Updated on 2024-09-06 GMT+08:00

Querying Expenditure Summary

You can view and export customer expenditure data.


  • The expenditure summary data of the current day can only be queried after 24:00 of the following day. The actual expenditure is subject to the expenditure details.
  • Customer expenditures are counted from the second day following the assignment of a customer to an account manager.
  • Customer expenditure data does not serve as a basis for settlement, payment, or invoicing.


  1. Sign in to Huawei Cloud as a partner.
  2. In the drop-down list of your account name, click Partner Center to go to the Partner Center.
  3. On the top navigation, select Sales > Customer Business > Customer Expenditure.
  4. Click the Expenditure Summary tab.
  5. Set search options to view customer expenditure summary as needed.

    Search options include Customer, Spent On, Account Manager, and Association Type.
    • View total expenditure amount and refund amount.

    • View customer bills.
      • Expenditures

        Click the Customer Expenditures tab to view expenditure data of each customer.

      • Refunds

        Click the Refunds tab to view refund data of each customer.

  6. Export expenditure summary.

    • Export the customer expenditures.

      Click Export > Export Customer Bills. Set the search options and click OK. When the export is complete, a message is displayed indicating that the export task has been created.

    • View export history.
      1. Choose Export > View Export to switch to the Export History page.
      2. Click Download in the Operation column to download and view completed expenditure records.