هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة حاليًا بلغتك المحلية. نحن نعمل جاهدين على إضافة المزيد من اللغات. شاكرين تفهمك ودعمك المستمر لنا.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- Logging In to Huawei Cloud
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions Management
- Projects
- Agencies
- Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- Custom Identity Broker
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Viewing IAM Operation Records
- Quotas
- Best Practices
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Token Management
Access Key Management
- Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of an Agency
- Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of an IAM User
- Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of a Federated User
- Creating a Permanent Access Key
- Querying Permanent Access Keys
- Querying a Permanent Access Key
- Modifying a Permanent Access Key
- Deleting a Permanent Access Key
- Region Management
- Project Management
- Account Management
IAM User Management
- Listing IAM Users
- Querying IAM User Details (Recommended)
- Querying IAM User Details
- Querying the User Groups Which an IAM User Belongs to
- Querying the IAM Users in a Group
- Creating an IAM User (Recommended)
- Creating an IAM User
- Changing the Login Password
- Modifying IAM User Information (By an IAM User) (Recommended)
- Modifying IAM User Information (By the Administrator) (Recommended)
- Modifying IAM User Information (By the Administrator)
- Deleting an IAM User
- User Group Management
Permissions Management
- Listing Permissions
- Querying Permission Details
- Querying Permissions Assignment Records
- Querying Permissions of a User Group for a Global Service Project
- Querying Permissions of a User Group for a Region-specific Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for a Global Service Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for a Region-specific Project
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for a Global Service Project
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for a Region-specific Project
- Querying All Permissions of a User Group
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for All Projects
- Removing Specified Permissions of a User Group in All Projects
- Removing Permissions of a User Group for a Global Service Project
- Removing the Permissions of a User Group for a Region-specific Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for All Projects
- Custom Policy Management
Agency Management
- Listing Agencies
- Querying Agency Details
- Creating an Agency
- Modifying an Agency
- Deleting an Agency
- Querying Permissions of an Agency for a Global Service Project
- Querying Permissions of an Agency for a Region-specific Project
- Granting Permissions to an Agency for a Global Service Project
- Granting Permissions to an Agency for a Region-specific Project
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions for a Global Service Project
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions for a Region-specific Project
- Removing Permissions of an Agency for a Global Service Project
- Removing Permissions of an Agency for a Region-specific Project
- Querying All Permissions of an Agency
- Granting Specified Permissions to an Agency for All Projects
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions
- Removing Specified Permissions of an Agency in All Projects
Enterprise Project Management
- Querying User Groups Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Querying the Permissions of a User Group Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Removing Permissions of a User Group Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Querying the Enterprise Projects Associated with a User Group
- Querying the Enterprise Projects Directly Associated with an IAM User
- Querying Users Directly Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Querying Permissions of a User Directly Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Removing Permissions of a User Directly Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Granting Permissions to Agencies Associated with Specified Enterprise Projects
- Removing Permissions of Agencies Associated with Specified Enterprise Projects
Security Settings
- Modifying the Operation Protection Policy
- Querying the Operation Protection Policy
- Modifying the Password Policy
- Querying the Password Policy of an Account
- Modifying the Login Authentication Policy
- Querying the Login Authentication Policy
- Modifying the ACL for Console Access
- Querying the ACL for Console Access
- Modifying the ACL for API Access
- Querying the ACL for API Access
- Listing MFA Device Information of IAM Users
- Querying the MFA Device Information of an IAM User
- Listing Login Protection Configurations of IAM Users
- Querying the Login Protection Configuration of an IAM User
- Modifying the Login Protection Configuration of an IAM User
- Binding a Virtual MFA Device
- Unbinding a Virtual MFA Device
- Creating a Virtual MFA Device
- Deleting a Virtual MFA Device
Federated Identity Authentication Management
- Obtaining a Token Through Federated Identity Authentication
Identity Providers
- Listing Identity Providers
- Querying Identity Provider Details
- Creating an Identity Provider
- Modifying a SAML Identity Provider
- Deleting a SAML Identity Provider
- Creating an OpenID Connect Identity Provider Configuration
- Modifying an OpenID Connect Identity Provider
- Querying an OpenID Connect Identity Provider
- Mappings
- Protocols
- Metadata
- Token
- Listing Accounts Accessible to Federated Users
- Listing Projects Accessible to Federated Users
- Custom Identity Brokers
- Version Information Management
- Services and Endpoints
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Permissions and Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
User Groups and Permissions Management
- Why Can't I Find Permissions for a Cloud Service?
