Basics of Docker
Docker is an open-source container engine which allows you to create a lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient container for any application. SWR is compatible with Docker, allowing you to use Docker CLI and APIs to manage your images.
Installing Docker
Before installing Docker, get a basic understanding of what Docker is and how it works. For more information, see Docker Documentation.
Docker is compatible with almost all operating systems. Select a Docker version that best suits your needs. If you are not sure which Docker community edition to use, see
- To use SWR, the Docker version must be between 1.11.2 (included) and 24.0.9 (included).
- Bind an elastic IP address first if your server runs in a private network as the installation requires Internet connection.
On a device running Linux, run the following commands to quickly install Docker:
curl -fsSL -o sh sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker
Building a Container Image
This section walks you through the steps of using a Dockerfile to build a container image for a simple web application. Dockerfile is a text file that contains all the instructions a user can call on the command line to build an image. A container image is a stack consisting of multiple layers. Each instruction creates a layer.
When using a browser to access a containerized application built from a Nginx image, you will see the default Nginx welcome page. In this section, you will build a new image based on the Nginx image to change the welcome message to Hello, SWR!
- Log in to the device running Docker as a root user.
- Run the following commands to create an empty file named Dockerfile:
mkdir mynginx
cd mynginx
touch Dockerfile
- Edit Dockerfile.
vim Dockerfile
Add the following instructions to the Dockerfile:
FROM nginx RUN echo '<h1>Hello,SWR!</h1>' > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
In the preceding instructions:
- FROM: creates a layer from the base image. A valid Dockerfile must start with a FROM instruction. In this example, the Nginx image is used as the base image.
- RUN: executes a command to create a new layer. One of its syntax forms is RUN <command>. In this example, the echo command is executed to display Hello, SWR!
Save the changes and exit.
- Run docker build [option] <context path> to build an image.
docker build -t nginx:v1 .
- -t nginx:v1: specifies the image name and tag.
- .: indicates the path where the Dockerfile is located. All contents in this path are packed and sent to the Docker to build an image.
- Run the following command to check the created image. The command output shows that the nginx image has been created with a tag of v1.
docker images
Creating an Image Package
This section describes how to compress a container image into a .tar or .tar.gz package.
- Log in to the device running Docker as a root user.
- Run the following command to list images.
docker images
Check the name and tag of the image to be compressed.
- Run the following command to compress the image into a package.
docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]
OPTIONS: You can set this to --output or -o, indicating that the image is exported to a file.
The file should be in either .tar or .tar.gz.
$ docker save nginx:latest > nginx.tar $ ls -sh nginx.tar 108M nginx.tar $ docker save php:5-apache > php.tar.gz $ ls -sh php.tar.gz 372M php.tar.gz $ docker save --output nginx.tar nginx $ ls -sh nginx.tar 108M nginx.tar $ docker save -o nginx-all.tar nginx $ docker save -o nginx-latest.tar nginx:latest
Importing an Image File
This section describes how to import an image package as an image using the docker load command.
There are two modes:
docker load < Path/File name.tar
docker load --input Path/File name.tar or docker load -i Path/File name.tar
$ docker load --input fedora.tar
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