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- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
Service Overview
- Infographics
- What Is DMS for RabbitMQ?
- Product Advantages
- Application Scenarios
- Specifications
- Comparing RabbitMQ, Kafka, and RocketMQ
- Comparing RabbitMQ AMQP-0-9-1 with Open-Source RabbitMQ
- Comparing RabbitMQ Versions
- Related Services
- Security
- Notes and Constraints
- Basic Concepts
- Exchanges
- Permissions Management
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Process of Using RabbitMQ
- Permissions Management
- Buying a RabbitMQ Instance
- Configuring Virtual Hosts
- Accessing a RabbitMQ Instance
- Managing Messages
- Advanced Features
Managing Instances
- Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a RabbitMQ Instance
- Viewing RabbitMQ Client Connection Addresses
- Managing RabbitMQ Instance Tags
- Configuring RabbitMQ Recycling Policies
- Resetting the RabbitMQ Instance Password
- Enabling RabbitMQ Plug-ins
- Exporting the RabbitMQ Instance List
- Deleting a RabbitMQ Instance
- Logging In to RabbitMQ Management UI
- Modifying RabbitMQ Instance Specifications
- Migrating RabbitMQ Services
- Testing Instance Performance
- Applying for Increasing RabbitMQ Quotas
- Viewing Metrics and Configuring Alarms
- Viewing RabbitMQ Audit Logs
Best Practices
- RabbitMQ Best Practices
- Automatic Recovery of a RabbitMQ Client from Network Exceptions
- Automatic Consumer Reconnection After a RabbitMQ Node Restart
- Improving RabbitMQ Performance
- Configuring Queue Load Balancing
- Deduplicating Messages Through Message Idempotence
- Suggestions on Using DMS for RabbitMQ Securely
- Developer Guide
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- APIs V2 (Recommended)
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
- What RabbitMQ Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- What SSL Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information During Instance Creation?
- How Are Requests Evenly Distributed to Each VM of a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance?
- Do Queues Inside a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Have Any Redundancy Backup?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Data Persistence? How Do I Perform Scheduled Data Backups?
- How Do I Obtain the Certificate After SSL Has Been Enabled?
- Can I Change the SSL Setting of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Can RabbitMQ Instances Be Scaled Up?
- Does RabbitMQ Support Two-Way Authentication?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support CPU and Memory Upgrades?
- How Do I Disable the RabbitMQ Management UI?
- Can I Change the AZ for an Instance?
- How Do I Obtain the Region ID?
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- How to Change Single-node RabbitMQ Instances to Cluster Ones?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a RabbitMQ Instance Is Created?
- How Do I Configure a Security Group?
- Why Does a Client Fail to Connect to a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Public Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Region Deployment?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access a RabbitMQ Instance with SSL Encryption?
- Can I Access a RabbitMQ Instance Using DNAT?
- Why Can't I Open the Management Web UI?
- Can a Client Connect to Multiple Virtual Hosts of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Why Does a RabbitMQ Cluster Have Only One Connection Address?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support the Ping Command?
- Messages
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Process of Using RabbitMQ
- Permissions Management
- Buying a RabbitMQ Instance
- Configuring Virtual Hosts
- Accessing a RabbitMQ Instance
- Managing Messages
- Advanced Features
Managing Instances
- Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a RabbitMQ Instance
- Viewing RabbitMQ Client Connection Addresses
- Managing RabbitMQ Instance Tags
- Resetting the RabbitMQ Instance Password
- Enabling RabbitMQ Plug-ins
- Using the rabbitmq_tracing Plug-in
- Exporting the RabbitMQ Instance List
- Deleting a RabbitMQ Instance
- Logging In to RabbitMQ Management UI
- Modifying RabbitMQ Instance Specifications
- Migrating RabbitMQ Services
- Applying for Increasing RabbitMQ Quotas
- Viewing Metrics and Configuring Alarms
- Viewing RabbitMQ Audit Logs
- What RabbitMQ Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- What SSL Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information During Instance Creation?
- How Are Requests Evenly Distributed to Each VM of a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance?
- Do Queues Inside a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Have Any Redundancy Backup?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Data Persistence? How Do I Perform Scheduled Data Backups?
- How Do I Obtain the Certificate After SSL Has Been Enabled?
- Can I Change the SSL Setting of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Can RabbitMQ Instances Be Scaled Up?
- Does RabbitMQ Support Two-Way Authentication?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support CPU and Memory Upgrades?
- How Do I Disable the RabbitMQ Management UI?
- Can I Change the AZ for an Instance?
- How Do I Obtain the Region ID?
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- How to Change Single-node RabbitMQ Instances to Cluster Ones?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a RabbitMQ Instance Is Created?
- How Do I Configure a Security Group?
- Why Does a Client Fail to Connect to a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Public Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Region Deployment?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access a RabbitMQ Instance with SSL Encryption?
- Can I Access a RabbitMQ Instance Using DNAT?
- Why Can't I Open the Management Web UI?
- Can a Client Connect to Multiple Virtual Hosts of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Why Does a RabbitMQ Cluster Have Only One Connection Address?
