Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00


ServiceStage has the following restrictions, and each of them applies to every tenant in any region.

Restriction is not resource quota limit. It indicates the maximum capabilities that ServiceStage can provide for tenants. Users need to pay attention to these restrictions when selecting technologies and designing solutions.

Registry and Discovery

For details about the restrictions on professional microservice engines, see Table 1.

Table 1 Restrictions on professional microservice engines



Heartbeat reporting

Every 30s at most for every microservice instance

Service discovery

Every 30s at most for every microservice instance

Microservice instance registration

10 per second

For details about the restrictions on exclusive microservice engines, see Table 2.

Table 2 Restrictions on exclusive microservice engines (highest specifications)




Heartbeat reporting

Every 20s at most for every microservice instance

Total rate limit: 2000 TPS

Service discovery

Every 20s at most for every microservice instance


Microservice instance registration

1000 per second