- How Do I Grant Cloud Service Permissions in the EU-Dublin Region to IAM Users?
- Why Have Permissions Granted to a User Not Been Applied?
- What Should I Do If an IAM User Does Not Have the Required Permissions to Access the IAM Console?
- How Can I Grant an IAM User Permissions to Place Orders But Disallow Order Payment?
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Verification?
- How Do I Disable Login Verification?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
- Why Is My Account Locked?
- Why Doesn't My API Access Control Policy Take Effect?
- Why Do I Still Need to Perform MFA During Login After Unbinding the Virtual MFA Device?
Passwords and Credentials
- What Should I Do If I Forgot My Password?
- How Do I Change My Password?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Are Temporary Security Credentials (AK/SK and Security Token)?
- How Do I Obtain a Token with Security Administrator Permissions?
- How Do I Obtain Access Keys (AK/SK Pairs) for the EU-Dublin Region?
- Project Management
- Agency Management
- Account Management
- Others
User Groups and Permissions Management
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions
- Projects
- Agencies
- Account Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Viewing IAM Operation Records
- Quotas
- User Groups and Permissions Management
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Authentication?
- How Do I Disable Login Authentication?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
Passwords and Credentials
- How Do I Reset My Password?
- How Do I Change My Password?
- What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Are Temporary Security Credentials (AK/SK and SecurityToken)?
- How Do I Obtain a Token with Security Administrator Permissions?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK) in the ME-Abu Dhabi-OP5 Region?
- Project Management
- Agency Management
- Others
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions
- Account Settings
- Projects
- Agencies
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Auditing
- How Do I Enable Login Authentication?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain MFA Verification Codes?
- How Do I Unbind a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does IAM User Login Fail?
- How Do I Control IAM User Access to the Console?
- Differences Between IAM and Enterprise Management
- What Are the Differences Between IAM Projects and Enterprise Projects?
- How Can I Obtain Permissions to Create an Agency?
- What Can I Do If Text Box Prompt Information Does Not Disappear?
- How Do I Disable Password Association and Saving on Google Chrome?
- How Do I Grant Cloud Service Permissions in the EU-Paris Region to IAM Users?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK) in the EU-Paris Region?
- Change History
- API Reference (Paris Regions)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions Management
- Projects
- Agencies
- Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Viewing IAM Operation Records
- Quotas
- User Groups and Permissions Management
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Verification?
- How Do I Disable Login Verification?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
- Why Is My Account Locked?
- Why Do I Still Need to Perform MFA During Login After Unbinding the Virtual MFA Device?
Passwords and Credentials
- What Should I Do If I Forgot My Password?
- How Do I Change My Password?
- What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Are Temporary Security Credentials (AK/SK and Security Token)?
- How Do I Obtain a Token with Security Administrator Permissions?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK) in the AP-Kuala Lumpur-OP6 Region?