- Messages
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Permissions Management
- Preparing the Environment
- Buying an Instance
- Accessing a RabbitMQ Instance
- Operating RabbitMQ Instances
- Quotas
- Monitoring
- Auditing
- What RabbitMQ Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- What SSL Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information During Instance Creation?
- What If One RabbitMQ VM Fails to Be Restarted When a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Is Being Restarted?
- How Are Requests Evenly Distributed to Each VM of a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance?
- Do Queues Inside a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Have Any Redundancy Backup?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Data Persistence? How Do I Perform Scheduled Data Backups?
- How Do I Obtain the Certificate After SSL Has Been Enabled?
- Can I Change the SSL Setting of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Can RabbitMQ Instances Be Scaled Up?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support MQTT?
- How Do I Clear Queue Data?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support CPU and Memory Upgrades?
- How Do I Disable the RabbitMQ Management UI?
- Can I Change the AZ for an Instance?
- How Do I Configure a Security Group?
- Why Does a Client Fail to Connect to a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Public Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Region Deployment?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access a RabbitMQ Instance with SSL Encryption?
- Can I Access a RabbitMQ Instance Using DNAT?
- Why Can't I Open the Management Web UI?
- Can a Client Connect to Multiple Virtual Hosts of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Why Does a RabbitMQ Cluster Have Only One Connection Address?
- Plug-ins
- Messages
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Change History
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Accessing RabbitMQ on a Client (SSL Enabled)
This section takes the example of a demo of DMS for RabbitMQ to describe how to access a RabbitMQ instance with SSL enabled on a RabbitMQ client for message production and consumption. If SSL is enabled, data will be encrypted before transmission for enhanced security.
- A RabbitMQ instance with SSL enabled has been created following the instructions in Buying a RabbitMQ Instance. The username and password entered in the instance creation have been obtained.
- Instance Address (Private Network) or Instance Address (Public Network) has been recorded.
- The network between the client server and the RabbitMQ instance has been established. For details about network requirements, see RabbitMQ Network Connection Requirements.
- JDK v1.8.111 or later has been installed on the client server, and the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables have been configured as follows:
Add the following lines to the .bash_profile file in the home directory as an authorized user. In this command, /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_151 is the JDK installation path. Change it to the path where you install JDK.
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk1.8.0_151 export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
Run the source .bash_profile command for the modification to take effect.
- In the RabbitMQ instance: A virtual host, exchange, and queue have been created and an exchange-queue binding has been configured.
Accessing the Instance in CLI Mode
- Log in to the client server.
- Run the following command to download RabbitMQ-Tutorial-SSL.zip (code package of the sample project):
wget https://dms-demo.obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com/RabbitMQ-Tutorial-SSL.zip
- Run the following command to decompress RabbitMQ-Tutorial-SSL.zip:
unzip RabbitMQ-Tutorial-SSL.zip
- Run the following command to navigate to the RabbitMQ-Tutorial-SSL directory, which contains the precompiled JAR file:
cd RabbitMQ-Tutorial-SSL
- Produce messages using the sample project.
java -cp .:rabbitmq-tutorial-sll.jar Send {host} {port} {user} {password}
Parameter description:
- {host}: connection address obtained in Prerequisites
- {port}: port of the RabbitMQ instance. Enter 5671.
- {user}: username obtained in Prerequisites
- {password}: password obtained in Prerequisites
Figure 1 Sample project for message creation - Consume messages using the sample project.
java -cp .:rabbitmq-tutorial-sll.jar Recv {host} {port} {user} {password}
Parameter description:
- {host}: connection address obtained in Prerequisites
- {port}: port of the RabbitMQ instance. Enter 5671.
- {user}: username obtained in Prerequisites
- {password}: password obtained in Prerequisites
Figure 2 Sample project for message retrievalTo stop retrieving messages, press Ctrl+C to exit.
Java Sample Code
- Accessing an instance and producing messages
- VHOST_NAME: name of the virtual host that contains the queue for messages to be sent to
- QUEUE_NAME: name of the queue for messages to be sent to
- Hello World!: the message to be sent in this sample
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(host); factory.setPort(port); factory.setVirtualHost("VHOST_NAME"); factory.setUsername(user); factory.setPassword(password); factory.useSslProtocol(); Connection connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null); String message = "Hello World!"; channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, null, message.getBytes("UTF-8")); System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'"); channel.close(); connection.close();
- Accessing an instance and consuming messages
- VHOST_NAME: name of the virtual host that contains the queue to consume messages
- QUEUE_NAME: name of the queue to consume messages
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(host); factory.setPort(port); factory.setVirtualHost("VHOST_NAME"); factory.setUsername(user); factory.setPassword(password); factory.useSslProtocol(); Connection connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null); System.out.println(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C"); Consumer consumer = new DefaultConsumer(channel) { @Override public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException { String message = new String(body, "UTF-8"); System.out.println(" [x] Received '" + message + "'"); } }; channel.basicConsume(QUEUE_NAME, true, consumer);
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