- After a customer purchases a product and pays for it successfully, KooGallery calls this interface to send you a request containing information about the product and customer. When receiving the request, the ISV server executes product subscription and informs KooGallery about the subscription result.
- A unique instance ID (instanceId) should be returned for the order. The instance IDs (instanceId) of different subscription orders must be different. Use businessId provided by KooGallery to ensure that instanceId is globally unique.
Pay-per-use products are traded by specification. If a specification in an order has multiple pay-per-use billing items, you need to create instances for these billing items separately based on orderId (the same order ID) and productId (different product IDs). That is, in pay-per-use transactions, an order has multiple instances.
- If the interface fails to respond, KooGallery will notify you by sending an email to the email address bound to your Huawei Cloud account. The interface exception information will be displayed on the Transaction Management > Service Interface Messages page. Rectify the exception as soon as possible to avoid order cancellation.
If the subscription interface fails to be called, KooGallery will retry for 3 hours. If the interface exception is rectified, the next call will be successful and the order will be placed successfully. If the exception persists after 3 hours, KooGallery determines that the order fails to be placed and automatically cancels the order. If more than five orders failed in a month due to interface failures, KooGallery will remove the product from the catalog.
- Check the email address bound to your Huawei Cloud account and the Message Center. If you receive an email or message about an interface calling failure, rectify the exception as soon as possible.
- KooGallery monitors interface exceptions. If subscriptions to a SaaS product frequently fail due to interface exceptions, KooGallery will remove the product from the catalog.
- When processing an interface request, your server must ensure idempotency.
KooGallery may resend requests for a single order. If receiving a duplicate order, your server needs to return a success response and the information about the successfully created app instance, rather than create a SaaS instance.
In pay-per-use transactions, ensure idempotency based on the order ID (orderId) and product ID (productId).
The following figure shows the process of purchasing a product.
Request Message
The following table describes the request parameters. In KooGallery, requests are generated based on the subscription mode of products released by you. You need to provide services based on requests.
Request method: GET
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Maximum Length |
Description |
authToken |
Yes |
String |
50 |
Security verification token. For details about the values, see authToken Value. |
timeStamp |
Yes |
String |
20 |
UTC timestamp when a request is initiated. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS |
activity |
Yes |
String |
20 |
Request ID, which is used to distinguish the scenario. For new subscriptions, the value is newInstance. |
customerId |
Yes |
String |
100 |
Unique ID of a customer on Huawei Cloud. |
customerName |
No |
String |
64 |
Customer's username on Huawei Cloud. |
userId |
No |
String |
64 |
Unique ID mapping the username used to log in to the system as an Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. Optional. If this parameter is required, select To create an account based on IAM username for User Authorization Required when releasing the product. |
userName |
No |
String |
64 |
Username of the customer used to log in to the system as an IAM user. Optional. If this parameter is required, select To create an account based on IAM username for User Authorization Required when releasing the product. |
mobilePhone |
No |
String |
256 |
Customer's mobile number. Optional. If this parameter is required, select To create an account based on phone number for User Authorization Required when releasing the product. The value is an encrypted mobile number. The mobile number encryption rules are as follows: The value consists of a 16-bit encryption initialization vector (IV) and a Base-encoded mobile number ciphertext.
For details about the example code of mobile number decryption, see ISV Server Decrypting the Mobile Number and Email Address.
This parameter does not contain the country code. If a customer does not bind the mobile number, the parameter cannot be obtained. |
No |
String |
256 |
Customer's email address. Optional. If this parameter is required, select To create an account based on email address for User Authorization Required when releasing the product. The value is an encrypted email address. The email address encryption rules are as follows: The value consists of a 16-bit encryption IV and a Base-encoded email ciphertext.
For details about the example code of email address decryption, see ISV Server Decrypting the Mobile Number and Email Address. |
businessId |
Yes |
String |
64 |
KooGallery business ID. The value of businessId is different for each request. |
orderId |
Yes |
String |
64 |
KooGallery order ID. |
skuCode |
No |
String |
64 |
Specification ID. When renewing the subscription of a yearly/monthly product, a customer can change the billing mode (for example, from monthly to yearly). In this case, productId corresponding to instanceId of the instance enabled by the customer changes, but the value of skuCode does not change.
