Prometheus Instance for Cloud Services

Updated on 2025-01-07 GMT+08:00

This type of instance is recommended when you need to monitor multiple metrics of cloud services.


  • Only one Prometheus instance for cloud services can be created in an enterprise project.

Creating a Prometheus Instance for Cloud Services

  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Prometheus Monitoring > Instances. On the displayed page, click Add Prometheus Instance.
  3. Set the instance name, enterprise project, and instance type.

    Table 1 Parameters for creating a Prometheus instance



    Instance Name

    Prometheus instance name.

    Enter a maximum of 100 characters and do not start or end with an underscore (_) or hyphen (-). Only letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens are allowed.

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project.

    • If you have selected All for Enterprise Project on the global settings page, select one from the drop-down list here.
    • If you have already selected an enterprise project on the global settings page, this option will be dimmed and cannot be changed.

    Instance Type

    Type of the Prometheus instance. Select Prometheus for Cloud Services.

  4. Click OK.

Connecting Cloud Services

  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Prometheus Monitoring > Instances.
  3. On the Prometheus instance list page, click a Prometheus instance for cloud services.
  4. In the Unconnected Cloud Services area on the right, select a cloud service to connect.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, set information about the cloud service.

    Table 2 Connecting a cloud service



    Select Prometheus Instance for Cloud Services

    Connect cloud service metrics to the Prometheus instance for cloud services.

    • Enterprise Project

      By default, the value is the enterprise project selected in 3. This option is grayed and cannot be changed.


      When connecting a cloud service through the access center, you can select the desired enterprise project from the drop-down list.

      If the existing enterprise projects cannot meet your requirements, create one by referring to Creating an Enterprise Project.

    • Prometheus Instance for Cloud Services

      By default, the value is the Prometheus instance selected in 3. This option is grayed and cannot be changed.


      By default, the value of this parameter is the Prometheus instance for cloud services under your selected enterprise project. If there is no such a Prometheus instance, create one.

    (Optional) Connect Cloud Service Tags

    Tags are used for aggregation and association. Select tag keys and their values will then be automatically synchronized. If the existing tags cannot meet your requirements, click Go to Tag Management Service (TMS) to add tags.

    Auto Sync

    If this function is enabled, tag changes will be synchronized.

  6. Click Connect Now.

More Operations

You can also perform the operations listed in Table 3 on the details page of the Prometheus instance for cloud services.

Table 3 Related operations



Searching for cloud services

On the Cloud Service Connection page, enter a keyword in the search box to search for a cloud service.

Disconnecting cloud services

On the Cloud Service Connection page, click a target cloud service. In the displayed dialog box, click Disconnect Cloud Service.

Checking or modifying tag configurations of connected cloud services

On the Cloud Service Connection page, click a cloud service under Connected Cloud Services to change cloud service tag settings. For details, see Table 2.





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