- Project Management
- Agency Management
- Others
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Token Management
- Access Key Management
- Region Management
Project Management
- Querying Project Information Based on the Specified Criteria
- Querying a User Project List
- Querying the List of Projects Accessible to Users
- Creating a Project
- Modifying Project Data
- Querying Information About a Specified Project
- Setting the Status of a Specified Project
- Querying Information and Status of a Specified Project
- Querying the Quotas of a Project
- Tenant Management
User Management
- Querying a User List
- Querying User Details
- Querying User Details (Recommended)
- Querying the User Group to Which a User Belongs
- Querying Users in a User Group
- Creating a User
- Changing a Password
- Modifying User Information
- Modifying User Information (Including Email Address and Mobile Number)
- Modifying User Information (Including Email Address and Mobile Number)
- Deleting a User
- Deleting a User from a User Group
- Querying MFA Device Information of Users
- Querying the MFA Device Information of a User
- Querying Login Protection Configurations of Users
- Querying the Login Protection Configuration of a User
- Creating a Virtual MFA Device
- Deleting a Virtual MFA Device
- Binding a Virtual MFA Device
- Unbinding a Virtual MFA Device
- Modifying the Login Protection Configuration of a User
- User Group Management
Permission Management
- Querying a Role List
- Querying Role Details
- Querying Permissions of a User Group Under a Domain
- Querying Permissions of a User Group Corresponding to a Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group of a Domain
- Granting Permissions to a User Group Corresponding to a Project
- Deleting Permissions of a User Group Corresponding to a Project
- Deleting Permissions of a User Group of a Domain
- Querying Whether a User Group Under a Domain Has Specific Permissions
- Querying Whether a User Group Corresponding to a Project Has Specific Permissions
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for All Projects
- Removing Specified Permissions of a User Group in All Projects
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for All Projects
- Querying All Permissions of a User Group
- Custom Policy Management
Agency Management
- Creating an Agency
- Querying an Agency List Based on the Specified Conditions
- Obtaining Details of a Specified Agency
- Modifying an Agency
- Deleting an Agency
- Granting Permissions to an Agency for a Project
- Checking Whether an Agency Has the Specified Permissions on a Project
- Querying the List of Permissions of an Agency on a Project
- Deleting Permissions of an Agency on a Project
- Granting Permissions to an Agency on a Domain
- Checking Whether an Agency Has the Specified Permissions on a Domain
- Querying the List of Permissions of an Agency on a Domain
- Deleting Permissions of an Agency on a Domain
- Querying All Permissions of an Agency
- Granting Specified Permissions to an Agency for All Projects
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions
- Removing Specified Permissions of an Agency in All Projects
Security Settings
- Querying the Operation Protection Policy
- Modifying the Operation Protection Policy
- Querying the Password Policy
- Modifying the Password Policy
- Querying the Login Authentication Policy
- Modifying the Login Authentication Policy
- Querying the ACL for Console Access
- Modifying the ACL for Console Access
- Querying the ACL for API Access
- Modifying the ACL for API Access
- Federated Identity Authentication Management
- Version Information Management
- Services and Endpoints
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions Management
- Projects
- Agencies
- Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Quotas
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Verification?
- How Do I Disable Login Verification?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
- Passwords and Credentials
- Agency Management
- Others
- Change History
- API Reference (Ankara Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Obtaining a Login Token
This API is used to obtain a login token for logging in through a custom identity broker. Login tokens are issued to users to log in through custom identity brokers. Each login token contains identity and session information of a user. To log in to a cloud service console using a custom identity broker URL, call this API to obtain a login token for authentication.
The API can be called using both the global endpoint and region-specific endpoints. For IAM endpoints, see Regions and Endpoints.
By default, a login token is valid for 10 minutes. You can set a validity period from 10 minutes to 12 hours.
You can debug this API in API Explorer.
POST /v3.0/OS-AUTH/securitytoken/logintokens
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
Content-Type |
Yes |
String |
Fill application/json;charset=utf8 in this field. |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
Yes |
Object |
Authentication information. |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
access |
Yes |
String |
AK. |
secret |
Yes |
String |
SK. |
id |
Yes |
String |
Temporary security token. A login token can be obtained using the security token of a custom identity broker user or a common user. For details, see Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of an IAM User. A security token can be obtained using an agency, and the session_user.name parameter must be specified in the request body. For details, see Obtaining a Temporary Access Key and Security Token Through an Agency. |
duration_seconds |
No |
Integer |
Validity period (seconds) of the login token. The value ranges from 10 minutes to 12 hours. The default value is 10 minutes, that is, 600 seconds.
