هذه الصفحة غير متوفرة حاليًا بلغتك المحلية. نحن نعمل جاهدين على إضافة المزيد من اللغات. شاكرين تفهمك ودعمك المستمر لنا.
Querying Task Details
This API is used to query task details.
- This API is available only for synchronization from MySQL to MySQL, migration from Redis to GeminiDB Redis, migration from Redis Cluster to GeminiDB Redis, and synchronization from Oracle to GaussDB Distributed.
- This API can be used only in certain regions. For details, see Endpoints.
GET /v5/{project_id}/jobs/{job_id}
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
project_id |
Yes |
String |
Project ID of a tenant in a region. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID. |
job_id |
Yes |
String |
Task ID. |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
type |
Yes |
String |
Type of task details. Values:
Enumerated values:
query_id |
No |
String |
Query ID, which is used to query task details. Note: For task details of some types, query the operation result based on the query_id returned by the request that triggers the operation. |
offset |
No |
Integer |
Offset. The records after this offset will be queried. Note: Pagination query is supported for task details of some types. This parameter can be specified to control pagination query. |
limit |
No |
Integer |
Maximum number of records that can be returned. Note: Pagination query is supported for task details of some types. This parameter can be specified to control pagination query. |
compare_type |
No |
String |
Type of a comparison task. This parameter is mandatory when type is set to compare. The value can be:
Enumerated values:
query_type |
No |
String |
Type of the comparison content. This parameter is mandatory when type is set to compare. Values:
Enumerated values:
object_type |
No |
String |
Type of comparison details. Values:
Enumerated values:
compare_task_id |
No |
String |
ID of a comparison task. |
source_db_name |
No |
String |
Name of the source database for data comparison. |
target_db_name |
No |
String |
Name of the destination database for data comparison. |
compare_detail_type |
No |
String |
Type of the comparison result. Values:
Enumerated values:
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
Content-Type |
Yes |
String |
MIME type of the request body. Use the default value application/json. For APIs used to upload objects or images, the value varies depending on the flow type. The default value is application/json. |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
User token obtained from IAM. It is a response to the API for obtaining a user token. This API is the only one that does not require authentication. After a request is processed, the value of X-Subject-Token in the header is the token value. |
X-Language |
No |
String |
Request language type. Default value: en-us Enumerated values:
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
job |
Object |
Response body for querying details about a single task. For details, see Table 5. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Task ID. |
status |
String |
Task status.
create_time |
String |
Task creation time. |
total_count |
Integer |
Total number of tasks in the list, which is irrelevant to pagination. |
master_job_id |
String |
ID of the primary task. |
base_info |
Object |
Basic information body of a task. For details, see Table 6. |
source_endpoint |
Array of objects |
Information body of the source database. For details, see Table 8. |
target_endpoint |
Array of objects |
Information body of the destination database. For details, see Table 8. |
alarm_notify |
Object |
Information body for setting task exception notification. If this parameter is enabled, the system sends a notification to a specified SMN topic when the task is abnormal. For details, see Table 15. |
speed_limit |
Array of objects |
Flow control information body.
which causes read consumption on the source database accordingly. For example, if the outbound bandwidth of the source database is 100 MB/s and 80% bandwidth is used, the I/O consumption on the source database is 80 MB/s. For details, see Table 16. |
user_migration |
Object |
User migration information body. For details, see Table 17. |
policy_config |
Object |
Policy information body. This parameter is used to configure migration and synchronization policies, including the conflict policy, DROP Database filtering, and object synchronization scope. For details, see Table 20. |
db_param |
Object |
Database parameter information body. For details, see Table 21. |
tuning_params |
Object |
Advanced setting information body. For details, see Table 23. |
period_order |
Object |
Yearly/Monthly information body. For details, see Table 25. |
node_info |
Object |
Information body of the DRS instance. For details, see Table 26. |
logs |
Array of objects |
Information body of a log query result. For details, see Table 30. |
network_results |
Array of objects |
Information body of a connection testing result. For details, see Table 31. |
precheck_result |
Object |
Pre-check result information body. For details, see Table 32. |
progress_info |
Object |
Task progress information body. For details, see Table 35. |
migration_object_progress_info |
Object |
Progress information body of objects being migrated. For details, see Table 37. |
metrics |
Object |
Node metrics. For details, see Table 39. |
compare_result |
Object |
Task comparison result. For details, see Table 40. |
support_import_file_resp |
Object |
file: object import information. For details, see Table 51. |
instance_features |
Map<String,String> |
A list of task-level functions controlled by both the switch and version. |
task_version |
String |
Task version. |
connection_management |
Object |
Connection management. For details, see Table 52. |
public_ip_list |
Array of objects |
Information about a specified EIP. For details, see Table 54. |
bind_public_ip_state |
String |
Whether an EIP is successfully bound. |
children |
Array of objects |
In the case of multiple tasks, if an EIP fails to be bound to a subtask, the subtask information is returned. For details, see Table 55. |
is_writable |
String |
Whether read-only is disabled for the destination database.
