same).

Perform cluster DR switchover and data migration

Online services can be maintained (partially impacted).

Data migration is needed. The duration is positively correlated with the size of service data.

Insufficient concurrency support

Add CNs.

Online services can be maintained (partially impacted).

Data migration is needed. The duration is positively correlated with the size of metadata.

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