Updated on 2022-06-11 GMT+08:00



ALTER SERVER adds, modifies, or deletes the parameters of an existing server. You can query existing servers from the pg_foreign_server system catalog.


Only the owner of a server or a system administrator can run this statement.


  • Change the parameters of an external server.
ALTER SERVER server_name [ VERSION 'new_version' ]
    [ OPTIONS ( {[ ADD | SET | DROP ] option ['value']} [, ... ] ) ];

In OPTIONS, ADD, SET, and DROP are operations to be executed. If these operations are not specified, the ADD operation will be performed by default. option and value are corresponding operation parameters.

Currently, only SET is supported on an HDFS server. ADD and DROP are not supported. The syntax for SET and DROP operations is retained for later use.

  • Change the owner of an external server.
ALTER SERVER server_name 
    OWNER TO new_owner;
  • Change the name of an external server.
ALTER SERVER server_name 
    RENAME TO new_name;
  • Refresh the HDFS configuration file. Only and later versions (except 8.1.0) support this function.

Parameter Description

The server parameters to be modified are as follows:

  • server_name

    Specifies the name of the server to be modified.

  • new_version

    Specifies the new version of the server.

  • The server parameters in OPTIONS are as follows:
    • address

      Specifies the endpoint of the OBS service.

      Specifies the IP address and port number of the primary and standby nodes of the HDFS cluster.

      • address is mandatory for HDFS servers. Therefore, ADD and DROP operations are not supported.
      • address only supports IPv4 addresses in dot-decimal notation, and an address string cannot contain spaces. Groups of addresses are separated by commas (,). An IP address and a port number are separated by a colon (:). You are advised to configure two IP address and port pairs in an HDFS cluster. One is used as the socket address of the primary HDFS NameNode and the other is used as that of the secondary HDFS NameNode.
      • If the server type is DLI, the address is the OBS address stored on DLI.
    • hdfscfgpath

      Specifies the HDFS cluster configuration file.

      • If HDFS is in security mode, hdfscfgpath is mandatory.
      • If you set hdfscfgpath, you can only set one value for path.
    • encrypt

      Specifies whether data is encrypted. This parameter is available only when type is OBS. The default value is off.

      Value range:

      • on indicates that data is encrypted.
      • off indicates that data is not encrypted.
    • access_key

      Indicates the access key (AK) (obtained by users from the OBS page) used for the OBS access protocol. When you create a foreign table, its AK value is encrypted and saved to the metadata table of the database. This parameter is available only when type is OBS.

    • secret_access_key

      Indicates the secret access key (SK) (obtained by users from the OBS page) used for the OBS access protocol. When you create a foreign table, its SK value is encrypted and saved to the metadata table of the database. This parameter is available only when type is OBS.

    • dli_address

      Specifies the endpoint of the DLI service. This parameter is available only when type is DLI.

    • dli_access_key

      Specifies the AK (obtained by users from the DLI page) used for the DLI access protocol. When you create a foreign table, its AK value is encrypted and saved to the metadata table of the database. This parameter is available only when type is DLI.

    • dli_secret_access_key

      Specifies the SK (obtained by users from the DLI page) used for the DLI access protocol. When you create a foreign table, its SK value is encrypted and saved to the metadata table of the database. This parameter is available only when type is DLI.

    • region

      Indicates the IP address or domain name of the OBS server. This parameter is available only when type is OBS.

    • dbname

      Specifies the database name of a remote cluster to be connected. This parameter is used for collaborative analysis.

    • username

      Specifies the username of a remote cluster to be connected. This parameter is used for collaborative analysis.

    • password

      Specifies the user password of a remote cluster to be connected. This parameter is used for collaborative analysis.

  • new_owner

    Specifies the new owner of the server. To change the owner, you must be the owner of the foreign server and a direct or indirect member of the new owner role, and must have the USAGE permission on the encapsulator of the external server.

  • new_name

    Specifies the new name of the server.


    Refreshes the HDFS configuration file. This command is executed when the configuration file is modified. If this command is not executed, an access error may be reported.


Change the current name to the IP address of the hdfs_server server.

ALTER SERVER hdfs_server OPTIONS ( SET address ',');

Change the current name to hdfscfgpath of the hdfs_server server.

ALTER SERVER hdfs_server OPTIONS ( SET hdfscfgpath '/opt/bigdata/hadoop');

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