Enumerated values:
diagnoses |
Array of QueryDiagnosisResult objects |
Quick diagnosis result. |
repair_progress_info |
repair_progress_info object |
Data repair progress. |
repair_detail_info |
QueryRepairDetailResp object |
Data repair details. |
repair_export_status |
String |
Data repair SQL export status. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
Task name. The task name can be 4 to 50 characters in length. It is case-insensitive and can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
job_type |
String |
Task scenario. Values:
Enumerated values:
multi_write |
Boolean |
Whether the DR type is dual-active. Note:
engine_type |
String |
Engine type. The value can be:
Enumerated values:
job_direction |
String |
Migration direction. Values:
Enumerated values:
task_type |
String |
Migration type. Values:
Enumerated values:
net_type |
String |
Network type. Values:
Enumerated values:
charging_mode |
String |
Billing mode. The pay-per-use billing is used by default. Values:
Enumerated values:
enterprise_project_id |
String |
Enterprise project ID. The default value is 0, indicating the default enterprise project. Default value: 0 |
description |
String |
Task description. The task description can contain a maximum of 256 characters and cannot contain the following special characters: !<>'&"\ Minimum length: 0 Maximum length: 256 |
start_time |
String |
Scheduled start time of a task. |
expired_days |
String |
Number of days after which an abnormal task automatically stops. The unit is day. The value ranges from 14 to 100. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is 14. Default value: 14 |
tags |
Array of objects |
Tag information. Up to 20 tags can be added. For details, see Table 7. |
is_open_fast_clean |
Boolean |
Specifies whether to enable binlog clearing for RDS for MySQL or RDS for MariaDB. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
Tag key. The value can contain a maximum of 36 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Minimum length: 1 Maximum length: 36 |
value |
String |
Tag value. The value can contain a maximum of 43 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Minimum length: 1 Maximum length: 43 |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
db_type |
String |
Database type. The value can be:
Enumerated values:
endpoint_type |
String |
DB instance type. Values:
Enumerated values:
endpoint_role |
String |
DB instance role. Values:
Enumerated values:
endpoint |
Object |
Basic information body of the database. For details, see Table 9. |
cloud |
Object |
Region and project where a DB instance is located. For details, see Table 10. |
vpc |
Object |
Information about the VPC, subnet, and security group where a DB instance resides. For details, see Table 11. |
config |
Object |
Basic information body of database settings. For details, see Table 12. |
ssl |
Object |
Information body of the database SSL certificate. For details, see Table 13. |
customized_dns |
Object |
Custom DNS server. For details, see Table 14. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Database information ID. |
endpoint_name |
String |
Database scenario type. The value can be:
Enumerated values:
ip |
String |
Database IP address. Constraints:
db_port |
String |
Database port. The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 65535. |
db_user |
String |
Database username. |
db_password |
String |
Database password. |
instance_id |
String |
ID of a Huawei Cloud DB instance. |
instance_name |
String |
Name of a Huawei Cloud DB instance. |
db_name |
String |
Database name. Example:
source_sharding |
Array of objects |
Information about the physical source database. For details, see Table 9. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
region |
String |
Region ID. This parameter is mandatory when DB Instance Type is set to ecs (database built on Huawei Cloud ECSs) or cloud (Huawei cloud database). For details, see Regions and Endpoints. Note: If there are subprojects in a region, the region ID is a combination of the regional project ID and subproject ID, which are combined using an underscore (_). |
project_id |
String |
Project ID of a tenant in a region. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see "Obtaining a Project ID". |
az_code |
String |
Name of the AZ where the database is located. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
vpc_id |
String |
ID of the VPC where a DB instance is located. To obtain the ID, perform the following steps: Method 1: Log in to the VPC console and view the VPC ID on the VPC details page. Method 2: Call the API for querying VPCs. For details, see Querying VPCs. |
subnet_id |
String |
ID of the subnet where a DB instance is located. To obtain the ID, perform the following steps: Method 1: Log in to the VPC console and click the target subnet on the Subnets page to view the network ID on the displayed page. Method 2: Call the API for querying subnets. For details, see Querying Subnets. |
