Updated on 2023-09-27 GMT+08:00

Participant Change

  • Identifier


  • Function

    An invited agent receives this event.

  • Additional information

    result: change result.

    The value 0 indicates success and other values indicates failure.

    changeType: change type.

    The options are as follows: 0: A participant joins a conference. 1: A participant leaves a conference. 2: A chairperson is changed. 3: A participant is muted. 4: A participant is unmuted. 5: A participant is held. 6: A participant is unheld.

    changeReason: change reason.

    If ChangeType is set to 1, this parameter is valid. If ChangeType is set to other values, this parameter is invalid. The options are as follows: 0: A participant proactively leaves a conference. 1: A chairperson forcibly removes a participant from a conference. 2: A participant hangs up. 3: A conference ends. 4: A participant signs out of the conference. 6: A participant is forcibly removed from the conference due to other reasons.

    confId: conference ID.

    participant: participant ID.

    participantType: participant type.

    The options are as follows: 6: phone number and 9: agent ID.

    deviceCallType: user-defined device call type.

    deviceType: user-defined device type.

  • Example:
