Updated on 2024-08-20 GMT+08:00

Interface Debugging

To ensure that SaaS products can be accessed, KooGallery provides a debugging page on the Seller Console. You can debug SaaS interfaces for subscription, renewal, expiration, and release.

The following uses the subscription interface as an example.

  1. Preset parameters in the ISV server according to the Parameter Description column in Request Message.
  2. Go to the Seller Console.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Application Tools > Application Access Debugging.
  4. On the Subscription tab page, enter the parameter values preset in 1, and click Generate Link Address to generate an example request. For details about the parameters, see Interface Description.

    (Optional) If product specifications that are priced using a custom template contain quantity type attributes, such as a number, amount of bandwidth, or disk size, create the attributes on the product attribute management page, and navigate to the Application Access Debugging page to set related parameters and debug the interface. After the debugging is successful, you can release the product specifications.

    (Optional) Click Add Extension Parameter to add up to three extension parameters that are required for product subscription. Ensure that the interface containing the extension parameters to be added have been debugged successfully. To add a non-default parameter type, send an email to the KooGallery operations manager (partner@huaweicloud.com) to apply for adding the required parameter type. The application result is subject to the KooGallery feedback.

    • If the SaaS product does not involve service supervision, set Provision Type to Provision upon subscription. If the SaaS product involves service supervision, set Provision Type to Provision after acceptance.
    • Extension parameters are optional.
    • The extension parameters are a JSON string carried in the url parameter in the form of urlEncode(base64(saasExtendParams)). After obtaining the value of the saasExtendParams parameter, your server needs to use base64Decode(urlDecode(saasExtendParams)) to obtain the JSON string of the extension parameters.

      For example, emailDomainName and extendParamName in the JSON string [{"name":"emailDomainName","value":"test.xxxx.com"},{"name":"extendParamName","value":"extendParamValue"}] are the parameter values set during product release.

  5. Click Debug and Save Case. The system calls the interface address to test the interface. If the test is successful, go to 6. If not, the error message is displayed in the lower part of the page. You can modify the interface based on the error message.

    • To release a product billed on a yearly/monthly basis, you need to debug the interface for product subscription and expiration as well as resource renewal and release, and save all the cases. On the Subscription tab page, set Billing mode to Yearly/Monthly.
    • To release a product billed by one-time payment, you need to debug the interface for product subscription and resource release, and save the cases. On the Subscription tab page, set Billing mode to One-time.
    • To release a product that can be billed either on a yearly/monthly basis or by one-time payment, you need to debug the interface for product subscription and expiration as well as resource renewal and release, and save all the cases. Save two cases for product subscription. Set Billing mode to Yearly/Monthly in one case and to One-time in the other.

  6. A message is displayed indicating the cases are debugged successfully. Click Save Case.

    You can choose Application Tools > Case Management to view the cases that are successfully debugged.