security_group_id |
String |
ID of the security group where a DB instance is located. To obtain the ID, perform the following steps: Method 1: Log in to the VPC console. Choose Access Control > Security Groups in the navigation pane on the left. On the displayed page, click the target security group. You can view the security group ID on the displayed page. Method 2: Call the API for querying security groups. For details, see Querying Security Groups. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
is_target_readonly |
Boolean |
Whether the destination DB instance is set to read-only. This parameter is available only when job_direction is set to up during MySQL migration and DR. In the DR scenario, this parameter is mandatory and set to true if the current cloud is the standby in single-active DR. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is true. Default value: true |
node_num |
Integer |
Number of subtasks connected to the source Redis Cluster instance for data migration from Redis Cluster to GeminiDB Redis. The value ranges from 1 to 16 and cannot be greater than the number of shards in the source Redis Cluster instance. Set this parameter based on the scale of the source Redis Cluster instance. You are advised to set one subtask to connect to four shards in the source Redis Cluster instance. Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 16 Default value: 0 |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
ssl_link |
Boolean |
Whether SSL is enabled. If SSL is enabled, the value of this parameter is true. |
ssl_cert_name |
String |
SSL certificate name. |
ssl_cert_key |
String |
SSL certificate content, which is encrypted using Base64. |
ssl_cert_check_sum |
String |
The checksum value of the SSL certificate, which is used for backend verification. This parameter is mandatory for secure connection to the source database. |
ssl_cert_password |
String |
SSL certificate password. This parameter is mandatory if the certificate file name extension is .p12. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
is_set_dns |
Boolean |
Specifies whether to set your own DNS server. |
set_dns_action |
String |
Behavior of setting your own DNS server.
Enumerated values:
dns_ip |
String |
DNS server IP address. Minimum length: 0 Maximum length: 15 |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
alarm_to_user |
Boolean |
Whether to notify users of alarms. Default value: false |
topic_urn |
String |
SMN topic URN. |
delay_time |
Long |
Delay threshold, in seconds. Values:
rpo_delay |
Long |
RPO delay threshold, in seconds. Values:
If the RPO delay between the service database and the DRS instance exceeds a specified value and lasts for 6 minutes, DRS will notify specified recipients. (In the early stages of an incremental DR, there is more delay because more data is waiting to be synchronized. In this situation, no notifications will be sent.) |
rto_delay |
Long |
RTO delay threshold, in seconds. Values:
If the RTO delay between the DRS instance and the DR database exceeds a specified value and lasts for 6 minutes, DRS will notify specified recipients. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
begin |
String |
Start time (UTC) of flow control. The start time is an integer in hh:mm format and the minutes part is ignored. hh indicates the hour, for example, 01:00. |
end |
String |
End time (UTC) in the format of hh:mm, for example, 15:59. The value must end with 59. |
speed |
String |
Speed. The value ranges from 1 to 9,999, in MB/s. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
is_migrate_user |
Boolean |
Whether to migrate users. |
is_set_password |
Boolean |
Whether to reset a unified password. Values:
password |
String |
Unified password. This parameter is mandatory when is_set_password is set to true. The password cannot be empty. |
user_list |
Array of objects |
User list in the migration objects. The following scenarios are supported:
For details, see Table 18. |
role_list |
Array of objects |
User role in the migration objects. The following scenarios are supported:
For details, see Table 19. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
User ID. |
account |
String |
User. |
is_set_password |
Boolean |
Whether to reset the user password. The following scenarios are supported:
password |
String |
New password. This parameter is mandatory when is_set_password is set to true. The password cannot be empty. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
filter_ddl_policy |
String |
DDL filtering policy. Values:
Enumerated values:
conflict_policy |
String |
Incremental conflict policy. The conflict policy refers to the conflict handling policy during incremental synchronization. By default, conflicts in the full synchronization phase are ignored. Values:
Enumerated values:
index_trans |
Boolean |