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
X-Subject-LoginToken |
String |
Signed login token. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Object |
Login token information. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
domain_id |
String |
Account ID. |
expires_at |
String |
Time when the login token will expire. |
method |
String |
Authentication method. The value is federation_proxy for a custom identity broker user and is token for a user on Huawei Cloud. |
user_id |
String |
User ID. |
user_name |
String |
Username. |
session_id |
String |
Session ID. |
session_user_id |
String |
ID of a custom identity broker user. This parameter will be returned when you obtain a temporary access key and security token using an agency and specify the session_user.name parameter in the request body. The value of this parameter is the value of session_user.name. |
session_name |
String |
Name of a custom identity broker user. This parameter will be returned when you obtain a temporary access key and security token using an agency and specify the session_user.name parameter in the request body. The value of this parameter is the value of session_user.name. |
Object |
Information about the delegated party. This parameter will be returned when you obtain a temporary access key and security token using an agency and specify the session_user.name parameter in the request body. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Object |
Information about the delegated party. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
Object |
Delegated account information. |
name |
String |
Username of the delegated party. |
password_expires_at |
String |
Expiration time of the password. The value is a UTC time in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssZ format, for example, 2023-06-28T08:56:33.710000Z. For details about the date and timestamp formats, see ISO-8601. |
id |
String |
User ID. |
Example Request
Request for obtaining a login token through a custom identity broker
POST https://iam.myhuaweicloud.com/v3.0/OS-AUTH/securitytoken/logintokens
{ "auth": { "securitytoken": { "access": "LUJHNN4WB569PGAP...", "secret": "7qtrm2cku0XubixiVkBOcvMfpnu7H2mLN...", "id": "gQpjbi1ub3J0a...", "duration_seconds":"600" } } }
Example Response
Status code: 201
The request is successful.
Example 1: Response to the request for obtaining a temporary access key and security token through a token
Example 2: Response to the request for obtaining a temporary access key and security token through an agency (with session_user.name in the request body)
- Example 1
Parameters in the response header X-Subject-LoginToken:MIIatAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIapTCCGqECAQExDTALB...
Parameters in the response body { "logintoken": { "domain_id": "05262121fb00d5c30fbec013bc1...", "expires_at": "2020-01-20T08:18:36.447000Z", "method": "token", "user_id": "0526213b8a80d38a1f31c013ed...", "user_name": "IAMUser", "session_user_id": "093f75808b8089ba1f6dc000c7cac...", "session_id": "40b328b6683a41b9bf8e7185e..." } }
- Example 2
Parameters in the response header X-Subject-LoginToken:MIIatAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIapTCCGqECAQExDTALB...
Parameters in the response body { "logintoken": { "domain_id": "05262121fb00d5c30fbec01...", "expires_at": "2020-01-23T03:27:26.728000Z", "method": "federation_proxy", "user_id": "07826f367b80d2474ff9c013a...", "user_name": "IAMDomainA/IAMAgency", "session_id": "0012c8e6adda4ce787e90585d...", "session_user_id": "093f75808b8089ba1f6dc000c7cac...", "session_name": "SessionUserName", "assumed_by": { "user": { "domain": { "name": "IAMDomainB", "id": "0659ef9c9c80d4560f14c009ac..." }, "name": "IAMUserB", "password_expires_at": "2020-02-16T02:44:57.000000Z", "id": "0659ef9d4d00d3b81f26c009fe..." } } } }
Status Codes
Status Code |
Description |
201 |
The request is successful. |
400 |
Invalid parameters. |
401 |
Authentication failed. |
403 |
Access denied. |
405 |
The method specified in the request is not allowed for the requested resource. |
413 |
The request entity is too large. |
500 |
Internal server error. |
503 |
Service unavailable. |
Error Codes
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