Business Metrics

Updated on 2022-09-23 GMT+08:00

After data survey and requirement analysis, you must implement metrics. A metric is a statistical value that measures the overall characteristic of a target and reflects the business situation in a business activity of an enterprise. A metric consists of its name and value. The metric name and its definition reflect the quality and quantity of the metric. The metric value reflects the quantifiable values of the specified time, location, and condition of the metric. Business metrics are used to guide technical metrics, and technical metrics are used to implement business metrics.


You have designed a process. For details, see Designing Processes.

Creating and Publishing a Business Metric

  1. On the DataArts Studio console, locate an instance and click Access. On the displayed page, locate a workspace and click DataArts Architecture.
    Figure 1 DataArts Architecture
  2. On the DataArts Architecture page, choose Metrics > Business Metrics in the left navigation pane.
  3. In the process tree on the left, select a process and click Create.
  4. On the page displayed, set the parameters and click Publish.
    1. Configure basic settings.
      Figure 2 Basic Settings area
      Table 1 Parameters in the Basic Settings area




      The name of the business metric to create.


      • The metric code is automatically generated. You can configure the generation rule on the Configuration Center page of DataArts Architecture. For details, see Encoding Rules.


      This parameter is optional.


      Select the process that the metric belongs to. If no process is available, create one. Refer to Designing Processes for details.


      Your purpose of setting the metric.

      Metric Definition

      The definition of the metric must be accurately described.


      Remarks for the metric to create.

    2. Configure the metric information.
      Figure 3 Metric Information area
      Table 2 Parameters in the Metric Information area




      The computing logic of the business metric, which guides developers to design atomic and derivative metrics. Business metrics are used to guide the implementation of technical metrics only and are not calculated.


      The statistical period of a metric, which helps developers set the time limits.

      Statistical Dimension

      You can select an existing dimension from the drop-down list For details on how to create a dimension, see Creating Dimensions.

      Standard & Modifier

      Modifiers are abstract definitions of scenarios and are used to determine the measurement scope.

      Refresh Frequency

      The interval for updating a metric. Developers or operators can set the scheduling frequency of derivative metrics based on the metric update frequency.

      Metric Application Scenario

      The application scenarios of the metric.

      Associated Technical Metrics Type

      Select the type of the technical metric associated with the business metric. Available options include Derivative metric and Compound metric.

      Associated Technical Metrics

      Select a technical metric associated with the business metric.

      Measurement Object

      The field for measuring a metric.

      Measurement Unit

      The measurement unit of a metric.

    3. Configure the management information.
      Figure 4 Management Information area
      Table 3 Parameters in Management Information area



      Data Source

      The generator of data.

      Metric Mgmt Dept

      The department that manages the metric.

      Metric Owner

      Metric owner. You can enter the name of an owner or select an existing owner.

  5. In the dialog box displayed, select a reviewer and click OK.
  6. Repeat 3 to 5 to create and publish other business metrics.
  7. All the business metrics must be approved by reviewers.

    If the applications are approved, the business metrics are created.

Editing a Business Metric

  1. On the DataArts Architecture page, choose Metrics > Business Metrics in the left navigation pane.
    Figure 5 Managing business metrics
  2. In the business metric list, select the target metric and click Edit on the right.
  3. Edit the business metric information as required.
  4. Click Save to save the settings. Alternatively, click Publish to publish the edited business metric.

Publishing a Business Metric

If a business metric is created but not published, perform the following steps to publish it:

  1. On the DataArts Architecture page, choose Metrics > Business Metrics in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the business metric list, select the target metric and click Publish.
  3. In the dialog box displayed, select a reviewer and click OK.

    Figure 6 Submit for Publication dialog box

Suspending a Business Metric

You can perform the following steps to suspend a published business metric:

  1. On the DataArts Architecture page, choose Metrics > Business Metrics in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the business metric list, select the target business metric and click Suspend in the Operation column.
  3. In the dialog box displayed, select a reviewer and click OK. The business metric is suspended after the reviewer approves it.

    Figure 7 Apply for Suspension dialog box

Deleting a Business Metric

If a business metric is no longer needed, you can delete it. A business metric in the Published state can be deleted only after it is suspended.

  1. On the DataArts Architecture page, choose Metrics > Business Metrics in the left navigation pane.
  2. In the business metric list, select the target business metric and choose More > Delete above the list.
    Figure 8 Deleting a business metric
  3. In the dialog box displayed, confirm the information and click Yes.




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