Updated on 2022-12-30 GMT+08:00

Cluster Secrets

By default, CCE creates the following secrets in each namespace:

  • default-secret
  • paas.elb
  • default-token-xxxxx (xxxxx is a random number.)

The functions of these secrets are described as follows.


The type of default-secret is kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson. The data is the credential for logging in to the SWR image repository and is used to pull images from SWR. If you need to pull an image from SWR when creating a workload on CCE, set imagePullSecrets to default-secret.

apiVersion: v1                      
kind: Pod                          
  name: nginx                      
  - image: nginx:alpine            
    name: container-0               
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 200Mi
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 200Mi
  - name: default-secret

The data of default-secret is updated periodically, and the current data will expire after a certain period of time. You can run the describe command to view the expiration time in of default-secret.

Use default-secret directly instead of copying the secret content to create a new one. The credential in the copied secret will expire and the image cannot be pulled.

$ kubectl describe secret default-secret
Name:         default-secret
Namespace:    default
Labels:       secret-generated-by=cce
Annotations:  temporary-ak-sk-expires-at: 2021-11-26 20:55:31.380909 +0000 UTC

Type:  kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson

.dockerconfigjson:  347 bytes


The data of paas.elb is the temporary AK/SK data, which is used to create ELB load balancers during Service and ingress creation. The data of paas.elb is periodically updated and expires after a certain period of time.

In practice, you will not directly use paas.elb. However, do not delete it. Otherwise, ELB load balancers will fail to be created.


By default, Kubernetes creates a service account named default for each namespace. default-token-xxxxx is the key of the service account, and xxxxx is a random number.

$ kubectl get sa
default  1         30d
$ kubectl describe sa default
Name:                default
Namespace:           default
Labels:              <none>
Annotations:         <none>
Image pull secrets:  <none>
Mountable secrets:   default-token-vssmw
Tokens:              default-token-vssmw
Events:              <none>