Updated on 2023-10-18 GMT+08:00

Applying a Parameter Template


Changes to parameters in a custom parameter template do not take effect until the template is applied to instances.

  • The parameter innodb_buffer_pool_size is determined by the memory. Instances of different specifications have different value ranges. If this parameter value is out of range of the instance to which the parameter template is applied, the maximum value within the range is used.
  • A parameter template can be applied only to instances of the same DB engine version.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and a project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner of the page, choose Database > GaussDB(for MySQL).
  4. On the Parameter Templates page, apply a default template or a custom template to an instance:

    • To apply a default template, click Default Templates, locate a parameter template and click Apply in the Operation column.
    • To apply a custom template, click Custom Templates, locate a parameter template and choose More > Apply in the Operation column.

    A parameter template can be applied to one or more instances.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, select one or more instances to which the parameter template will be applied and click OK.

    After the parameter template is applied, you can view its application records.