Updated on 2024-04-23 GMT+08:00

Updating a Node Pool


  • The modification of resource tags of a node pool takes effect only on new nodes. To synchronize the modification onto existing nodes, manually reset the existing nodes.
  • Changes to Kubernetes labels/taints in a node pool will be automatically synchronized to existing nodes. You do not need to reset these nodes.

Updating a Node Pool

  1. Log in to the CCE console.
  2. Click the cluster name to access the cluster console. Choose Nodes in the navigation pane and click the Node Pools tab on the right.
  3. Click Update next to the name of the node pool you will edit. Configure the parameters in the displayed Update Node Pool page.

    Basic Settings
    Table 1 Basic settings



    Node Pool Name

    Name of the node pool.

    Expected Nodes

    Change the number of nodes based on service requirements.

    Network Settings
    Table 2 Configuration parameters



    Virtual Private Cloud

    The VPC to which the cluster belongs by default, which cannot be changed.

    Node Subnet

    The node subnet selected during cluster creation is used by default. You can choose another subnet instead.

    • Multiple subnets: You can select multiple subnets in the same VPC for nodes. Newly added nodes will preferentially use the IP addresses from the top-ranking subnet.
    • Single subnet: Only one subnet is configured for your node pool. If the IP addresses of a single subnet are insufficient, configure multiple subnets. Otherwise, a node pool scale-out may fail.
    Advanced Settings
    Table 3 Advanced settings



    Resource Tag

    You can add resource tags to classify resources.

    You can create predefined tags on the TMS console. The predefined tags are available to all resources that support tags. You can use predefined tags to improve the tag creation and resource migration efficiency.

    CCE will automatically create the "CCE-Dynamic-Provisioning-Node=node id" tag.


    Modified resource tags automatically take effect on new nodes as well as existing nodes if Resource tags synchronized is selected in Synchronization for Existing Nodes.

    Kubernetes Label

    A key-value pair added to a Kubernetes object (such as a pod). After specifying a label, click Add. A maximum of 20 labels can be added.

    Labels can be used to distinguish nodes. With workload affinity settings, container pods can be scheduled to a specified node. For more information, see Labels and Selectors.


    Modified Kubernetes labels automatically take effect on new nodes as well as existing nodes if Kubernetes labels is selected in Synchronization for Existing Nodes.


    This field is left blank by default. You can add taints to configure node anti-affinity. A maximum of 20 taints are allowed for each node. Each taint contains the following parameters:
    • Key: A key must contain 1 to 63 characters, starting with a letter or digit. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.) are allowed. A DNS subdomain name can be used as the prefix of a key.
    • Value: A value must start with a letter or digit and can contain a maximum of 63 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.).
    • Effect: Available options are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule, and NoExecute.

    For details, see Managing Node Taints.


    Modified taints automatically take effect on new nodes as well as existing nodes if Taints is selected in Synchronization for Existing Nodes.

    Synchronization for Existing Nodes

    After the options are selected, changes to resource tags and Kubernetes labels/taints in the node pool will be synchronized to existing nodes.


    When you update a node pool, pay attention to the following if you change the status of Resource tags synchronized:

    • After the option is selected:
      • CCE will synchronize the resource tags configured in the node pool to existing nodes. If a resource tag with the same key of a resource tag in the node pool already exists on an ECS, the value of the tag on the ECS will be changed to that of the resource tag in the node pool.
      • Typically, it takes less than 10 minutes to synchronize resource tags onto existing nodes, depending on the number of nodes in the node pool.
      • Issue a resource tag synchronization request only after the previous synchronization is complete. Otherwise, the resource tags may be inconsistent between existing nodes.

    When you update a node pool, pay attention to the following if you change the state of Kubernetes labels or Taints:

    • When these options are deselected, the Kubernetes labels/taints of the existing and new nodes in the node pool may be inconsistent. If service scheduling relies on node labels or taints, the scheduling may fail or the node pool may fail to scale.
    • When these options are selected:
      • If you have modified or added labels or taints in the node pool, the modifications will be automatically synchronized to existing nodes typically in 10 minutes after Kubernetes labels or Taints is selected.
      • If you have deleted a label or taint in the node pool, you must manually delete the label or taint on the node list page after Kubernetes labels or Taints is selected.
      • If you have manually changed the key or effect of a taint on an existing node, a new taint will be added to the existing node after Kubernetes labels or Taints is selected. In the new taint, its key is different from the manually changed key but its value and effect are the same as those manually changed ones, or its effect is different from the manually changed effect but its key and value are the same as those manually changed ones. This is because a Kubernetes taint natively uses a key and effect as a key-value pair. The taints with different keys or effects are considered as two taints.

    Edit key pair

    Only node pools that use key pairs for login support key pair editing. You can select another key pair.


    The edited key pair automatically takes effect on newly added nodes. For existing nodes, manually reset the nodes for the modification to take effect.

  4. After the configuration, click OK.

    After the node pool parameters are updated, go to the Nodes page to check whether the node to which the node pool belongs is updated. You can reset the node to synchronize the configuration updates for the node pool.