Help Center/ ServiceStage/ User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)/ User Guide/ Application O&M/ Configuring Alarm Thresholds for Resource Monitoring
Updated on 2023-06-25 GMT+08:00

Configuring Alarm Thresholds for Resource Monitoring

When you need to monitor some resources and respond to exceptions in a timely manner, you can create threshold rules for metrics of these key resources in routine O&M so that you can find and handle exceptions in time.

  • If the metric meets the threshold conditions within a specified period, the system sends a threshold alarm.
  • If no metric is reported within a specified period, the system sends a data insufficiency event.
  • If you cannot query the change information about the threshold rule status on the ServiceStage console due to non-business hours or business trips, you can enable the notification function to send the change information to related personnel through SMS messages or emails.


  1. Log in to ServiceStage and choose Application Management > Application List to view all applications.
  2. Click an application. The Overview page is displayed.
  3. On the Environment View tab, select an environment to view the application components that have been deployed in the environment.
  4. Click an application component. The Overview page is displayed.
  5. Choose Threshold Alarms > Set Threshold Rule and set threshold rule parameters based on Table 1. The parameters marked with * are mandatory.

    Table 1 Threshold rule parameters



    *Threshold Name

    Name of the threshold rule to be added.


    The name must be unique and cannot be modified once specified.


    Description about the threshold rule.

    Statistical Mode

    Method used to measure metrics.

    Statistics Cycle

    Interval at which metric data is collected.


    Select the metrics to be monitored.

    *Threshold Condition

    Trigger of a threshold alarm. A threshold condition consists of two parts: operators (≥, ≤, >, and <) and threshold value.

    For example, if this parameter is set to ≥ 80, the system generates a threshold alarm when the metric is greater than or equal to 80.

    Continuous Cycle

    When the metric meets the threshold condition for a specified number of consecutive periods, a threshold alarm will be generated.

    Alarm Severity

    Severity of the threshold alarm.

    Send Notification

    Whether to send notifications.

    • If you select Yes (recommended), the system sends an email or SMS message to the user.
    • If you select No, the system does not send an email or SMS message to the user.

  6. Click OK.

Managing Threshold Alarms

After a threshold rule is created, you can manage threshold alarms by referring to Table 2.

Table 2 Related operations



Modify a threshold alarm.

When you find that the current threshold rule is not properly set, you can perform the following operations to modify the threshold rule to better meet your service requirements.

  1. Click Modify in the Operation column of the threshold alarm list.
  2. On the Modify Threshold Rule page, modify the parameters of the threshold rule as prompted.
  3. Click Modify.

Delete a threshold alarm.

When you find that the current threshold rule is no longer needed, you can perform the following operations to delete the threshold rule to release more threshold rule resources.

  1. Delete one or multiple threshold rules.
    • To delete a single threshold, click Delete in the Operation column of the threshold rule list.
    • To delete one or more threshold rules, select one or more threshold rules and click Delete on the upper part of the page.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

Search for threshold alarms.

  1. Select a time segment from the drop-down list.
  2. Enter the keyword of the alarm name or description in the search box on the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Click or press Enter.

    You can also click Advanced Search to set the search criteria and click Search to query.

View threshold-crossing alarms.

If the metric meets the threshold conditions within a specified period, the system sends a threshold alarm.

View the alarm in the threshold alarm list.

Check the data insufficiency event.

If no metric is reported within a specified period, the system sends a data insufficiency event.

You can click the Event tab to view the event in the event list.