Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00

Analyzing Cost Anomalies

Viewing Anomaly History

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Anomaly Detection.
  3. View the cost anomalies of the last 30 days in the Cost Anomaly Detection Summary area.

    • Anomalies Pending Feedback (Last 30 Days): number of cost anomalies waiting for you to give feedback on in the last 30 days
    • Cost Anomalies from the Last 30 Days: number of cost anomalies reported in the last 30 days
    • Cost Impact from the Last 30 Days: cost of the anomalies reported in the last 30 days

  4. Click the Cost Monitors tab.

  5. Click View Anomaly History in the Operation column of the monitor.

    All cost anomalies reported in the last 90 days are displayed.

    Table 1 Fields for anomaly history



    Detection Date

    Date when a cost anomaly is detected.

    Billing Mode

    How the resources with a cost anomaly are billed.


    Degree of an anomaly. Low indicates a small gap between the maximum forecasted cost and the actual cost when the anomaly is detected, and High indicates a large gap.

    Cost Impact

    • Pay-per-use expenditures

      The amount that a maximum forecasted cost in a given statistical period was exceeded by. Cost impact = Actual cost - Maximum forecasted cost

      For example, a cost impact of $20 USD means that the actual cost is $20 USD higher than the maximum forecasted cost in the statistical period.

    • Yearly/monthly expenditures

      The amount that the cost for the same period in the previous billing cycle was exceeded by. Cost impact = Actual cost for the current month - Cost for the same period in the previous month

      For example, a cost impact of $20 USD means that the MTD cost (excluding the cost of the current day) is $20 USD higher than that for the previous month.


    The length of time a cost anomaly persists for. The anomaly might not be only temporary.


    Name of the monitor that detects a cost anomaly.

    Service Type

    Name of the service where a cost anomaly is detected.

    Account Name

    Account that generates abnormal costs.


    Feedback provided in Providing Feedback.

    • Not provided: No feedback is provided.
    • Unforeseen anomaly: The detection result is accurate, and the anomaly is unforeseen.
    • False positive: It is not an anomaly.
    • Foreseen anomaly: The detection result is accurate, and the anomaly is foreseen.

  6. Click the value of Detection Date. You can view the details about that anomaly.

Analyzing Root Causes

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Anomaly Detection.
  3. Click the Anomaly History tab.
  4. View all anomalies detected by a specified monitor.
  5. Click a particular detection date to view the possible causes of the anomaly.

  6. Click View Cost Analysis to view the analyses so as to identify the root causes more accurately.

Providing Feedback

You can provide feedback on the accuracy of detected cost anomalies.

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Anomaly Detection.
  3. Click the Anomaly History tab.
  4. Click Give Feedback in the Operation column.
  5. Provide your feedback on the anomaly detection result.