Object synchronization scope: indicates whether to synchronize normal indexes. By default, DRS synchronizes the primary key or unique index. A normal index refers to an index other than the primary key or unique index. Values:
Default value: true |
ddl_trans |
Boolean |
Object synchronization scope: indicates whether to synchronize DDLs in the incremental phase. Values:
Default value: true |
data_sync_topology_type |
String |
Data synchronization topology. Data synchronization supports multiple synchronization topologies. You can plan your synchronization instances based on service requirements. Values:
Default value: one2one Enumerated values:
support_ddl_info |
String |
DDLs to be synchronized. Values:
Enumerated values:
sync_type_policy |
String |
Synchronization object type. Values:
Except supportAllType, other types can be specified together, for example, tableData,tableStructure. |
increment_read_mode |
String |
Incremental log reading mode for synchronization from Oracle to GaussDB: logminer or xstream. |
dml_types |
String |
DML synchronization type. |
is_create_table_with_index |
Boolean |
Specifies whether to create indexes along with the table structure. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
common |
Array of objects |
Common parameter. Only the values of destination database parameters whose comparison results are inconsistent can be changed. For details, see Table 22. |
performance |
Array of objects |
Performance parameter. If the comparison results are consistent, you can also change the values of destination database parameters. For details, see Table 22. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
Database parameter name. |
target_value |
String |
Parameter value of the destination database. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
full_sync |
Array of objects |
Full migration tuning parameters. For details, see Table 24. |
incre_capture |
Array ofobjects |
Incremental capture tuning parameters. For details, see Table 24. |
incre_apply |
Array of objects |
Incremental replay tuning parameters. For details, see Table 24. |
incre_relay |
Array of objects |
Incremental log extraction tuning parameters. For details, see Table 24. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
param_name |
String |
Parameter name. |
param_value |
String |
Parameter value. |
availability |
Boolean |
Available or not. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
period_type |
Integer |
Subscription period type. Values:
Default value: 3 Enumerated values:
period_num |
Integer |
Number of subscription periods. This parameter depends on the value of period_type. For example:
is_auto_renew |
Integer |
Whether auto renewal is enabled. Values:
Default value: 0 Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
spec |
Object |
Information body of DRS instance specifications. For details, see Table 27. |
vpc |
Object |
Information body of DRS instance VPC. This parameter is mandatory for self-built databases. For details, see Table 28. |
base_info |
Object |
Basic task info. For details, see Table 29. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
node_type |
String |
Specification code. Values:
Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
vpc_id |
String |
ID of the VPC where the DRS instance is located. |
subnet_id |
String |
ID of the subnet where the DRS instance is located. |
custom_node_ip |
String |
IP address of the DRS instance to be created. Use commas (,) to separate multiple values. Only IPv4 addresses are supported. To obtain the IP address, perform the following steps:
security_group_id |
String |
ID of the security group where the DRS instance is located. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
instance_type |
String |
DB instance type. The value can be:
Enumerated values:
arch |
String |
CPU architecture. The value can be:
Enumerated values:
availability_zone |
String |
AZ ID. If the task instance is not a single instance, you need to specify an AZ for each node of the instance and separate the AZs with commas (,). Example:
status |
String |
Status. |
role |
String |
Primary/Standby role of a task. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
level |
String |
Log level. |
message |
String |
Log information. |
create_time |
String |
Log time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
ip |
String |
IP address for connection testing. |
success |
Boolean |
Whether the connection testing is successful. |
result |
String |
Connection testing result. |
status |
String |
Whether the connection testing is successful. Values:
Enumerated values:
error_code |
String |
Error code of the connection testing failure. |
error_msg |
String |
Error message of the connection testing failure. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
result |
Boolean |
Whether the pre-check items are passed. |
process |
String |
Pre-check progress, in percentage. |
total_passed_rate |
String |
Percentage of passed pre-checks. |
