Help Center> Cloud Bastion Host> User Guide> System Management> Sysconfig> Outgoing> Configuring the Outgoing SMS Gateway
Updated on 2023-09-22 GMT+08:00

Configuring the Outgoing SMS Gateway

To send SMS messages for login verification, password resetting, or alarm notifications, configure an outgoing SMS gateway.

Currently, you can select Built-in or Third-party SMS gateways. If you select Third-party, general SMS Gateway and Cloud SMS gateway are available.

  • Built-in: the default SMS gateway in the CBH system is used to send SMS messages.
  • Third-party: other SMS gateways. After entering values of URL and API Params, test whether the SMS service is proper.

This topic describes how to configure an outgoing SMS gateway.


  • The built-in SMS gateway cannot push CBH system alarm notifications.
  • General third-party SMS gateways can push CBH system alarm notifications.


You have the management permissions for the System module.

Built-in SMS gateway

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose System > Sysconfig > Outgoing.

    Figure 1 Outgoing

  3. In the SMS API area, click Edit.
  4. Select Built-in and enter a mobile number to verify the connectivity of the built-in SMS gateway.
  5. Click OK. You can then view SMS gateway configuration on the Outgoing tab.

General Third-party SMS Gateway

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose System > Sysconfig > Outgoing.

    Figure 2 Outgoing

  3. In the SMS API area, click Edit.
  4. Select Third-party and then select SMS Gateway from the SMS Conf drop-down list.

    In the displayed parameter list, specify other parameters as prompted.

  5. Click OK. You can then view SMS gateway configuration on the Outgoing tab.

    Table 1 SMS API parameters




    Request method. The options are POST and GET.


    URL of SMS API. You can enter a universal URL or a URL containing parameters.

    Do not enter MD5-encrypted URLs.

    HTTP Header

    HTTP request header. Use colons (:) to separate the name and value of the HTTP request header.

    Only HTTP and HTTPS gateways are supported.

    API Params

    API parameters of the SMS gateway. Replace keywords $MOBILE and $TEXT with the phone number and SMS content.


    Encode method. You can select UTF-8, Big5, or GB18030.


    Phone number for receiving the SMS messages. Enter an available phone number and verify the SMS message content.

    Figure 3 General SMS gateway

Third-party cloud SMS gateway

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose System > Sysconfig > Outgoing.

    Figure 4 Outgoing

  3. In the SMS API area, click Edit.
  4. Select Third-party and then select Huawei Cloud from the SMS Conf drop-down list.

    In the displayed parameter list, specify other parameters as prompted.

  5. Click OK. You can then view SMS gateway configuration on the Outgoing tab.

    Table 2 Cloud SMS gateway parameters




    The key of the SMS application.


    The secret of the SMS application.

    Application Access URL.

    Access URL of the SMS application.


    Channel number before the SMS message. To get this number, apply for your SMS signature first.

    Template ID

    ID of requested SMS template.


    Phone number for receiving the SMS messages. Enter an available phone number and verify the SMS message content.

    Figure 5 Cloud SMS gateway