Help Center/ Elastic Cloud Server/ User Guide/ Passwords and Key Pairs/ Passwords/ Application Scenarios for Using Passwords
Updated on 2024-05-14 GMT+08:00

Application Scenarios for Using Passwords

The password for logging in to your ECS is important and please keep it secure. You can reset the password if it is forgotten or expires.

Table 1 provides guidance on how to reset your password in different scenarios.

Table 1 Resetting a password



Changing the Login Password on an ECS


Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS

The password reset plug-in has not been installed.


Table 2 shows the ECS password complexity requirements.

Table 2 Password complexity requirements




  • Consists of 8 to 26 characters.
  • Contains at least three of the following character types:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Digits
    • Special characters for Linux: !@%-_=+[]:./^,{}?
  • Cannot contain the username or the username spelled backwards.
  • Cannot start with a slash (/) for Windows ECSs.