File Management

Updated on 2023-12-21 GMT+08:00

Android APK signature files and Maven build configuration file settings.xml can be created, edited, deleted, and controlled for access. The maximum file size is 100 KB, and the file type can be .xml, .key, .keystore, .jks, .crt, or .pem.

  • Uploading a file
    1. Log in to the CodeArts Build homepage.
    2. Click More in the upper right corner and choose Files.
    3. Click Upload File.
    4. In the displayed dialog box, select a file, add a description, agree to the statements, and click Save.

  • Managing a file

    After uploading a file, you can edit, download, and delete it, and configure file operation permissions for the user.

    • Click in the Operation column to modify the file name and specify whether to allow all members of your account to use the file in CodeArts Build.
    • Click in the Operation column to download the file.
    • Click in the Operation column and confirm the deletion as prompted.
    • Click in the Operation column to configure file operation permissions for the user.

      Table 1 File management permissions


      Role with the Permission

      Create a file

      All users in the project

      View a file

      File creator and users under the same account

      Use a file

      File creator and users with the use permissions configured by the file creator

      Update a file

      File creator and users with the update permissions configured by the file creator

      Delete a file

      File creator and users with the delete permissions configured by the file creator

      Manage permissions

      File creator


      By default, the creator has all permissions, which cannot be deleted or modified.

Generating Keystore Signature Files

  • Using Keytool to Generate Signature Files
    1. Find the JDK installation path and run keytool.exe.

    2. Run the following command to generate a .jks file:
      keytool -genkeypair -storepass 123456 -alias apksign -keypass 123456 -keyalg RSA -validity 20000 -keystore D:/android.jks

  • Using Android Studio to Generate Signature Files
    1. Open Android Studio and choose Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK.

    2. Click APK and click Next.
    3. Click Create new. In the dialog box displayed, enter related information, and click OK. Then click Next.

    4. View the signature generated file.


      You can upload the generated signature file to Files for unified management.

Using the settings.xml File

  1. When creating or editing a Maven build task, add the Download File from File Manager action on the Build Actions tab page, and select the uploaded settings.xml file.

  2. Add --settings settings.xml to the end of the default Maven build command so that you can use the file for build.





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