Updated on 2023-12-14 GMT+08:00

Creating a Queue

Before executing a job, you need to create a queue.

  • If you use a sub-account to create a queue for the first time, log in to the DLI management console using the main account and keep records in the DLI database before creating a queue.
  • It takes 6 to 10 minutes for a job running on a new queue for the first time.
  • After a queue is created, if no job is run within one hour, the system releases the queue.
  • Queues with 16 CUs do not support scale-out or scale-in.
  • Queues with 64 CUs do not support scale-in.


  1. You can create a queue on the Overview, SQL Editor, or Queue Management page.
    • In the upper right corner of the Overview page, click Purchase Queue.
    • To create a queue on the Queue Management page:
      1. In the navigation pane of the DLI management console, choose Resources >Queue Management.
      2. In the upper right corner of the Queue Management page, click Buy Queue to create a queue.
    • To create a queue on the SQL Editor page:
      1. In the navigation pane of the DLI management console, click SQL Editor.
      2. Click Queues. On the tab page displayed, click on the right to create a queue.
  2. On the Buy Queue page displayed, set the parameters according to Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameters



    Billing Mode

    Pay-per-use Billing for CUH used = Number of CUs x Usage duration x Unit price. You are billed for used CUs on an hourly basis (rounded up to the nearest hour). The pay-per-use billing mode is adopted. You are advised to purchase the CUH package to enjoy preferential price.


    Select a region. Select a region near you to ensure the lowest latency possible.


    Each region corresponds to a project.


    Name of a queue.

    • The queue name can contain only digits, letters, and underscores (_), but cannot contain only digits, start with an underscore (_), or be left unspecified.
    • The length of the name cannot exceed 128 characters.

    The queue name is case-insensitive. Uppercase letters will be automatically converted to lowercase letters.


    • For SQL: compute resources used for SQL jobs.
    • For general purpose: compute resources used for Spark and Flink jobs.

      Selecting Dedicated Resource Mode when Pay-per-use is selected for Billing Mode enables you to create a dedicated queue. Enhanced datasource connections can only be created for dedicated queues. You will be billed by calendar hour since the dedicated queue is created.


    The compute nodes' total number of CUs. One CU equals one vCPU and 4 GB of memory. DLI automatically assigns CPU and memory resources to each compute node, and the client does not need to know how many compute nodes are being used.

    Enterprise Project

    If the created queue belongs to an enterprise project, you can select the corresponding enterprise project.

    An enterprise project facilitates project-level management and grouping of cloud resources and users.

    For details about how to set an enterprise project, see Enterprise Management User Guide.


    This parameter is displayed only for users who have enabled the Enterprise Management Service.


    Description of the queue to be created. The description can contain a maximum of 128 characters.

    Advanced Settings

    In the Queue Type area, select Dedicated Resource Mode and then click Advanced Settings.
    • Default: The system automatically configures the parameter.
    • Custom

      CIDR Block: You can specify the CIDR block. For details, see Modifying the CIDR Block. If DLI enhanced datasource connection is used, the CIDR block of the DLI queue cannot overlap with that of the data source.

      Recommended CIDR block:

      Queue Type: When running an AI-related SQL job, select AI-enhanced. When running other jobs, select Basic.


    Tags used to identify cloud resources. A tag includes the tag key and tag value. If you want to use the same tag to identify multiple cloud resources, that is, to select the same tag from the drop-down list box for all services, you are advised to create predefined tags on the Tag Management Service (TMS).

    For details, see Tag Management Service User Guide.

    • A maximum of 20 tags can be added.
    • Only one tag value can be added to a tag key.
    • The key name in each resource must be unique.
    • Tag key: Enter a tag key name in the text box.

      A tag key can contain a maximum of 128 characters. Only letters, digits, spaces, and special characters (_.:=+-@) are allowed, but the value cannot start or end with a space or start with _sys_.

    • Tag value: Enter a tag value in the text box.

      A tag value can contain a maximum of 225 characters. Only letters, digits, spaces, and special characters (_.:=+-@) are allowed. The value cannot start or end with a space.

  3. Click Buy Now to confirm the configuration.
  4. Confirm the configuration and click Submit.

    If the queue name already exists, the system displays a message indicating that the queue name already exists when you click Submit. In this case, click Previous to go back to modify the queue name.

  5. After a queue is created, you can view and select the queue for use on the Queue Management page.

    It takes 6 to 10 minutes for a job running on a new queue for the first time.