After a product is approved and successfully released to KooGallery, you can obtain this parameter in the Seller Console. On the Product Management > My Products page, locate the product and click Details in the Operation column. The parameter can be obtained on the displayed page. |
productId |
Yes |
String |
64 |
Product ID. The value of productId varies between products of different billing modes under the same skuCode. For example, when you release a product and add a new specification, an skuCode value is generated. After yearly and monthly billing prices are configured, two productId values are generated.
After a product is approved and successfully released to KooGallery, you can obtain this parameter in the Seller Console. On the Product Management > My Products page, locate the product and click Details in the Operation column. The parameter can be obtained on the displayed page. |
testFlag |
No |
String |
2 |
Whether a request is submitted for debugging.
trialFlag |
No |
String |
2 |
Whether an instance is created for a trial.
expireTime |
No |
DateTime |
20 |
Expiration time. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss
chargingMode |
No |
Integer |
[3] |
Billing mode. 0: pay-per-use. 1: yearly/monthly/daily. 3: one-time payment. 5: pay-per-use package. |
saasExtendParams |
No |
String |
2,048 |
Extension parameters. These parameters are optional. The extension parameters are a JSON string carried in the url parameter in the form of urlEncode(base64(saasExtendParams)). After obtaining the value of the saasExtendParams parameter, your server needs to use base64Decode(urlDecode(saasExtendParams)) to obtain the JSON string of the extension parameters. For example, emailDomainName and extendParamName in the JSON string [{"name":"emailDomainName","value":""},{"name":"extendParamName","value":"extendParamValue"}] are the parameter values set during product release. |
amount |
No |
Integer |
4 |
Product attribute of the quantity type. This parameter is optional. Attribute name: quantity (customizable) Unit: none
When customers subscribe to multi-SKU SaaS products (billing mode: yearly/monthly or one-time) with specifications that contain the quantity type attribute, they specify or modify the number or usage times. Example: 30 users |
diskSize |
No |
Integer |
4 |
Product attribute of the quantity type. Optional. Attribute name: disk size (customizable) Unit: GB
When customers subscribe to multi-SKU SaaS products (billing mode: yearly/monthly or one-time) with specifications that contain the disk size attribute, they specify or modify the disk size. Example: 100 GB |
bandWidth |
No |
Integer |
4 |
Product attribute of the quantity type. Optional. Attribute name: bandwidth (customizable) Unit: Mbit/s
When customers subscribe to multi-SKU SaaS products (billing mode: yearly/monthly or one-time) with specifications that contain the bandwidth attribute, they specify or modify the amount of bandwidth. Example: 20 Mbit/s |
periodType |
No |
String |
10 |
Period type.
This parameter is only required for yearly/monthly/daily product or pay-per-use package subscriptions (the value of chargingMode is set to 1 or 5). Yearly subscription: year Monthly subscription: month Daily subscription: day If chargingMode is set to 3 or 0, do not pass this parameter. |
periodNumber |
No |
integer |
5 |
Number of periods.
This parameter is only required for yearly/monthly/daily product or pay-per-use package subscriptions (the value of chargingMode is set to 1 or 5). Enter a positive integer, for example, 1, 2, and 3. |
orderAmount |
No |
bigdecimal |
20 |
Order amount.
This parameter is required only for common product subscriptions. The amount is the actual payment amount, which you can check during reconciliation. The amount is greater than or equal to 0 and can contain a maximum of three decimal places. Unit: USD |
provisionType |
No |
integer |
2 |
Instance provisioning mode.
acceptanceTime |
No |
String |
20 |
Acceptance time.
The value is the time when billing for the product starts. If provisionType is set to Provision after acceptance, this parameter is required. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS |
startTime |
No |
String |
20 |
Start time. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss
This parameter is transferred only for pay-per-use packages. |

- On May 12, 2018, interface parameters trialFlag and skuCode were added.
- Set these parameters for products released or product specifications added after May 12, 2018. All three values of trialFlag must be successfully debugged.
- If a product was successfully released before May 12, 2018 and does not involve the free trial, the interface debugging is not required.
- On August 9, 2018, the interface for releasing SaaS products whose billing mode is one-time was added. If this billing mode is selected for a product release, the interface must be successfully debugged based on the SaaS Product Access Guide.
- On September 27, 2019, interface parameters amount, diskSize, and bandWidth were added for attributes of the quantity type.