rds_instance_id |
String |
DB instance ID. |
job_direction |
String |
Migration direction. |
precheck_results |
Array of objects |
Pre-check results. For details, see Table 33. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
item |
String |
Check item. |
result |
String |
Check results. Values:
Enumerated values:
failed_reason |
String |
Failure cause. |
data |
String |
Failure data. |
raw_error_msg |
String |
Failure details. |
group |
String |
Check item group. |
is_support_skip |
Boolean |
Whether to skip the check. |
is_skipped |
Boolean |
Skipped. |
failed_sub_jobs |
Array of objects |
Details about a failed subtask. For details, see Table 34. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Subtask ID. |
name |
String |
Subtask name. |
check_result |
String |
Subtask check result. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
progress |
String |
Migration comparison progress in percentage. |
incr_trans_delay |
String |
Incremental migration delay (unit: s). |
incr_trans_delay_millis |
String |
Incremental migration delay (unit: ms). |
task_mode |
String |
Migration type. |
transfer_status |
String |
Migration status. |
process_time |
String |
Migration time. |
remaining_time |
String |
Estimated remaining time. |
progress_map |
Map<String,ProgressCompleteInfo> |
Full migration progress details. For details, see Table 36. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
completed |
String |
Progress. |
remaining_time |
String |
Estimated remaining time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
migration_object_overview |
Array of objects |
Overview details. For details, see Table 38. |
create_time |
String |
Data generation time. |
full_start_time |
String |
Start time of full migration. |
full_complete_time |
String |
End time of full migration. |
incr_start_time |
String |
Start time of incremental migration. |
end_time |
String |
End time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Type. |
src_count |
String |
Amount of data to be migrated. |
dst_count |
String |
Amount of data migrated. |
status |
String |
Status. |
start_time |
String |
Start time. |
end_time |
String |
End time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
job_id |
String |
Task ID. |
node_id |
String |
Instance ID. |
time_stamp |
String |
Time when the metric is reported. |
cpu_util |
String |
CPU usage. |
mem_util |
String |
Memory usage. |
network_incoming_bytes_rate |
String |
Network input throughput. |
network_outgoing_bytes_rate |
String |
Network output throughput. |
disk_read_bytes_rate |
String |
Disk read throughput. |
disk_write_bytes_rate |
String |
Disk write throughput. |
apply_rows_rate |
String |
Rows written into destination database per second. |
apply_transactions_rate |
String |
apply_ddl_rate |
String |
apply_average_execute_time |
String |
Average transaction execution time. |
apply_average_commit_time |
String |
Average transaction commit time. |
apply_current_state |
String |
Synchronization status. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
objects_compare_overview_info |
Object |
Information body of object-level comparison overview. For details, see Table 41. |
objects_compare_detail_infos |
Array of objects |
Information body of object-level comparison details. For details, see Table 43. |
data_compare_task_list |
Array of objects |
List of data comparison tasks. For details, see Table 44. |
line_compare_overview_infos |
Array of objects |
Information body of row comparison overview. For details, see Table 45. |
line_compare_detail_infos |
Array of objects |
Information body of row comparison details. For details, see Table 46. |
content_compare_overview_infos |
Array of objects |
Information body of value comparison overview. For details, see Table 47. |
content_compare_detail_infos |
Array of objects |
Information body of value comparison details. For details, see Table 48. |
content_diff_detail_info |
Object |
Details about inconsistent value comparison data. For details, see Table 49. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
create_time |
String |
Time when a comparison task is created. |
compare_results |
Array of objects |
Comparison result. For details, see Table 42. |
start_time |
String |
Start time of a comparison task. |
status |
String |
Status of a comparison task. Values:
Enumerated values:
export_status |
String |
Status of the exported comparison result. |
report_remain_seconds |
Long |
Remaining validity period of the exported comparison result. |
compare_job_id |
String |
ID of a comparison task. |
error_msg |
String |
Failure cause. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Object type. Values:
Enumerated values:
source_count |
Long |
Number of source objects. |
target_count |
Long |
Number of destination objects. |
status |
String |
