- What's New
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- User Guide
Template Reference
- Resource Formation Service
Application Orchestration Service
- Template Introduction
List of Elements
- Resource Indexes
- AntiDDos.Service
- AOS.Batch
- AOS.Stack
- APIG.ApiGroup
- APIG.Throttle
- APM.AutoScaler
- APM.Pinpoint
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler
- CCE.Cluster
- CCE.ConfigMap
- CCE.DaemonSet
- CCE.Deployment
- CCE.HelmRelease
- CCE.Ingress
- CCE.Job
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.Pod
- CCE.Secret
- CCE.Service
- CCE.StatefulSet
- CCE.Storage.EVS
- CCE.Storage.OBS
- CCE.Storage.SFS
- CCI.ConfigMap
- CCI.Deployment
- CCI.Ingress
- CCI.Job
- CCI.Namespace
- CCI.Secret
- CCI.Service
- CCI.StatefulSet
- CCI.Storage.EVS
- CCI.Storage.SFS
- CDN.Cache
- CDN.Domain
- CDN.Host
- CDN.Https
- CDN.PreheatJob
- CDN.Referer
- CDN.RefreshJob
- CDN.Source
- DBSS.Instance
- DCS.Redis
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingle
- DIS.Stream
- ECS.CloudServer
- ECS.ServerGroup
- ECS.KeyPair
- EVS.NonSharedVolume
- EVS.SharedVolume
- FGS.ApigEventMap
- FGS.CtsEventMap
- FGS.DisEventMap
- FGS.DmsEventMap
- FGS.Function
- FGS.LtsEventMap
- FGS.ObsEventMap
- FGS.TimerEventMap
- FGS.SmnEventMap
- HSS.Instance
- IAM.Agency
- IAM.UserGroup
- MRS.Cluster
- NAT.Instance
- NAT.SNatRule
- OBS.Bucket
- RDS.MySQL.DataBase
- RDS.MySQL.User
- RDS.PostgreSQL
- SCM.Cert
- ServiceStage.Agent
- ServiceStage.AppGroup
- ServiceStage.ContainerComponent
- ServiceStage.Job
- ServiceStage.StatefulApplication
- ServiceStage.StatelessApplication
- SFS.FileSystem
- SMN.Subscription
- SMN.Topic
- ULB.Healthmonitor
- ULB.Listener
- ULB.LoadBalancer
- ULB.Member
- ULB.Pool
- VPCEndpoint.Endpoint
- VPCEndpoint.EndpointService
- VPC.FirewallGroup
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Egress
- VPC.FirewallPolicy.Ingress
- VPC.FirewallRule
- VPC.SecurityGroup
- VPC.SecurityGroupRule
- VPC.Subnet
- VSS.WebScan
- WAF.service
Data Structure
- AOS.BatchItem
- APIG.BackendApi
- APIG.FuncInfo
- APIG.MockInfo
- APM.AutoscalerAction
- APM.AutoscalerActionParameters
- APM.AutoscalerCondition
- APM.AutoscalerRule
- Basic.KeyValuePair
- Basic.Label
- Basic.LabelSelector
- Basic.NameAndSecretValue
- Basic.NameKeyPair
- Basic.NameValuePair
- CCE.Addon.AutoScaler.Node
- CCE.DataVolume
- CCE.HelmChart
- CCE.Labels
- CCE.NodePool
- CCE.PublicIP
- CCI.Network
- CDN.Source
- CDN.CacheRule
- DCS.InstanceBackupPolicy
- DCS.PeriodicalBackupPlan
- DDS.BackupStrategy
- DDS.CommunityReplicaSetOrSingleMode.Flavor
- DDS.DDSCommunity.DataStore
- DDS.DDSCommunityReplicaOrSingle.Flavor
- ECS.DataVolume
- ECS.ExtendParam
- ECS.MountedVolumes
- ECS.Personality
- ECS.PublicIP
- ECS.RootVolume
- ECS.SecurityGroup
- ECS.ServerTags
- ECS.VolumeExtendParam
- EVS.Metadata
- FGS.Environment
- FGS.OBSFilter
- FGS.VpcConfig
- IAM.Agency.Role
- K8S.PodSecurityContext
- K8S.SecurityContext.SeLinuxOptions
- MRS.BootstrapScripts
- MRS.Components
- MRS.TaskNodeGroups
- MRS.Tags
- MySQL.DBUser
- MySQL.DBLinkedUser
- MySQL.DataBase
- MySQL.DataStore
- MySQL.UserDatabase
- PostgreSQL.DataStore
- RDS.BackupStrategy
- RDS.HA.Mysql
- RDS.HA.PostgreSQL
- RDS.Volume
- ULB.StickySession
- VPCEndpoint.Ports
- VPC.BandWidth
- VPC.PublicIP
- VSS.Resource
- WAF.Bandwidth
- WAF.Domain
- WAF.Service
- Appendix
API Reference
- Before You Start
Resource Formation APIs
- Calling APIs
- Listing Events of a Stack
- Obtaining Stack Metadata
- Listing Stacks
- Creating a Stack
- Obtaining a Stack Template
- Listing Stack Resources
- Listing Stack Outputs
- Continuing to Deploy a Stack
- Deploying a Stack
- Deleting a Stack
- Updating a Stack
- Deleting a Stack with Conditions
- Continuing to Roll Back a Stack
- Execution Plans
- Template Analysis
- Template Management
- Application Orchestration APIs
- Appendix
- FAQs
Element Description
The CDN.Source element can be used to modify information about the source server. Both the IP address and domain name of the source server can direct CDN nodes back to the source server. A source domain name cannot be the same as an acceleration domain name.
Element Properties
Property |
Required |
Descripiton |
sources |
Yes |
Source domain name or IP address Type: CDN.Source Array |
domainId |
Yes |
Acceleration domain name ID Type: HuaweiCloud.CDN.Domain.Id Value Description: You are advised to use the get_input function to obtain the value, or connect to the CDN.Domain object and use the get_reference function to obtain the value. |
Relationships Between Elements
Description |
Target |
Connected |
Return Value
Property |
Type |
Description |
refID |
string |
CDN Source ID |
Blueprint Example
tosca_definitions_version: huaweicloud_tosca_version_1_0 node_templates: cdnd4u36: type: HuaweiCloud.CDN.Domain properties: sources: - activeStandby: get_input: cdnd4u36_sources_0_activeStandby originType: get_input: cdnd4u36_sources_0_originType ipOrDomain: get_input: cdnd4u36_sources_0_ipOrDomain businessType: get_input: cdnd4u36_businessType domainName: get_input: cdnd4u36_domainName cdns3t06: type: HuaweiCloud.CDN.Source properties: sources: - activeStandby: get_input: cdns3t06_sources_0_activeStandby originType: get_input: cdns3t06_sources_0_originType ipOrDomain: get_input: cdns3t06_sources_0_ipOrDomain domainId: get_reference: cdnd4u36 requirements: - domainId: node: cdnd4u36 inputs: cdnd4u36_sources_0_activeStandby: description: Active/standby status default: master label: '' cdnd4u36_sources_0_originType: description: Source site type label: '' cdnd4u36_sources_0_ipOrDomain: description: Source IP address or domain name label: '' cdnd4u36_businessType: description: Domain name service type label: '' cdnd4u36_domainName: description: Acceleration domain name label: '' cdns3t06_sources_0_activeStandby: description: Active/standby status label: '' cdns3t06_sources_0_originType: description: Source site type label: '' cdns3t06_sources_0_ipOrDomain: description: Source IP address or domain name label: ''
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