Updated on 2023-12-05 GMT+08:00

Creating and Running an MRS Data Masking Task

Create an MRS data masking task to mask sensitive information of specified data.

This section describes how to create an MRS data masking task.



Currently, only MRS_HIVE is supported.

Creating and Running an MRS Data Masking Task

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, click and choose Security & Compliance > Data Security Center.
  4. In the left navigation pane, choose Data privacy protection > Perform static data masking and click the MRS tab. The MRS masking page is displayed.

    Figure 1 MRS data masking

  5. On the MRS tab, click to enable MRS data masking.
  6. Click Create Task and configure parameters according to Table 1.

    Figure 2 Configuring the data source
    Table 1 Datas source parameters



    Task Name

    You can create a custom name for a data masking task.

    The task name must meet the following requirements:
    • It can contain 1 to 255 characters.
    • Only letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.

    Select Data Source

    Select a data source. Only MRS_HIVE is available.

    Data Source


    If no data is available, click Add Database to add database assets. For details, see Adding a Cloud Database.

    Database instance: Select the database instance where the data you want to mask is.

    Database: Select the name of the database where the data you want to mask is.

    Table name: Select the name of the database table where the data you want to mask is.

    Select a column name and copy the data in the column to the target database.

  7. Click Next.

    Figure 3 Setting a masking algorithm
    1. Select the data columns you want to mask.
    2. Select a data masking algorithm. For details about data masking algorithms, see Configuring a Data Masking Rule.

  8. Click Next.

    Figure 4 Masking period

    Select and set the execution period of a masking task.

    • Manual: Manually enable a masking task and execute it based on masking rules.
    • Hourly: A data masking task is executed every several hours.

      For example, to execute a data masking task every two hours, set this parameter to 02:00.

    • Daily: A data masking task is executed at a specified time every day.

      For example, to execute a data masking task at 12:00 every day, set this parameter to 12:00:00.

    • Weekly: A data masking task is executed at a specified time every week.

      For example, to execute a data masking task at 12:00 every Monday, set this parameter to 12:00:00 every Monday.

    • Monthly: A data masking task is executed at a specified time on a specified day every month.

      For example, to execute a data masking task at 12:00 on the 12th day of each month, set this parameter to 12:00:00 12th day of every month.

      If you need to execute a data masking task on the 31st day of each month and the month has fewer than 31 days, the system automatically executes the task on the last day of the month.

  9. Click Next.

    Figure 5 Setting target data
    1. Select a database instance and database name, and enter the database table name.

      If the data table name you entered already exists, the system updates the data table in the target database.

      If the data table name you entered does not exist, the system automatically creates a data table with the same name in the target database.

      Do not fill in an existing service data table. Otherwise, services may be affected.

    2. Set the column name of the target data type.

      By default, the system generates the same name as the data source column. You can retain the default name or change it as needed.

  10. Click Finish.
  11. Click the MRS tab. Locate the row containing the target data masking task and click Execute in the Operation column.
  12. The system starts to execute the data masking task as configured.

Viewing the Status of an MRS Data Masking Task

  • On the MRS tab page, click of the target data masking task to view it execution status.
    The statuses are as follows:
    • Completed: The data masking task has been successfully executed.
    • Running: The data masking task is being executed.
    • Pending execution: The data masking task is not executed.
    • Stopped: The data masking task has been manually stopped.
    • Failed: The data masking task fails to be executed.
    Figure 6 MRS data masking task statuses

Editing and Deleting an MRS Data Masking Task

A data masking task in the Pending execution or Running state cannot be edited or deleted.

  • In the MRS data masking task list, locate the row containing the target data masking task and click Edit in the Operation column to modify masking task information. For details, see Creating and Running an MRS Data Masking Task.
    Figure 7 Editing an MRS data masking task
  • In the MRS data masking task list, locate the row containing the target data masking task and click Delete in the Operation column.
    Figure 8 Deleting an MRS data masking task

    Deleted data masking tasks cannot be recovered.