Comparison result. Values: CONSISTENT: consistent. INCONSISTENT: inconsistent. COMPARING: The comparison is in progress. WAITING_FOR_COMPARISON: waiting for comparison. FAILED_TO_COMPARE: The comparison fails. TARGET_DB_NOT_EXIST: The destination database does not exist. CAN_NOT_COMPARE: Comparison cannot be performed. Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_db_value |
String |
Comparison value of the source database. |
target_db_value |
String |
Comparison value of the destination database. |
source_db_name |
String |
Source database name. |
target_db_name |
String |
Destination database name. |
error_message |
String |
Failure cause. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
ID of a comparison task. |
type |
String |
Comparison type. |
start_time |
String |
Start time. |
end_time |
String |
End time. |
status |
String |
Status of a comparison task. Values:
Enumerated values:
compute_type |
String |
Compute resource of a comparison task. |
export_status |
String |
Status of the exported comparison result. |
report_remain_seconds |
Long |
Remaining validity period of the exported comparison result. |
compare_job_tag |
Map<String,String> |
Tag of a comparison task. |
options |
Map<String,String> |
Comparison task options. |
dynamic_compare_delay |
Long |
Dynamic comparison latency. |
error_msg |
String |
Failure cause. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_db_name |
String |
Source database name. |
target_db_name |
String |
Destination database name. |
status |
String |
Row comparison result. Values:
Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_table_name |
String |
Table name of the source database. |
source_row_num |
String |
Number of table rows in the source database. |
target_table_name |
String |
Table name of the destination database. |
target_row_num |
String |
Number of table rows in the destination database. |
difference_row_num |
String |
Difference value. |
status |
String |
Comparison result. Values:
Enumerated values:
message |
String |
Message. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_db |
String |
Source database name. |
target_db |
String |
Destination database name. |
status |
String |
Comparison result. Values:
Enumerated values:
compare_result |
Boolean |
Comparison result. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_db |
String |
Source database name. |
target_db |
String |
Destination database name. |
source_table_name |
String |
Table name of the source database. |
target_table_name |
String |
Table name of the destination database. |
source_row_num |
Long |
Number of table rows in the source database. |
target_row_num |
Long |
Number of table rows in the destination database. |
difference_row_num |
Long |
Number of inconsistent rows. |
line_compare_result |
Boolean |
Row comparison result. Values:
content_compare_result |
Boolean |
Value comparison result. Values:
message |
String |
Failure cause. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
count |
Long |
Quantity. |
target_meta_is_null |
Long |
Inconsistency details: The objects were found only in the source database. |
source_meta_is_null |
Long |
Inconsistency details: The objects were found only in the destination database. |
source_target_meta_not_null |
Long |
Inconsistency details: The objects were found in the source and destination databases. |
contents_infos |
Array of objects |
Information list. For details, see Table 50. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_key_value |
Array of strings |
Key value of the source database. |
target_key_value |
Array of strings |
Key value of the destination database. |
source_select_sql |
String |
Query the SQL statements of the source database. |
target_select_sql |
String |
Query the SQL statements of the destination database. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
file_size |
String |
File import threshold. |
previous_select |
String |
Mode in which objects are selected last time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
driver_management |
Object |
Driver management. For details, see Table 53. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
driver_name |
String |
Driver name. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
ID of a specified EIP. |
public_ip |
String |
EIP. |
type |
String |
Type of a task with an EIP bound.
Enumerated values:
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
Subtask ID. |
name |
String |
Subtask name. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
score |
Integer |
Score. |
status |
String |
Status. |
progress |
Integer |
Progress. |
error_msg |
String |
Failure cause. |
start_time |
String |
Start time. |
end_time |
String |
End time. |
total |
Long |
Total number of diagnosis items. |
normal_count |
Long |
The number of normal items. |
abnormal_count |
Long |
The number of exceptions. |
alarm_count |
Long |
The number of alarms. |
failure_count |
Long |
The number of failed items. |
timeout_count |
Long |
The number of timeout items. |
diagnosis_results |
Array of diagnosis_results objects |
