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Help Center/ Cost Center/ User Guide/ Exporting Cost Details/ Export to OBS (OBT)/ Export to OBS - Fields for Amortized Costs

Export to OBS - Fields for Amortized Costs

Updated on 2025-02-25 GMT+08:00



Time Range

Time range over which costs are amortized.

For example, if Granularity is set to Daily to export files to OBS, the value of Time Range will be the period of days over which costs are amortized, for example, 2023-08-23 00:00:00 GMT+08:00/2023-08-24 00:00:00 GMT+08:00.

Billing Cycle

Billing cycle in which original costs for resources are generated.

Linked Account

The Huawei Cloud account that the cloud resources belong to.

PayerAccount Name

The account used to pay for Huawei Cloud resources.

Business Entity

The business entity that a cloud service belongs to.

Example: Huawei Cloud (The business entity of member accounts associated with a master account owned by an authorized distributor is the same as that of the master account.)

Service Type Code

The code of the cloud service type.

Example: hws.service.type.vpc

Service Type

The type of a cloud service.

Example: VPC

Resource Type Code

The resource type code of a cloud service.

Example: hws.resource.type.ip

Resource Type

The type of the resources of a cloud service.

Example: EVS

Service Type Code (Child Resource)

The service type code of a child resource (when the current cost is generated by resources attached to an ECS).

Service Type (Child Resource)

The service type of a child resource (when the current cost is generated by resources attached to an ECS).

Resource Type Code (Child Resource)

The resource type code of a child resource (when the current cost is generated by resources attached to an ECS).

Resource Type (Child Resource)

The resource type of a child resource (when the current cost is generated by resources attached to an ECS).

Product ID

ID of a product.

Specification Code

A group of codes used to describe the specifications of a cloud service.

Example: s3.small.1.linux


Resource specifications.

Example: General computing |si3.2xlarge.2|8vCPUs|16GB|linux

Region Code

The code of a region.

Example: cn-north-5


A cloud service region that provides public cloud service resources independently and serves a large geographical area.

Region: CN North-Beijing1


A physically isolated zone where resources have their own independent power supply and internal networks. One region can have multiple AZs, and if one AZ becomes faulty, the other AZs in the same region can still provide services. AZs in the same region can access each other as they are on the same intranet.

Example: AZ 1

Billing Mode

Billing mode. The options are as follows:

  • Yearly/Monthly
  • Pay-per-Use

Bill Type

The type of a billing item.

  • Expenditure-purchase: expenditures for purchased yearly/monthly subscriptions
  • Expenditure-renewal: expenditures for yearly/monthly subscriptions that you manually renew
  • Expenditure-use: expenditures for pay-per-use resources
  • Expenditure-auto-renewal: expenditures for yearly/monthly subscriptions that are automatically renewed
  • Expenditure-hourly billing: expenditures for reserved instances that are billed hourly
  • Expenditure-monthly payment: expenditures paid by month
  • Expenditure-unsubscription service charge: handling fees upon unsubscription
  • Expenditure-month-end deduction for support plan: expenditures paid at the end of a month for support plans
  • Expenditure-change: expenditures for changing the specifications of yearly/monthly subscriptions
  • Expenditure-tax: taxes for yearly/monthly subscriptions and pay-per-use products
  • Expenditure-difference amount: expenditures that HCDP users need to pay for if their expenditures do not reach the minimum guaranteed amount Difference amount = Guaranteed minimum payment amount – Expenditure amount
  • Refund-unsubscription: expenditures for a yearly/monthly subscription that is unsubscribed from or that specifications were downgraded for
  • Refund-change: expenditures for a yearly/monthly subscription that specifications were downgraded for
  • Refund-change to pay-per-use: expenditures for a yearly/monthly subscription when it is changed to pay-per-use
  • Refund-tax: taxes refunded when a yearly/monthly subscription is unsubscribed from or that specifications were downgraded for
  • Adjustment-compensation: expenditures compensated by Huawei Cloud
  • Adjustment-deduction: expenditures paid when Huawei Cloud makes an account adjustment. For example, when Huawei Cloud adjusts a specification downgrade order, the original refund amount is paid first.
  • Adjustment-compensation tax: taxes for Huawei Cloud compensations
  • Adjustment-deduction tax: taxes for Huawei Cloud account adjustments

Order No.

The unique identifier of a yearly/monthly order.

Combined Order No.

Order No. for multiple orders that need to be executed in a batch.

Start Time

Time when billing for a specified cloud service starts.

End Time

Time when billing for a specified cloud service ends.

Usage Type Code

The code of a usage type.

Example: Duration

Usage Type

The way a pay-per-use cloud service is billed.

Example: Duration:Second (Stream computing:Stream computing:Duration)

Usage Unit

The unit used to measure the product usage.

Example: second


The amount a cloud service was used within the amortization period, measured by such items as duration, capacity, count, or traffic.

Package Usage

The usage of a resource included in a package within the amortization period. If this usage does not exceed the package quota, no extra expenditures are incurred.

Usage in Reserved Instances

The usage of a resource included in a reserved instance within the amortization period. If this usage does not exceed the RI quota, no extra expenditures are incurred.

List Price

The price of a product without any discounts applied.

Amortized Amount

The cost that should be amortized for the current month.

Amortized Cash Coupon

The amount of cash coupons in the cost that has been amortized for the current month.


Whether the current pay-per-use instance is using spot pricing.

Resource ID

The unique ID of a cloud service resource.

Resource Name

Name of a cloud service resource.

Child Resource ID

The unique ID of a child resource for a cloud service.

Child Resource Name

Name of a child resource for a cloud service.

A child resource takes the subordinate position among several associated resources, for example, an EVS system disk is a child resource of an ECS.

Enterprise Project/ID

ID of the enterprise project selected when you purchased the resource.

Enterprise Project/Name

The enterprise project selected when you purchased the resource.

Resource Tag/**

The name of the cost tag for the resource during cost amortization.

After a tag is activated, it is called a cost tag.

Cost Category/**

The name of the cost category for the resource during cost amortization.

A tool used to automatically group your costs based on the defined rules. For details, see .





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