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Updated on 2022-09-16 GMT+08:00

This section uses the Linux operating system as an example to describe how to restore the downloaded backup file of a cluster to your on-premises database. For details about how to download backup files, see Downloading Backup Files.


  • This method applies only to cluster instances.
  • Only DDS 3.4 and 4.0 instances can be restored in this method. DDS 4.2 does not support this method.
  • The directories, IP addresses, and ports provided in the example are for reference only. Configure these items based on your service requirements.
  • There is one backup file of the configsvr node and multiple backup files of the shardsrv node. The number of backup files depends on the number of shardsvr nodes.
  • After the backup file is downloaded, decompress the file using LZ4. Command for reference: lz4 -d $1 | tar -xC $2

    $1: indicates the downloaded backup file.

    $2: indicates the directory to which the backup file is decompressed.


MongoDB client 3.4 or 4.0 has been installed on your on-premises database.





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