Diagnosis result. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
item |
item object |
Diagnosis item. |
state |
String |
Diagnosis item status. |
result_list |
Array of result_list objects |
Diagnosis result. |
suggestion_list |
Array of suggestion_list objects |
Diagnosis suggestion. |
score |
Integer |
Score of a diagnosis item. |
time |
String |
Completion time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
category |
String |
Diagnosis item type. |
name |
String |
Diagnosis item name. |
weight |
Double |
Weight of a diagnosis item. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
key |
String |
Content key. |
value |
String |
Result value. |
is_multi_language |
Boolean |
Whether the result value needs to be internationalized. |
module_name |
String |
Module name. |
level |
String |
Level. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
status |
String |
Repair status. |
progress |
String |
Repair progress, in percentage. |
error_msg |
String |
Error message. |
count |
Integer |
Total number. |
repair_progress_details |
repair_progress_details object |
Data repair progress. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
query_id |
String |
ID of a comparison task. |
db_name |
String |
Database name. |
schema_name |
String |
Schema name. |
table_name |
String |
Table name. |
total_row_count |
Integer |
Total number of rows. |
complete_row_count |
Integer |
Number of completed rows. |
filter_row_count |
Integer |
Number of filtered rows. |
repaired_row_count |
Integer |
Number of repaired rows. |
failed_row_count |
Integer |
Number of failed rows. |
repair_status |
Integer |
Repair status. |
start_time |
String |
Start time. |
update_time |
String |
Update time. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
count |
Integer |
Total number. |
repair_details |
Array of repair_details objects |
Repair details. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
source_meta |
String |
Value of the identity column in the source table. |
target_meta |
String |
Value of the identity column in the destination table. |
repair_sql_state |
Integer |
Repair SQL status. |
repair_sql_info |
String |
Repair SQL statement. |
Status code: 400
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
error_code |
String |
Error code. Minimum length: 12 Maximum length: 12 |
error_msg |
String |
Error message. Minimum length: 1 Maximum length: 512 |
Example Request
- Querying the synchronization progress of a task
- Querying the row comparison overview
- Querying task details
- Querying data-level comparison tasks
- Querying synchronization logs
- Querying the connection testing result
- Querying the quick diagnosis result. The value of query_id is the query ID returned by the API for starting diagnosis.
- Querying the data repair progress. The value of query_id is the ID of the comparison task.
Example Response
Status code: 200
Querying basic task information (when type is set to detail)
{ "job" : { "id" : "c7debc9c-8e09-4a5d-8dd6-cc44f78jb20r", "status" : "CONFIGURATION", "create_time" : "2022-11-07T16:15:18Z", "base_info" : { "name" : "DRS-1234", "job_type" : "sync", "engine_type" : "oracle-to-gaussdbv5", "job_direction" : "up", "task_type" : "FULL_INCR_TRANS", "net_type" : "eip", "charging_mode" : "on_demand", "enterprise_project_id" : "0", "description" : "", "expired_days" : 14, "tags" : [ { "key" : "test", "value" : "test" } ] }, "source_endpoint" : [ { "db_type" : "oracle", "endpoint_type" : "offline", "endpoint_role" : "so", "endpoint" : { "id" : "f59e6118-da89-4fdb-9b98-65f56709928a", "endpoint_name" : "oracle", "ip" : "", "db_port" : "1521", "db_user" : "ORACLE_USER", "db_name" : "serviceName.orcl" }, "ssl" : { "ssl_link" : false } } ], "target_endpoint" : [ { "db_type" : "gaussdbv5", "endpoint_type" : "cloud", "endpoint_role" : "ta", "endpoint" : { "id" : "10deb576-8885-473b-a213-4d76e668dc0d", "endpoint_name" : "cloud_gaussdbv5", "instance_id" : "c2c7579bc09c490b9d8009db715aeb0ain14", "db_user" : "root" }, "cloud" : { "region" : "cn-north-4", "project_id" : "9dc8c0f3f74c4dbb23c29cf0318ee561", "az_code" : "cn-north-4a,cn-north-4g,cn-north-4c" }, "vpc" : { "vpc_id" : "2cb5d364-ae63-4fbb-85b7-7d59f4a88f8f", "subnet_id" : "2cb54324-ae63-4fbb-85b7-7d59f4a88f8f", "security_group_id" : "039a3s89-665a-43e2-9b4f-bda7d9ee148d" } } ], "alarm_notify" : { "alarm_to_user" : true, "topic_urn" : "urn:smn:cn-north-4:f2c2468c3ee7410c862a461ca073d2f2:test", "delay_time" : 60 }, "speed_limit" : [ { "begin" : "16:00", "end" : "15:59", "speed" : "10" } ], "policy_config" : { "ddl_trans" : false }, "node_info" : { "spec" : { "node_type" : "medium" } } } }
Status code: 400
Bad Request
{ "error_code" : "DRS.10000010", "error_msg" : "Job does not exist, please check job ID." }
Status Code
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
Error Code
For details, see Error Code.
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