If product specifications that are priced using a custom template contain attributes of the quantity type, such as number, bandwidth, and disk size, create the attributes on the product attribute management page, and navigate to the Application Access Debugging page to set related parameters and debug the interfaces. After the debugging is successful, you can release the product specifications.
- For details, see Interface Debugging.
Example request: &expireTime=20180725000000&orderId=HWS001014ED483AA1E8&productId= 005a8781ef0c4a47a3dbfc4c1e72871e&saasExtendParams=W3sibmFtZSI6ImVtYWlsMTEiLCJ2YWx1ZSI6ImVtYWlsMTFlbWFpbDExIn0seyJuYW1lIjoiZW1haWwyMiIsInZhbHVlIjoiZW1haWwyMmVtYWlsMjIifV0%3D&timeStamp=20170725025113409&testFlag=0&authToken=09lsS5y+KCtxBu+ON4TXv1SrjH5KVYka9sx2MauHrQU=
Response Message
The following table describes the response parameters.
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Maximum Length |
Description |
resultCode |
Yes |
String |
6 |
Result code. For details, see Invocation Result Codes. |
resultMsg |
No |
String |
255 |
Result message. |
encryptType |
No |
String |
2 |
Algorithm for encrypting sensitive information. 1: AES256_CBC_PKCS5Padding (default) 2: AES128_CBC_PKCS5Padding
If the value of this parameter is AES256_CBC_PKCS5Padding, 1 is returned; if the value is AES128_CBC_PKCS5Padding, 2 is returned. |
instanceId |
No |
String |
64 |
Instance ID, which is a unique ID provided by a seller. Use businessId provided by KooGallery to ensure that instanceId is globally unique.
The value of businessId in each request sent by KooGallery is different. If you use businessId as instanceId, use businessId in the first request sent by KooGallery. If instanceId is generated in other ways, for example, using a universally unique identifier (UUID), ensure that it is globally unique. Identical values of instanceId will cause a failure of enabling a SaaS app instance. |
appInfo |
No |
AppInfo |
N/A |
App instance information. After a customer purchases a product, return a login address (website address) or an address that does not require login for the customer to perform subsequent operations.
You must provide customers who purchase your SaaS products with the app usage information, including the addresses, accounts, and passwords. If the usage information can be sent through SMS messages, emails, or other methods, this parameter is not required in the response. Otherwise, the app instance information must be returned in the response. You can use the memo parameter to specify usage instructions or other information if any. appInfo is a JSON string. For details about its data structure, see the following table. |
The following table describes the AppInfo data structure.
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Maximum Length |
Description |
frontEndUrl |
Yes |
String |
512 |
Frontend URL. URL of the website that the customer can access to use the purchased product. |
adminUrl |
No |
String |
512 |
Management URL. URL of the backend website that the customer can access to manage the purchased product. |
userName |
No |
String |
128 |
Encrypted administrator account. Account (usually an email address or mobile number) used by a customer to access the management backend of the seller after purchasing a product. The value consists of a 16-bit encryption IV and a Base-encoded username ciphertext.
password |
No |
String |
128 |
Encrypted initial password of the administrator. Password (usually generated by you) used by a customer to access the management backend. The value consists of a 16-bit encryption IV and a Base-encoded password ciphertext.
ip |
No |
String |
64 |
IP address of the website. |
memo |
No |
String |
1,024 |
Remarks. |

- For details about how to obtain accessKey, see Obtaining the Key.
- The lengths of the username and password ciphertexts are verified, which include the IVs.
- When processing an interface request, your server must ensure idempotency.
KooGallery may resend requests for a single order. If receiving a duplicate order, your server needs to return a success response and the information about the successfully created app instance, rather than create a SaaS instance.
- If a SaaS instance information (for example, the adminUrl) changes, call the interface again in KooGallery. When the same orderId is provided by KooGallery, your server returns information about the updated SaaS instance information.
For security purposes, KooGallery does not store SaaS instance information for a long time.
In the ISV production interface response messages, only the value of the memo parameter can include Chinese characters.
Example response:
{ "resultCode":"000000", "resultMsg":"success.", "instanceId":"03pf80c2bae96vc49b80b917bea776d7", "encryptType":"1", "appInfo":{ "frontEndUrl":"", "adminUrl":"http://www.", "userName":"luQg154bx766030TobyT0ghfQRx3tvVEdpwMRg==", "password":"7Bx4DyX7980a59T0qbhnpfhCz82Uc5cZQQtExg==", "memo":"Test" } }
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